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File: 891 KB, 1080x1339, jessica-weaver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13474032 No.13474032 [Reply] [Original]

Attractive people get paid more for doing less work and have far more success in the long run. Life would be so much better if I was born attractive. Ugly people should not be allowed to breed so they don't create people like me.

>> No.13474050

If only attractive people reproduced then our standards of beauty would just change.

>> No.13474063

honestly if you are ugly your strategy should be taking risk and either make it or gtfo and hope for another chance. I'm not gonna put up with this subhuman shit life, I'm maxing my credit out.

>> No.13474069

That's only partially true. It's been shown that infants prefer attractive women over ugly women.

>> No.13474079

You betting on crypto?

>> No.13474087

Invest in plastic urgery

>> No.13474104

this is a dark truth people will never tell you but all of life is a popularity contest. When people say that attention and status doesnt matter its because they have 0 desire to go anywhere in their lives. typically happy plump boomers who get excitement from watching TV or going to the slots...
being attractive is a big part of being likable and popular. as well as dressing nice and having a nice car. all that stuff has a psychological effect on people when they see you and are more likely to be polite to you etc...

>> No.13474130

You dont wanna go down that path of thought anon i am you but wiser
>t suicidal uggo with a small dick

>> No.13474142

aren't we all here?

>> No.13474187

Ugly/plain people are usually the ones signing their paychecks.

>> No.13474201
File: 94 KB, 667x960, frens4ever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"attention" and status DONT matter for your happiness. Having people in your life who love you and you can count on, and feeling like you are using your strengths to contribute to the larger body of good you are apart of do though. Attention and status only matter for people who are trapped by self concept, and use where they are at in comparison to others as a measuring stick evaluate how happy they can allow themselves to be. If you have people who love you and you feel you are meaningfully contributing to the body of good, it doesn't matter if youre a janitor or a CEO. Happiness is literally free. If youre numb to the good in your life because youre trapped by your self concept though its almost impossible to see.

>> No.13474203

If you do enough leetcode (programming interview prep site) you can make $400k a year and marry a gold digger

>> No.13474213

Only so much can be done with plastic surgery

>> No.13474235

Yes but it's a lifelong investment. You seem extremely insecure about your appearance so think about it.

>> No.13474253

i never said it mattered for happiness...

>> No.13474349

The fact that ugly people have bred to create you should be a sign of hope not despair my man.
t. attractive person

>> No.13474367

Sorry, you were saying that all of life comes down to what people think of you and how they evaluate you based on superficial metrics like looks, status etc. I thought you were talking about what ultimately matters in life, not about "going places" in life. I guess my follow up question would be isn't the point of going anywhere in life to be happy? I dont think you need to have superficial success to get there, I think thats a sort of cultural hypnosis people are under because of rap music, media, movies like wolf of walstreet, etc.. I think the way to true success in life is a simpler path than most people think.

>> No.13474472

>attractive people
everyone starts to look ass ugly when they hit 40 unless they work out regularly.

the real truth of the matter is that everyone who ever lived to old age, dies alone as an ugly bag of meat no one wants to even look at.

>> No.13474490

there was this guy who sued his wife because she had PS and their kids where ugly

>> No.13475164

Sounds like some r9k incel gen-z nerd science who tries to justify his shit existence. Either way truth sprinkle in there but not fully

based oldfag

>> No.13475231

I think that was some Korean advertisement (not real), I know what you're talking about.

>> No.13475263

The inside of boobs makes me want to vomit.

>> No.13475995
