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13471149 No.13471149 [Reply] [Original]

here are the basics:
80k TPS see pic
0.7 sec tx finality
aBFT consensus (tech break-through)

the tech explained:

15% staking reward or more
fantom fully supports ethereum smart contracts
over 100,000 lines of code on github
WASM support for java, rust, golang, js, etc.
dozens of devs working on the project every day
mainnet in Q2
deluded/hyped community (reminds me of raiblocks)
full transparency by the team + external audits
andre cronje was lead coder and is now tech advisor and head of biz development
superb partnerships with governments and billion dollar companies
will get listed on binance, bittrex, and korean exchanges like bithumb, upbit
insider rumor has it that fantom will be the first project to get listed on binance DEX
has more FUD than ETH had back in the day

FTM FUD BTFO - Must-read:

>> No.13471172


>80k TPS see pic

Is she a coder?

>> No.13471217
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see pic

>> No.13471443

tps is irrelevant when you lack decentralization and security you monkey brain nigger

>> No.13471793

decentralization is on par with ETH fucking mongoloid. that's the revolutionary thing about FTM, it's not a centralized shicone like EOS that has like 12 validator nodes - it's as decentralized as it gets. read the medium article.

>> No.13471803

>le premined dag cancer
kys you absolute fucking brainlet

>> No.13471806

wow so no proof just promises! Awesome!

>> No.13471807

for what you need 80k tps when you got like 3-4 per minute right now ?

>> No.13471838
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ETH had a premine as well newfag kys. Every crypto is a DAG by definition even BTC
there u go nigga
google ETH cryptokitties

>> No.13471883


>government seizes 7 of your nodes

What now genius

>> No.13471915

FTM will have countless staking nodes and hundreds/thousands of validator nodes. seizure impossible

>> No.13472320

>5 partnerships in the coming weeks
>2 months ago

>> No.13472383

"While theoretically possible, this does not equate to a real-world..."
learn to crop shill

>> No.13472629

>700,000 TPS in theory
>300,000 TPS eventually
>80,000 TPS today
fuck off brainlet, it's bullish af that the team is cautious with its words. better underpromise and overdeliver

>> No.13472712

If you think hugely overestimating the TPS and then positing a lower number is "cautious with wording" then you're on another planet you fuckwit. The lower number is an overestimation too, screencap this we've been here a million times before

>> No.13472747

dude i have personally participated in the testnet, i have seen the TPS stats in real-time. it's all opensource and on github for you to verify

>> No.13472766

You're posting this thread three times a day with "see pic" and a picture of jerk off instructions from the science fiction film kek runner 2049, you're not asking to be taken seriously my dude

>> No.13472876
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keep coping anon, keep coping. i like how you changed the topic after losing the argument. you are my bitch now

>> No.13473024

I've not changed the topic fuckwit, you made a claim, you provided no evidence other than you'd seen it, you made yourself the topic, your overall behaviour is transparent. Check the archive, you're a shill and a cunt.

>> No.13473039

Well pajeets, I just dropped 2 btc for 1 million plus fantom, what will this be worth in a few years?

>> No.13473086

a thank-you card from op for buying his bags

>> No.13473099


>> No.13473105

>it's as decentralized as it gets
that is NOT as decentralized as it gets dumbfuck

>> No.13473110

how does an erc-20 token have 80k tps? fantom is just an erc-20 token, isn't it?

>> No.13473118
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>it's as decentralized as it gets
>read the (((medium))) article


>> No.13473126

whats this broads name?

>> No.13473127
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>> No.13473162

Ana de armis

>> No.13473180
File: 137 KB, 1080x1194, Ana-De-Armas-See-Through.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13473312


>> No.13473666

Shit-tier fake

>> No.13474318

1.4 million and comfy af chad here

>> No.13474417
File: 74 KB, 638x676, DU1exqqVQAAI_Ar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frens. Why argue. The biggest gains are ahead with Fantom. We all can make it.

>> No.13474442
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my body is ready fren

>> No.13474926
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***WARNING: The people behind Fantom are criminals.****

Fantom was an ICO scam. They only had a white paper and that was a copy paste of Hashgraph's whitepaper. They lied about having 300,000 TPS (it will have only a few thousand TPS at mainnet). The gook founder doesn't know how to code, and the team were all fake. None of the original team are left. All their partnerships are fake (there is no substance behind them).

The Fantom team also tried to steal money from the 100,000 people who tried to get into their fake public ICO. They sent us a scam email telling us we were accepted and to send ETH to the wrong wallet (their personal wallet).

They begged Andre Cronje to build something for them. Andre has been involved with several other scams like Cryptocurve.

Fantom recently pumped and dumped their token. They used the ETH they raised from ICO to buy back Fantom tokens at the bottom after the price crashed. They then got their team and bots to shill non stop on Twitter to pump the price, and used a wash trading bot to create fake volume. They paid off crypto youtubers like chico crypto who expose scams, to stop them from exposing Fantom as a scam. They sold their tokens at ATH, and stopped shilling, turned off the wash trading bot and let the price free fall so they could buy back at under 100 sats to pump and dump again (around mainnet time in Q3).

I was the anon that shilled Fantom on biz. I misled and outright lied to you. Fantom is not "Ethereum, but without the scaling problems".. it's just a smart city meme shitcoin. Andre Cronje isn't "like having Vitalik as your core developer", hes just a blogger.

Andre Cronje said he is decreasing his blockchain focus. He has stopped committing code for over a month. He doesn't hold any Fantom.

Bagholders keep lying about exchange listings.

Pump and dump gook scam coin

>> No.13475168


>> No.13475200
File: 463 KB, 1080x1204, IMG_20190429_125817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop this faggotry anon, everyone is laughing at you.