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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 141 KB, 400x400, mr. clown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13470600 No.13470600 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think BSV shilling is organic? Think again, it's a kike operation to decimate crypto in general, they're scared.

>> No.13470614 [DELETED] 

it's working
I'm really close to leaving biz and selling everything

>> No.13470624

>projection: the post

>> No.13470635
File: 115 KB, 1000x594, Lightning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we will destroy Bitcoin by building Bitcoin according to the whitepaper!

>> No.13470636
File: 38 KB, 350x400, 820385022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you think BSV shilling is organic
t. Greg Maxwell

>> No.13470646

fuckin a. If anything will finally kill off any and all interest in crypto in general, and this board n particular, its the constant spamming of this annoying shitpiece

>> No.13470652

just add them to your filters. with around 30 filtered threads /biz/ actually starts to become readable again.
also checked. he was hired by the CIA.

>> No.13470665

I'm tired of this shit, makes me want to focus on something else.

>> No.13470674 [DELETED] 

yfw BSV shills are actually bros trying to get us to stop procrastinating

based BSV shills
bsv is still shit though

>> No.13470675

This isn't the bitcoin whitepaper, nice try retard.

>> No.13470682

No shit. This is what Lightning shills think is Bitcoin while they shit on SV.

>> No.13470694 [DELETED] 

"Lightning shills" shit on BSV because you spammed pics of the aussie who's fucking your wives on this board for a week now

>> No.13470702

Bros? No they're just a bunch of subhumans being paid in worthless BSV, this is pathetic. The mods should do something about this.

>> No.13470707
File: 16 KB, 768x222, What makes a node.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CSW defines what a node is clear as day and you faggots still resist.

>> No.13470712 [DELETED] 

If mods ban BSV talk they'll become pariahs, giving them more ground to stand on.

>> No.13470714


>> No.13470718

Just restrict them to a single general thread and we'll be fine.

>> No.13470719
File: 9 KB, 772x94, Non-mining node role.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The mods should do something about this.

>> No.13470740 [DELETED] 

creating a precedent for every shitcoin to be contained in its own general, this will suck all the fun out of biz.
There's no way to win against BSV shills, just wait until Craig stops paying them.

>> No.13470744

>The mods should do something about this
If you want censorship and an echo chamber, just go to reddit where Greg Maxwell will make sure you never hear a good thing about Satoshi again. Fucking moron!

>> No.13470770

>astroturf spam is ok
You haven't learned from the Twitter thing, did you?

>> No.13470779

>If you want censorship and an echo chamber, just go to reddit
In the meantime the same 15 threads about the same 15 shitcoins with the same shit memes are on rotation 24/7

This is the real echo chamber

>> No.13470786

I also want LINK, LIT and all this crap to be restricted to one thread. We don't need more than one shilll thread per crypto, being complacent with shills is killing the board.

>> No.13470788


>> No.13470803

they can shill all they want, anyone with half a brain realizes that this shitcoin has absolutely 0 credibility and it's like throwing your money into the ocean

>> No.13470806 [DELETED] 

LINK actually has good memes
you can laugh even if you don't hold any, they don't shit on anyone or scream KEK at everyone disagreeing with them
every other shitcoin just passes after a month

>> No.13470838

It's not like there are so much news about Link than one thread is not enough. One good thing about generals is that they are easy to hide.

>> No.13470866 [DELETED] 

I'm starting to agree with you... But mods won't fall for this, you know very well that the /biz/ mods are notoriously lazy, being on biz they probably despise the idea of working for free, and cleaning up spam is a lot of work.

>> No.13471410
File: 437 KB, 1200x603, FE9CF936-658F-41F3-A01C-9EF589D51F86.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine thinking Craig is a kike while shilling for Ada and bilderberg owned blockstream. Hardcore projection and delusion in this post, don’t worry schlmo the day of the stiffening is coming soon. Have a nice life ;)

>> No.13471555
File: 752 KB, 1000x600, 6538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13471715

thing is just because people here are pointing out CSWs fraud, doesn't mean they're in support of Blockstream or BTC either. but that's the only way your brain can comprehend I guess, by thinking that everything that questions your opinion must be part of the opposition. but i have some news for you, you're just dumb. Blockstream was infiltrated by the banks and CSW is a fraud pretending to be someone he isn't. my little fren, you should never become part of a belief system.

>> No.13472234 [DELETED] 

top tier brainlet bait

>> No.13472503
File: 230 KB, 592x781, 1545296617291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>great team
>great success
>no shilling 100% guaranteed
>many ruppees
it's time for you to join Kanji and take the brownpill

>> No.13473352

Craig is a Christian, a capitalist and works with the NSA. He's with the whitehat faction within the intel community, unironically works with Q military intel group, that's why he's untouchable.

CIA is literally a satanic demonkike organization, blackest of hats who push islam, international crime and communism to enslave and destroy the west. The same people who run Blockstream, Lightning, Bitfinex, Tether and the central banking cartel.

Details matter.