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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13469987 No.13469987 [Reply] [Original]

I have been envolved in crypto since the early days. Back in the early days we used to talk and meet on mIRC and other various boards. I have been fortunate to be able to stay in contact with alot of these early people till this day. I have attended most blockchain and crypto events since 2015.

Attending these events has rewarded me with the ability to become well connected in the crypto space. I get to form relationships with different developers of different projects and meet hedge fund managers who attended these things. Most of the people from the early days I keep in touch with do this as well.

Since we do this were able to get inside deals with new projects that come out because we network at these events. Not only are we able to get bonus tokens or priority before the average investor but we also hear about inside information before most others months in advance.

Since I have been very fortunate from being able to discover bitcoin from my early times on /g/ I feel as if I should give back to the community. I have been given some inside information from many of the people in my group about a crypto that will have institutional partnerships coming in Q4 2018.

I feel as if it's my time to give back to the site that made me get to where I am today. I won't be an asshole and make you guys roll for trips I'm simply going to tell you. You can choose to believe me or not I don't care but take it as you will.

I hope this helps all of you out. Big things are coming down the pipeline.

>> No.13469993

Okay Sanjay

>> No.13470012

say the fucking coin u dumb nigger. so i can fud it already

>> No.13470124


>> No.13470163

>back on the early days
you met on mIRC? it's just another irc client, what servers were you on and what year are "the early days"?

>> No.13470187

Will spamlink going to moon?

>> No.13470205
File: 78 KB, 465x493, 5E555DF8-2188-40D2-9663-8C7808284CB5-9573-000003213D838CC4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fake and gay

>> No.13470222

>envolved in crypto
>crypto events since 2015
Pajeet spotted

>> No.13470223


>> No.13470228
File: 36 KB, 398x431, 1524606179879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13470233

mIRC is for dumb pajeets

>> No.13470236

IRC is a protocol and mirc os only a client
Nobody talks like "we meet on mirc" you ircvirgin pajeet

>> No.13470241

i bet it's LIT

>> No.13470260


Those events and meetups are CREEPY.

>> No.13470266

>I won't be an asshole and make you guys roll for trips I'm simply going to tell you
>doesn't tell us

>> No.13470273

post screenshot of position with timestamp or gtfo

>> No.13470275

>Q4 2018

>> No.13470292

the only question that matters is when the bullrun begins

>> No.13470338

Seconding this. Goddamn these larps are gay.

t. LIT holder

>> No.13470349


>> No.13470352


also this

>> No.13470371
File: 90 KB, 768x1024, FC4DD206-2500-465A-BC5F-12FE5701EFC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.13470426

institutional partnerships coming in Q4 2018

>> No.13470511

>coming in Q4 2018.

>> No.13470535

Fucked up the copy pasta mate forgot to change the year to 2019.

>> No.13471046

>meet on mIRC

Nobody whos used IRC would say the client they used, they would just say meet on IRC.

>various other boards

Strange that you mention mIRC but not bitcointalk

Fuck off ranjeet

>> No.13471220

Fake and gay
copy pasta

>> No.13471364


>> No.13471380

>1 post by this id

>> No.13471387

Back to the future

>> No.13471407

I just made this thread, OP. >>13471306

Can you show me the way?

>> No.13471509

shit fake

2015 isn't early days and freenode is still busy