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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13468621 No.13468621 [Reply] [Original]

One of the businesses developing on top of Request just partnered with a huge crypto payment processor, GloBee. Gilded is funded by Request, and their Beta (with over 500 companies and individuals signed up) for their accounting software is starting soon. The software utilizes Request to invoice as well as detect payments and store the transaction details on Ethereum.

Gilded aims to integrate its software (which uses Request for triple entry accounting) into traditional accounting software like Quickbooks. This means businesses will have a simple solution for crypto accounting built into their traditional accounting software, and will drive adoption of crypto. Right now there is no crypto accounting solution so it’s a headache for accountants. Gilded fixes that, and the payment processor three partnered with had 100 MILLION dollars worth of transaction volume last year.

God, I’m going to be so fucking rich from this token. And you know what’s funny? It’s not even the Request team getting these partnerships, it’s a team developing software that utilizes Request. Soon hundreds of businesses will be using Request for their crypto accounting without even knowing it. It’s going to feel so fucking good watching you retards cry that you missed out.

>> No.13468633


Stay poor retards

>> No.13468721

Oh, and make sure not to tell these retards that the guy who started Gilded, Gil Hildebrand, is also a previously successful entrepreneur. He founded squidoo, which was reaching 50 million people a month before being acquired by HubPages. Lmfaoooooo this guy is going to push Request out to millions, and let's not forget they're working on their V2 which will work with ALL currencies lmfaooooooo.

If you don't have an emergency stack of REQ you're an absolute retard, it's going to have first mover advantage in the triple entry accounting/crypto accounting market. I see the /biz/tards are still jerking off to retarded memes.

>> No.13468743

I request my money back !!!

>> No.13468765

weewooweewoo this is now a R-r-r-RESISTANCE DEX THREAD

>> No.13468798

Don’t condescend. I own 3 million Req and I hate the team. They’re so lazy and inept. Will Gilded save Req? I dunno but I doubt it. I’m sure they’ll get frustrated with Request and move onto another platform once they fulfill their obligations.

>> No.13468801

Nope. EY is already way ahead of Req and Gilded in the crypto accounting and encryption space. Sorry, too little, too late.

>> No.13469449

Backed by Y Combinator who are very aggressive.

>> No.13469995

>Will Gilded save Req?
project on top of the project saving main project which is built on top of the two projects.
reqtards deserve humilation

>> No.13470060

Remember when you could buy 2 link for the price of 1 req?

>> No.13470151

no one cares.

2 years later and still no btc integration.
the easiset thing every other project does first.
rekt can't do it.

>> No.13470159

REQ got $30,000,000 in october 2017 and have done nothing.

>> No.13470180

Idgaf, rekt will also announce an partnership with chainlink if the french get anything right. GUESS which will profits you more. Follow the money

>> No.13470186

They ate mozarella tho...
I request my money back

>> No.13470195

Sold for CELR

>> No.13470200

Will I make it with 70k? I went all in at 22 cents

>> No.13470221

its simple man.

REQ team has fucked up investors not once ( hidden presale that made a lot of ICO investors dump on sight during market entry), req went 30 to 40% under ICO price. lots of ico investors mad and left.

but REQ got a second chance and people picked up those bags. instead of working out a good product, they fuck over investors once again and delete stuff of the roadmap.

REQ investors have been fucked over and over and over again.

lets not forget REQ team dumped 100 mil worth during the bear if not more.


no one will ever put faith in this shit again

>> No.13470293

wasn't the official story from req at that time that bininace messed up the listing, double spending or similar bullshit.
what a scammers these french fags are

>> No.13470307

>be reqtard
>le ebil paypal charge me $4 for my $100 transaction
>buy $100 worth of req
>now my $100 is worth $2

>> No.13470436

this also happened.

>> No.13470449


This. OP keep your little dick in your pants. Gilded hasn't even used the v2 protocol of Request Network yet.

>> No.13470876


Gilded is going to disavow Request in a few weeks once they discover Request Pajeets embezzling money.

>> No.13470994
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> weed smoking beach bums script kiddies will deliver next generation financial platform

Anon....I don't even know where to start

>> No.13471009

This is what $30 million look like in crypto.

>> No.13471012

Nah friend the mozzarella story was enough

>> No.13471057


>> No.13471062
File: 271 KB, 1142x1203, REQ-french.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Over the last 2 years much more than $30 Million. And looking at the volume some retards have continued to buy what they think is the bottom. These buyers are going to absolutely get fucked up the ass when 150 Million REQ is unlocked in November

>> No.13471129
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>> No.13471145
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>> No.13471519

Wait if REQ goes negative, does Binance take money from me?

Please answer before this happens.

>> No.13472183
File: 78 KB, 487x498, req.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yes you have to pay Binance to hold the piece of shit for you

>> No.13472210

A literal who cares. V2 is far from being finished, if ever. The market doesn’t care about this news obviously. Until thousands of Req are burnt every hour, none of this matters or will make the token more valuable.

>> No.13472759

they can still burn your eth or bitcoin even fiat until you pa them back. just switch to paypal

>> No.13472770

audible topkek

>> No.13472792

gilded is the ONLY thing that would help req at this point. the problem is that req would need their platform to be fully functional for gilded to work. the only reason they are still with req and not looking for a new platform is that req funded them. fuck the french

>> No.13472852

Got 10k, incoming BTC/ETH/XRP market tank is going to make cheapies even cheaper.

How much REQ are you talking, is 10k enough, and are your prices predictions above $12 Eoy 2022

>> No.13472893

this will be $1 once again at some point

screenshot this

>> No.13473054
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Much more likely something with the same functionality of Bitconnect reaches top 25 then shit reaches $1. Normies don't fall for the exact same scam over again

>> No.13473382

You have lost 15k of your initial 15.4k investment

>> No.13473405


LOL the REQtard developers even get clowned in their own discord to this day over the mozzarella thing

>> No.13473906


Shit show!

>> No.13473934

Still REQt

>> No.13474414

request is the shittiest crypto in the market, it's even worse than coss