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File: 425 KB, 926x632, lgbtqiapk-hero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13468357 No.13468357 [Reply] [Original]

The tranny got fired. There is no no reason you shouldn't be all in on Cardano.

>> No.13468365

The tranny was the least of their concerns

>> No.13468369


>> No.13468398

I'd hardly consider James McAvoy a tranny. Only one of his his 24 personalities is a woman.

>> No.13468413
File: 52 KB, 220x278, 1556153265152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One drop rule, Mordecai.

>> No.13468470

This guy was really the only reason why I never bought this coin

>> No.13468479

They can never undo the damage that has been done, I'll never touch this shit with a 10 foot pole.

>> No.13468521

You can never convince me Cardano isn't a freak show after that fucking tranny

>> No.13469232

Post sauce or never happen and fake newsy

>> No.13469262

They have more than one desu

>> No.13469429


>> No.13469500
File: 44 KB, 800x450, pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wow this lady is brilliant!! I'm very pleased to see someone who doesnt fit the "mold" for people in the blockchain space.
>This helps show that IOHK is a diversified company that keeps an open mind and only accepts the best of people/employees.
>P.s. Love your style Rebecca!
Nothing to see here.
Everything is OK.
Tranny vampire, Plutus, Haskell--I meant to invest in this.
This is exactly what I wanted.
I made a good decision.
I'm not a bagholder.

>> No.13469563
File: 3.60 MB, 300x300, 1460412568047.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most liked comment on jewtube

>> No.13469711

sauce? fired for what?
also don't see how this is considered fud.
everyone knows trannies make the best programmers.

>> No.13469951

This 'thing' got fired because Charles is a chad, and can't stand such atrocities. When they first hired him, he looked like a normal human being, than he started transitioning and Charles couldn't stand it.

Most of the people here don't know this, but Charles is like the ultimate Chad. The reason he drinks onions is to lower his testosterone, so the other Chad's of this world won't just say fuck it and give up on their manliness and become beta cucks, when they see Charles natural form. He is truly a humble man.

>> No.13469968 [DELETED] 

bullish for ADA

>> No.13469971

Can't tell if bait or heavy bag holder

>> No.13469982 [DELETED] 

You're on biz
it's always both

>> No.13470732

>Most of the people here don't know this, but Charles is like the ultimate Chad. The reason he drinks onions is to lower his testosterone
Obviously. This is why he pulls the sóy face in every photo.
He's hiding his power level to give his enemies a false sense of security.

>> No.13470846

most of the supply is owned by yakuza mambers

>> No.13470922
File: 48 KB, 190x207, psylocke.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how u know this

>> No.13471683

it's a shitpost, fag

>> No.13472654

This is all true. The tranny wasn't a tranny when he was hired. That shit came after. Charles probably beat the shit out of him after he fired him.

>> No.13473050
File: 23 KB, 628x225, 1556563678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13473122

There is a huge misinterpretation going on here. That person in OP pic still works on ADA they just ceremoniously fired the remaining Male in her.

>> No.13473129
File: 371 KB, 1132x614, 1556315186610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Charles is a Chad

>> No.13473141


lmfao what a little pussy

>> No.13473835

That's the only valid explanation ITT. Look up the bs which is called "deadnaming".

>> No.13473850
File: 170 KB, 900x1200, 04ecbeaf48c4194f6a5148dfcfb92cf6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This and also their soi boi CEO

>> No.13473853

based google

>> No.13473898

He just bitch slapped that dumb fuck support cuck and probably got him fired

He's so chad he don't need to flex