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13466830 No.13466830 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw homeless

>> No.13466842



>> No.13466850

get a job faggot
>inb4 cain't, system be broked n sheeit

>> No.13466853

Get a job ya bum

>> No.13466856

Homeless people get free food, free money, and free housing in California.

>> No.13466859

Been there done that. Whatever.
Just get financial aid for university and invest in yourself. Sleeping outside during the semester I don't think anyone even noticed since I didn't talk to anyone nor have any friends lulz

>> No.13466880

For the love of God please stop sending your homeless here. Grayhound is not the answer.

t. Californian.

>> No.13466882

thats what im doing right now
not larp
the system IS broken though but still

>> No.13466902

>thats what im doing right now
So keep at it.
If you save everything you can and maybe take some student loans as well you can buy a 5k car to sleep in. Highly recommend it btw it sucks but it's so much better than sleeping outside without one.

>> No.13466909

you not having a job enough to buy a room is a you problem. the system is working just fine for poor people and rich people, it's broken for normal people.

>> No.13466911

Homeless thread ?

>tfw have enough crypto to get an apartment but choose to live with close to zero expenses in order to get as many satoshis as possible.

I probably have a mental illness but i dont care.

>> No.13466924

Try to afford a plane ticket and come to Europe (Belgium,France,Germany,Switzerland,Sweden,Denmark...).
Here you will get free cash, free housing, free medical care, free phone, free food, free transport.

>> No.13466932

>Here you will get free cash, free housing, free medical care, free phone, free food, free transport.
He already has all that as an american if he's that poor and in university.

>> No.13466936

i had a room but long story short if you run into any trouble for any reason then it can go downhill pretty fast. i realise why the emergency fund threads get spammed now at least
how do you get by? i mean that cant work long term probably unless you have a big ass van
sounds like a bad idea long term

>> No.13466964


How can I get a long term stay in a Norway prison without physically hurting anyone?

>> No.13467005

Hate crimes.

>> No.13467124

I am a full time student and I just sleep in the school incognito. Keep nice clothes in my locker and crash private functions for free food. Steal from food bank (just cutting out middleman if you think about it) and buy lentils and oatmeal and other bulk basics. Those I keep in a basement in what I call decentralized storage because i dont like to keep food in my locker. Go to gym for shower. Wash clothes and dry with the handdryers. If I dont wake up at 5:45 weekdays and 7pm weekends every single day its a massive risk and not worth it. Make crypto trades and return bottles i steal for $ to buy toothpaste/food. Spend all fucking day learning. Can usually get 8 solid hours of study in. Take 5 classes at a time to get tuition paid. Have literally no expenses and no possessions beyond what fits in a backpack. Im also part of some campus clubs that meet often and have food budgets so i can get a couple extra meals in. Schools closed for holidays and shit is a fucking nightmare. Usually streetwalk downtown and get almost no sleep.

>> No.13467152

Get a Job Jim. This is your father

>> No.13467179

that sounds like unsustainable though and its much easier said than done to do all of that stuff but god damn you better make it after all that
>what I call decentralized storage

>> No.13467252
File: 320 KB, 708x1007, 20190428_191608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these faggots are larping as crypto kid, the original "rich in btc but sleeping outside" autismo.

>> No.13467308
File: 1.94 MB, 2000x1360, ultraviolence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think your state and municipal taxes pay for you cuckifornian scum? If you don't want a bunch of freeloaders shitting up your neighborhood than STOP PAYING THEM TO MOVE THERE.

>> No.13467349
File: 199 KB, 498x212, youmustchoose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might be able to pull this off until you graduate - and god bless you if you do - but you really should get some proper shelter at least so you don't have to worry so much about sleep. You may accumulate too much stress and burn out otherwise.
Get a part-time job and the cheapest possible housing you can find. You can still live in rull-retard monk mode, just with a place to stay where you can recuperate your energy.
I agree with Jim's father

>> No.13467357

That treehouse looks pretty nice, desu. Just having walls and a roof around you is a huge improvement over OPs situation.

>> No.13467391

Jesus fucking christ. India sounds better at least you can shit wherever you want.

>> No.13467399



>> No.13467505

school isnt worth it. srs drop and get a job live in your cheap car and put the rest into crypto

>> No.13468122

My job is to learn leverage trading and ride the bart with btc shorts. I refuse to wagekek unless im working for myself. I made a vow to myself not to be a slave and to value my time even if it means abject suffering for some years. Besides, i got rejected during the last 4 entry level interviews anyway, no point working in this economy.

Ty, goodluck to op and other homeless anons and all in this thread.

Good ideas, ty and G-dbless Anon!

There are plenty of lockable 1 person transgender washrooms. People clean them 4x per day. Do you have a cute latina slave cleaning your shitter 4x per day?

Youd be right if I had zero social skills. Fortunately its a trade school and the industry outlook is amazing (career saturated by retiring boomers) and i make a lot of friends and hustle on linkedin like its my actual job.

>> No.13468163

it's best to use the hedonic treadmill to your advantage, I plan on living in my car once my parents kick me out, maybe even sooner and hopefully retire in 2-5 years

>> No.13468193

If I had a fancy house on wheels id certainly live in it. When cashing out 10% of my crypto gets me a van I can live in and expenses for a year ill do that until I can buy a small house with a yard big enough to have an epic garden which is 90% of the yard.

>> No.13468194

Which of these countries is the best option for an American/English speaker? Which language is easiest to learn?

>He already has all that as an american if he's that poor and in university.
American here in desperate need of healthcare here, and you sir are a boldfaced, shameless fucking liar. That is all.

>> No.13468201

Btw what is a hedonic treadmill? Living with my parents not an option id rather get shanked under a bridge.