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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13460076 No.13460076 [Reply] [Original]

>300$ premium on bitfinex

oh no no no

>> No.13460092

The fact that barely anyone talks about this and the few threads that do get ignored makes me think now is the time to get out early before the retards on here start posting pink wojaks about being bitfinexd.

>> No.13460101

> he is new

>> No.13460115

>1 usdt has been deposited to your bitfinex wallet

>> No.13460132

>Hurr durr premium on bitfinex guys look what I found, quick sell all your bitcoins
Look at all the markets you fucking tard

>> No.13460503

didnt this also happen in Nov. days before the drop from 6k?

>> No.13460930
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i don't know, but it keeps going up

>> No.13461020

Yes. It also happened on Mt.Gox. Premiums are never a good sign on an exchange.

>> No.13461449

where do these newfags come from?

>> No.13461496

People are trading their usdt for btc, artificially inflating btc price on that exchange.
Dunno why not withdraw usdt to binance and then trade it for btc or other stablecoin here? Would save alot of money. Or people dont care about the price, they just want out of usdt?

>> No.13461531

Hi newfag

>> No.13461552

>"hahah, fuck newfags! you'll never join our secret oldfag club haha"
explain what this mean or i'll assume you are all bitfinex shills

>> No.13461568

>people dont care about the price, they just want out of usdt?


>> No.13461587

Not my job to baby you, newfag. Back to redd*t where you belong.

>> No.13461604

stop posting in my thread then

>> No.13461612

>help me, i dont know whats going on!!!!!!
do you feel in charge?

>> No.13461632

Ignore all these faggots thinking their newfag spamming makes a contribution to sentiment. Yes this is what happened before the big drop down. And you know what they say about History. A lot of traders take it as an opportunity for volatility though. But imo they're all nuts.

>> No.13461693

People in crypto like to ignore red flags and then they wonder why they lose all their money.
There*s still 100k BTC on bitfinex (an exchange which is now confirmed bankrupt). I hope some stupid whales end up holding the finex bag.

>> No.13461748

>why not withdraw usdt to binance and then trade it for btc or other stablecoin here
If this were easily possible then someone would be making a killing on arbitrage right now...

>> No.13461763

> Premiums are never a good sign on an exchange.

Especially at this point.
We're not in the early days of crypto anymore with tons of small exchanges with wildly different prices.
To have such a premium now and to see it constantly creeping up is a massive red flag and shows that there's something really fucky going on.

>> No.13461790


>> No.13461859

>an exchange which is now confirmed bankrupt
believing ANYTHING in a jew-riddled lawyer document
>doesnt know how law works
>doesnt know what the a court is or does

they can literally claim anything in a fucking lawsuit filing you dumb nigger

>> No.13461869

tl;dr. ~$850 million of Binance's money that they imminently need to access (otherwise they go insolvent) from the company they hold their accounts with is currently "seized or otherwise restrained" (apparently) by regulators in multiple countries.

So they "borrowed" it from the Tether account (the dollars that are supposed to be backing USDT!), and then "refunded" the Tether account with a "loan", paid when they finally recover the money from the other company.

The other company is a bit of a dodgy bank, because no "proper" bank will deal with them, lol.

>> No.13461889

quite the opposite
The lawyer cited bitfinex and tether in this document. Bitfinex and Tether CONFIRMED later, that 850M are indeed seized (= unaccesible) . So the document is factual.

dyor and get smart, idiot.

>> No.13461894

i felt like i was watching wrong charts

>> No.13461927

its about to pop get out while you can

>> No.13461938

Makes me euphoric. Remember when Korea had the kimchi premium? It means coins are in high demand. Probably because of the recent e-trade news. Coinbase and other exchanges are still trying to catch up to the bullishness. Bull market is back, fuck off bobos

>> No.13461995
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>> No.13462097

He is actually right desu, the attorney cited them in THEIR OWN WORDS.

However I don't disbelieve that there's ill-intent here from all the boomer / jew factions. The fact they're having to use such a dodgy finance company is because all the "proper" ones won't deal with them, (since Crypto threatens their own existence).

Basically Bitfinex's heart was in the right place, but it's a bit dodgy how they've had to do it, (pillaging Tether's backing money to prop up their own business, then "refunding" it with a LOAN, which can only be fulfilled when they get their currently inaccessible $850m, if they ever do..)

>> No.13462107

So basically if everyone tried to sell their Tether at the same time right now, the money isn't actually there to back it.

Similar situation to our actual banks isn't it (the gold no longer being there). A problem Crypto was supposed to resolve. End of the day it's due to "Their" tinkering as usual.

Bitfinex's money is only inaccessible due to "them" intentionally fucking them over.

>> No.13463027
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umm this is /biz/??!!?
your post is too high IQ for this place - I had to report you unfortunately