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13454257 No.13454257 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13454265

Because you are competing with billions of bots and Chinese autists.

>> No.13454288


Because you tend to be too greedy or not greedy enough. It's a psychological thing.

>> No.13454322

because you enter trades without sufficient justification
when you enter a winning trade you close it early out of fear or keep it open too long out of greed
when you enter a losing trade you close it early out of fear or keep it open too long out of greed

>> No.13454327

it's hard to trade your own money

>> No.13454352

know my mercy anon... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7G0OfJUON8

you should probably just quit trading.

>> No.13454464
File: 703 KB, 720x960, higuys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't give up.
I failed many years trading forex. I got to the point where I ate slept and shit in front of the computer. Got a parttime job and worked every weekend to pay the regular bills. I still took time to exercise though (a must do). Kept a log of my trades. Started to do better and over time became successful. Its cost me personal time at parties, games, etc but I wasn't that into those things anyway. I've never bought much crypto but I feel eventually it'll pick up again...may be years or days who knows.

Learn to examine your failures and look to get a parttime job, even if its flipping burgers because that'll help you get your mind in a better state. Must start working out if you don't....thats mandatory, even if its 20 minutes on a treadmill, you have to get out and see people, especially cute girls.

Don't give up.

>> No.13454524

Whats your track record op? I'm looking to get into this.

>> No.13454528


>> No.13455266

It's much scarier when someone else's money is at stake

>> No.13455331


Because you’re low IQ

>> No.13455342


>> No.13456278


>> No.13456355

No true if you take the money for granted and don't intend to return it back.

>> No.13456505


Cause if it was easy everyone would be doing it. Stick to swing trading kid. I don't see the appeal of day-trading in such a volatile market as crypto. Oyeah and you're competing against some of the most cunning people in the world. Intelligent people don't work for someone else anon.

>> No.13456562

Everything is hard when you're dumb, OP.

This boy looks familiar

>> No.13456907
File: 63 KB, 800x600, 96776DD6-4D0F-4061-957F-E0B2BBF8029A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It’s called patience.

>> No.13457079

THis is important though. Not giving up. If you keep at it, at some point you will succeed. Losers quit.

>> No.13457093

*winners are not quitters

>> No.13457139

thanks for posting this. 1h in and it actually scared me a bit. I don't get scared very easily.

>> No.13457217

>Why is day trading so damn hard?
because if it was easy everybody would be doing it

>> No.13457258

because nice watermark

>> No.13457349


what the video says?


did you change your mind by just a vide or wtf?