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13453296 No.13453296 [Reply] [Original]

Is there anyone here who has never owned crypto? Why the fuck not?

>> No.13453307

me, the only coin I've ever owned is dogecoin.

I've been following crypto since before mtgox, but have never owned a single one. I even did a small presentation on it for a 2nd year University class in 2010

I don't regret anything

>> No.13453315

No coin at all trying to get in but all i see is "scam here" and "scam there" "or "not now"

>> No.13453316

I know a guy like you. You're weird.
Also you didn't explain why you don't hold any crypto.

>> No.13453336
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holochain is for you, fantom might be as well. but holo us more of a guaranteed moon mission at this point. coinbase listing soon

>> No.13453345

I never believed in it, even to this day I don't see a viable use case for it

I've never had a reason to own it even for investment purposes, I am perfectly happy with my ETF's and traditional stock market investing

I'm sure people have gotten rich off of crypto but they are in the minority and I'm not a gambler. I had moments of FOMO sure, but I never succumbed to the hype

>> No.13453347

real men take risks, crypto is risky, no crypto no real man, go suck a dick faggot

>> No.13453358

also, the reddit Bitcoin subreddit unironically turned me off of crypto in general

the types of people there and the insane levels of delusion convinced me that crypto is filled with nothing but absolutely poor retards hoping to strike it rich

>> No.13453390

Thanks for the advice.

>> No.13453401

I think their is a difference between take risk and shot yourself in the knee.

>> No.13453408

The crypto genius replies everyone. And the sensible answer coming from the traditional stock investing guy.
Bitfinex and Tether are not the only ones. I'll never put a single dime in crypto.

>> No.13453416

>don’t understand them
>doesn’t seem as simple to trade and withdraw as the brokerage accounts I’m used to

Having said that I’m strongly considering diversifying into crypto with $5-10k or so. Thought I’d put like 40% of that into bitcoin but what should i do with the other 60%? Also, what website/account/whatever do I use to buy them?

>> No.13453463
File: 426 KB, 240x135, AdmiredUnluckyChipmunk-max-1mb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My s&p 500 ETFs have been providing me with steady profit in the past 5 years. I got a 6 figure income, private pension and real estate on the side.. hence I don't need any extra risk from crypto, just here for the memes...

Actually i'd be surprised if anyone who has their shit together career-wise and personal finance wise has more than a small throwaway amount of cash invested in this Ponzi

>> No.13453475

Fair enough. I can totally see your point. I've thrown in a little bit of fiat into crypto in 2017 and it's grown to half of my net worth so you can understand why I don't share your pov. But I've also gotten a "feel" for the "market" after 2 years of wins and losses, I'm pretty sure there's more money to suckle out of this bitch, but it also requires more effort.

>> No.13453507

if you're used to traditional trading and don't care too much about decentralization and sticking it to the man, look into coinbase. dont trust people shilling individual coins, especially low market cap ones. i personally like BTC and ETH but dont trust me either.

>> No.13453519

i sold all in april last year for a big profit. awaiting tether crash.

>> No.13453569

Then why are you investing your time in it?

>> No.13453583

Why do people assemble model trains?
It's fascinating but miniature plastic trains aren't the future

>> No.13453587
File: 763 KB, 1200x1200, 215CD46D-8AB4-4077-89CF-C4D619DE3F89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Buy BTC/ETH or [redacted].

>> No.13453649
File: 74 KB, 640x640, 1548198887774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crypto is a meme, pure and simple.

>> No.13453686
File: 41 KB, 645x729, rarebrainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there anyone here who has never owned crypto?

> me
> I owned dogecoin

>Is there anyone here who has never owned crypto?

> never owned crypto

> me
> I owned dogecoin