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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 557 KB, 750x963, disgusting wagie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13452099 No.13452099 [Reply] [Original]

>sign up to do job
>have to do job
>"what the fuck1/!//!??!??!"

Why are wagies so fucking retarded?

>> No.13452137

literally 5 seconds to put all in a bag. Chances are he won't be hoovering. Get to t wagie.

>> No.13452152

'He' should be beated up and then fired

>> No.13452398

so who's the guy on the floor?

>> No.13452406
File: 534 KB, 800x800, ADAECE2F-E4E0-400A-90F0-B1CD9A9A5688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wagie I can feel your ragie. However when I go out I make the biggest mess possible for you stupid wagies. Without my mess you would be out of a job. Just doing my part to stimulate the economy

>> No.13452489


They're there for people who forget their cup or something like that. You don't have to do these things man. Why you go around making mischief, I bet you're alone, you lash out like this for attention don't you? You think a people want a friend like that? You think a woman want lover like that? No way man be kind

>> No.13452494

Go back to plebbit you faggot.

>> No.13452500

what are end game shows? Sounds kind of gay

>> No.13452509

If I'd do that you would be out of your job. So okay yes.

>> No.13452517

the wagie suffering from PTSD because he just had to clean up the huge mess I made in the toilet

>> No.13452524

Endgame is gay af, even so that is a ten second cleanup job.

Wait until that wagie has real work he needs to so once he figures out getting promoted to ticket-cuck won’t pay the bills.

Pretty pathetic really.

>> No.13452525

Is it their job to clean after niggers?

>> No.13452544
File: 139 KB, 960x1280, A2080265-1CC9-4E52-BC66-3AFAE438C41C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the wagie

>> No.13452575



>> No.13452587

Wagie !!! Row 15 asap. Shaniqua and Tyrone spilled their beer and tossed popcorn all over the place.
Next show is in 15 minutes. Chop chop cuck.
Wear BLM t-shirt doing so if you ever expect a good resume.

>> No.13452618

>sweep popcorn
>throw every product there in recycle because its all cardboard or plastic
>takes 2-3 minutes tops
Fuck modern man is a weakling.

>> No.13452620

Why the fuck is he sitting and taking pictures instead of working. LOVE your job wagie. Smile wide and be nice to customers.That's right.

>> No.13452629

Fucking based and redpilled

>> No.13452659

>wagies fucking up fellow wagies
such is the way of the world

>> No.13452779

Fucking based. I should start doing this.

>> No.13452811
File: 47 KB, 328x400, keynes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember that those are the economics we are applying in the west

>> No.13452937

Nope sorry making a mess comes with the ticket. It's already priced in.

>> No.13452970

Whenever I go to see a movie, if the movie is bad, I will simply tip at least half of my popcorn on the floor, and tip my drink down the seat in front. I also walk over the popped corn to crunch it into the carpet, to get my moneys worth.

I do this when the movie is good as well.

>> No.13453009

area is cleaned by staff doesn’t equal into i can shit on the floor
Then again cinemas have turned into horrible places and everyone working or going there on their own free will is retarded

>> No.13453018

Working at a movie theater is a pleb job. Going to a movie theater and eating movie theater food is a pleb activity. Making a mess with said food is a common brainlet habit.

>> No.13453024

His family threw him on the floor with the rest of the garbage.

>> No.13453038

Sell me a popcorn bag with free refills for a year, and I'll fucking bring it with me when I leave.

>> No.13453076
File: 157 KB, 1280x833, 1280px-Messerschmitt_Me_262_Schwable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

underrated post

>> No.13453100
File: 123 KB, 701x776, 1517611062338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13453112

This 45 seconds explains exactly thy that man is sitting on the floor like that and why people are such pussies nowadays.

>> No.13453198

When I was in high school I would piss all over the movie theater toilet seats just for fun

>> No.13453240

>Wagie at 711
>ppl literally throw trash in parking lot
>Latinos steals anything when I’m not looking >fuck humanity
Anyway, People liter because they think they’re contributing to someone else’s job or someone else will clean it up. Imagine those people have children, an opinion and a vote. Land of the wtf.

>> No.13453253

This. Not even 3 mins, 30 seconds at most. Why do wagies get mad about doing their job? Not like they can leave early, might as well stay busy so the time goes by faster.

>> No.13453261

You are a nigger regardless of your skin tone