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File: 27 KB, 310x375, john-mcafee-310x375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1344549 No.1344549 [Reply] [Original]

Bought 370 shares of MGT, how fucked am I?

They've been hiring people left and right, spearheading cryptocoin security, after the last 2 spikes, it seems to be going up by tiny amounts everyday.

With each annoucement, the price goes up by a small margin, never dipping below 3.00$


>> No.1344569

Honestly, I commend McAfee for living out his dream. I mean good Lord, who wouldn't love to live out the fantasy like this of hiring the most 1337 hackers of all time, buying up geek squads of young talent, all to save the world from evil Chinese and Russian hackers?

That shit is just the coolest.

I wonder if this isn't a better LONG call option like a February '17 8 strike type thing to make the sickest gains rather than just a mere 8 month 150% gain tbqh famalam.

In other words it really needs a lot of time to develop but it is probably a darn good perma-meme stock for the future.

You could make it your job to swing trade it, say if it goes up 60 cents you sell, you wait for the hype to die then buy back at 3.20, do that a few times in 2016.

Just my 2 cents.

>> No.1345111

He is crazy enough to build something big, but honestly they dont have a fucking product to even sell.

The fucker probably plans to assemble the best team of hackers on the planet just to take down the entire financial/ tech industry.

>> No.1345212

John McAfee is a God

>> No.1345881


I'd like to do what you suggested but everytime It rises, it goes dowm just alittle bit and it gets more expensive to buy in.

I'd like to keep it until it reaches 4-5$ even 6 lol, I'd like to hope his company grows like his previous one but at the same time, the guy's 70 years old.

>> No.1347121 [DELETED] 

Redpill me on this man, /biz/.

>> No.1348377

Is he Mr. Robot?

>> No.1348388

Why is it spiking?

Did anything noteworthy actually happen or it just another speculative bubble?

>> No.1348391
File: 538 KB, 674x506, john-mcafee-to-the-fbi-ill-be-the-pit-bull-snapping-at-your-ankles-forever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a 70 year old Mr Robot trying to relive his prime.

>> No.1348400


John McAfee is the embodiment of American freedom in the 21st century of high technology. If the founding fathers envisioned a predecessor of their ideals in our times, John McAfee would be that man.

>> No.1348424

He is leaving a great legacy! I admire this man to the max.

BTW Have you seen how he lives? He lives in a tiny apartment in Tenassee with his wife and a bunch of guns, witha nice view from the window so that he can see any Belizian assasins coming to kill him.

>> No.1348443

Why are you fucked exactly? The stock is going to the moon