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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13445405 No.13445405 [Reply] [Original]

Been following this project since the beginning, now sold because obviously your few 1000 usd a week won't help run a company with several employers, an expensive building to rent, Rune living like a king on your expense. He has had a track record of Ponzi and MLM scams. This is just a move to delay the inevitable bankruptcy with YOU being the loser.


>> No.13445441


>> No.13445467
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You better apologize, lord forehead has no brakes but he has mercy.

>> No.13445534


look at what Coss exchange has, no quality coins on their exchange. Nobody cares about Coss.

>> No.13445901

Rune is a known MLM scammer just Google "Rune Evensen" + unaico or sitetalk

They intially launch as a Crypto One Stop Solution, all of this nonsense about dividends/fee-split, payment gateways, merchant programs, DEX exchange to follow, credit/debt cards, all kinds of shit, basically everything one wants to imagine is possible in the cryptocurrency space — lure them all in, so to speak.

Well the exchange is obviously a failure, with daily volume in the $2M-10M range (and most of that is via wash-trading bots); it's basically nothing compared to your average exchange, and even compared to other trash exchanges like say KuCoin (who averages $25M+) it's still awful.

Anyway COSS was on the verge of bankruptcy so they attempted another crowdfunding strategy by starting an ICO for CFT (COSS Fee Token) which turned out to be a huge flop, they barely raised any profits, and it just served to suppress the price of COSS by virtue of this "companion token" in the same ecosystem — investors were understandably upset.

Then we come to the announcement just the other day, where Rune Evensen announces that COSS will be merging with "LaLa", a literal pajeet cryptocompany with an mcap of $600k and daily volume of $5k and a yet unnamed DEX token/company, and the strategy will be to combine LaLa token, COSS token, CFT token, and the unnamed DEX token into one "SUPER TOKEN!" named ARX and they formed a new company called ARAX to oversee all of this.

You have to be a complete muppet to not understand by now that this convoluted mess is nothing more than an attempt to swindle their investors/holders by jumping through a series of hoops that they have intentionally complicated to obfuscate their strategy. If this was legitimate there would have been a very clear and concise way to explain all of this, and to explain exactly how and why it benefits COSS investors but there was none of that...

Where your money goes:

>> No.13445913

If they're doing 3.5m per day and that's legiti then they're getting between $1050 and $5250 per day from fees. They're sending half back to COSS holders, so they're making $525-$2,625 per day.

If you were running a 1-2 man operation and contracting your support out to Ranjit then you'd have a comfy business, especially if you were staking your customers' coins & tokens to sell on other exchanges.

>> No.13446035

LOL have you checked their orderbooks? Completely empty with no BTC/ETH to be seen anywhere except for their own shitcoin token.

Wake up and smell the coffee.

>> No.13446496

Fuck COSS.
Company of degenerates.

>> No.13446649

I kept asking whether I should ignore the fact that Rune was a multi-level marketing scammer but I was..... ignored

>> No.13446695

I'm not defending COSS, I'm saying that I wish I had a low-volume exchange. I've got the skills to make one but how would I get customers?

>> No.13446722

absolutely RUined

>> No.13446743
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Issue a token that gives people 50% dividends.

>> No.13446745


>> No.13447002

thank you money forehead for all my future gains

>> No.13447083

thank you money foreskin

>> No.13447129

Coinmetro is the same shit except it came out after the bull market so will never pump

>> No.13447172


>> No.13447240

How was FSA even supposed to work? I just looked and there are Distribute buttons which would turn 0.001 ETH into shitcoin dust - who wanted that?

>> No.13447263

Thank you money forehead

>> No.13447446

What happened to that one anon who had 500,000 COSS and was hoping to live with the passive income?

>> No.13447510

He was most likely a paid shill. Nobody is dumb enough to hold this all the way through 2018 to now.

>> No.13447533

Never overestimate the intelligence of altcoin holders.

>> No.13447615

Hopefully he moved somewhere he can live on $15/day.

>> No.13447631

This. I wonder if a single ANON on this board every got any ETH from FSA from coss. xD They probably never ever did it, waited for coss to go up to 1 billion volume. And went like "everything will be fine. :^)"

>> No.13447822

thank you money forehead

>> No.13448882
File: 5 KB, 298x169, Sankalp Shangari LaLa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

500k coss would have cost like $25,000
you need to buy like $1,000,000+ worth of coss to make enough passive income to survive in any first world country, and if you're trying up $1M+ in something like coss you're legit retarded since it's a guaranteed scamcoin.