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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13442891 No.13442891 [Reply] [Original]

Any of you guys holding Chainlink feel *strange* recently??

>> No.13442917

>Any of you guys holding Chainlink

>> No.13442918
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>> No.13442933

Every time I wake up in the morning there's a little pile of ass hairs. The last couple of months made me rip out single asshairs in my sleep :/

>> No.13442945
File: 85 KB, 900x506, Can you eat rice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, if I'd by coincident run into Sergey and he'd take a shit on the street as he commonly know for doing, I'd eat it. With pleasure.

>> No.13442960

I have been seeing 7s everywhere.

>> No.13442980

yes, I have a hangover

>> No.13443007

Yes. According to my therapist I might have become suicidal. Got an appointment at the clinic this afternoon.

>> No.13443010

fuck off nigger

>> No.13443021

i feel like sucking dick since i got LINK

>> No.13443022

*curses you*

>> No.13443028

me too, 77 to be specific. maybe we 77x soon when everyone figures out who is going to be using LINK on mainnet? that would be amazing!

>> No.13443029
File: 343 KB, 1439x1909, Screenshot_20190426-074120_CoinMarketApp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13443088

Yes i meant 77. Sometimes triples. This is interesting

>> No.13443240


Yes a straight 77x pump in an hour will happen.

>> No.13443248

i feel a pit in my stomach that feels like im abou tto lose it all. i had this feeling before when i was standing on the twin towers on 911

>> No.13443377
File: 152 KB, 500x718, the-headline-bugle-genius-poopity-scoop-says-kanye-another-level-33882962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like poopscoop. Don't know the guy, but his hit rate regarding dots is phenomenal. I appreciate his dedication and research skills.

>> No.13443402

If by strange you mean retarded then yes all linkies feel that

>> No.13443408

Big if true

>> No.13443411

3 sets of Dubs.


The chaos God has chosen him.

>> No.13443413


>> No.13443418

Nigger, i watched BTC go from 100-1000$ over nothing. I've seen crazier pumps for shit coins in the last bullrun. Anything can happen, we will just have to see.

>> No.13443426

Thank you poopscoop anon, God bless you.

>> No.13443442

I'm not poopscoop, but I'm sure someone will bring this thread to his attention. Discord trannies never miss anything.

>> No.13444170

sold all my linkies to buy craig_coins™

>> No.13444214


>> No.13444220

By strange you mean depressed and suicidal? Yeah, I'm strange af

>> No.13444228

how do you even know that poopscoop has anything to do with discord?

>> No.13444231
File: 29 KB, 500x377, donald-j-trump-realdonaldtrump-thank-you-kanye-very-cool-kanye-32540784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13444281


>> No.13444297


>> No.13444303

yeah i feel like a fucking strange idiot holding link for two years when ive missed a dozen other moon missions
>knew about qnt when it was 30c

>> No.13444312
File: 211 KB, 620x440, yeezy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13444465

"They try to tell me my CHAIN broke the levy,
Maybe cuz its flooded,
Why you walkin’ round with a baby cross his cousin,
My teeth already white yall gone make me floss for nothing,
My teeth real diamonds what’s the cause of the frontin’,
While yall got all caps on?,
Don Cheadle Time,
Get extra black on em’,
Burn Hollywood burn,
Take too long for n-ggas to get their turn,
Probably be cremated before I get my urn,
They try to tell me that aliens built the pyramids,
I swear life’s a bitch on a period,
For every inch they cut the nose off the Sphinx,
I make my jeweler add a few more LINKS,
You can look at me and dont f-ck what nobody thinks,
And my face always lookin’ like somebody STINKS."

>> No.13444799

Yes I've been in a cold sweat for days now and having euphoric thoughts only to then be triggered into a state of confusion then back again...I just keep putting the majority of my paycheck into LINK every chance i get I cant stop...

>> No.13444811

ive been pooping on the floor. chainlink rules

>> No.13444883

Yes, I have been growing increasingly attracted to men.

>> No.13444914

ChainLink is dead. The greatest failed meme of /biz/'s history. The only bagholders left on this website are so deep into their narcissistic dreams of becoming millionaires by doing nothing but holding scamlink for a couple years -- nothing in life is ever that easy faggots. You are slowly reaping the consequences of not thinking for yourself and going all in on 4chan's 'chosen' token. It's not even a cryptocurrency!

>> No.13444929
File: 139 KB, 549x413, 02E5654F-261F-4CB6-BB0F-E81BC49AED28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel miserable
I just wanna die desu

>> No.13444993

Unironically every day that bleeds by void of team communication since participating in a 32MM$ capital raise 2 years ago has made me a better man, more distrusting and cynical about decisions than ever.
If this is what it meme magic feels like I want out.

>> No.13445122

Full moon desu

>> No.13445200
File: 115 KB, 950x534, poopscooptrump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13445229
File: 69 KB, 955x610, vi3ez5ixayh11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13445311
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>> No.13445333


>> No.13445825

looks like a fun rollercoaster

>> No.13446620

77x is fud, link will 777x by eoy

>> No.13446650

link is still doing better than ethereum or bitcoin, everyone loses it when link falls 10 percent in a day but will bounce back up to 80 cents the next mini run..

>> No.13446702

No you didn’t. If you cant do the math as an oldfag, that’s pretty sad

>> No.13446714

What the fuck is this

>> No.13446748


I will legitimately suck a trannies dick and post it here if that happens

>> No.13446765
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>> No.13446773


You want to do that anyway

>> No.13447102
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>> No.13447127

it's called market cap dumb ass.....chainlink has too big of a market cap for being vapourware...

still no product ready...150+ million dollar market cap with nothing but empty promises....

wtf is wrong with these millennials and zoomers...they need to understand what a speculative bubble really is.

>> No.13447163

says the retard who doesn't understand that market cap is literally meaningless in this illiquid meme sphere. You could not siphon 150m usdt out of chainlink's circ supply. 10m at best

>> No.13447208
File: 238 KB, 680x504, oie_hV0I9WaaIR4q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the odds?

>> No.13447331

No fuck off.

>> No.13447366


>> No.13447417

t. poopscoop

>> No.13447657
File: 256 KB, 500x491, wu baby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13447735

>it's called market cap dumb ass.....chainlink has too big of a market cap for being vapourware...



>> No.13447837
