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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 212 KB, 2048x1536, kinostation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13439293 No.13439293 [Reply] [Original]

>People pay thousands a month for premium ocean property
>mfw I park right outside for F R E E

>> No.13439301
File: 108 KB, 640x640, 7651237451274527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not autistic enough to dox you, but your drivers license is in plain view.

>> No.13439305


>> No.13439313

Harrison Ford couldn't read that shit
post moar photos nigga
fuck off, its all about economic survival now

>> No.13439326
File: 125 KB, 824x808, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just zoom in

>> No.13439335

what do you do for electricity, toilet. water?

>> No.13439341

Jerry Buttkiss

>> No.13439345

enhance it and zoom on the reflection of his eyes I think i can see his social security number

>> No.13439347

I lived in my car for 6 months. Worst part is not showering so your taint gets stinky, using public bathrooms 100% of the time, and the occasional cop waking you up at 1am. A long time after you can live in a shitty house in a shitty bed, and you'll think to yourself "at least I'm not sleeping in my car"

>> No.13439348
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Solar, and I use gyms.

>> No.13439355 [DELETED] 

When roughin' it or in survival mode, ALWAYS think "What would Pajeet do?"

>> No.13439358


>> No.13439361

Also, you can refill gallon buckets for water

>> No.13439368

so everytime you need to take a piss or a dump you have to go to a gym? Does your solar give you enough power for heating/cooling?

>> No.13439376

You're 0.5 of a hobo. Nobody envies your living conditions other than full hobos.

>> No.13439383

No ill just piss outside or in a bottle
You dont see the woodstove?
And yes the solar is enough to power the tv, laptop, waterpump, and little fridge.

>> No.13439385

I'm a student in New Zealand and thinking of doing this, what were your costs to set it up?

How much do you spend a month to maintain it?

How do you get wifi?

How do you cook food?

>> No.13439390

>a literal cuck shed on wheels

>> No.13439406

10k USD for everything including the van, most expensive items being the roof vent and fireplace

tether wifi hotspot

on the grill that you see in the picture

>> No.13439414

I just don't see how this could work anywhere that didn't have a very mild climate, I have lived in both Texas and Minneosta, you would die in Minnesota winters and probably die of heatstroke in Texas summers.

>> No.13439418

also 500/month for everything internet, food, gas

>> No.13439428

How many linkies do I need to sell for a set up like this?

Also, what are your monthly expenses directly related to the van live-- gas/maintenance/laundromat/insurance/parking/etc?

>> No.13439433

You forgot to ENHANCE you fucking kike

>> No.13439438

OP is from San Diego

>> No.13439441

Amazing build bro. How does those Genelec sound inside the van ? I am planning a build and I want to install studio monitors aswell

>> No.13439455 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 941x565, 130548DC-CD65-4552-BC9A-89A05BD6DE98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in a bottle newfag
bucket you fucking woman
now i'm starting to think youre gay
>like literally
not as gay as him

>> No.13439458

i used to do this for a year

i would get lazy and just start shitting in bags then dumping them like at gas stations and shit

>> No.13439475

Wait, are these actually your pics? If so I've seen your youtube video showing off this very same van.

>> No.13439487
File: 1.87 MB, 2592x4608, IMG_20190426_074113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Park near ocean
>Get evicted
>Shit in public restrooms
>Shower at ???

Yea no thanks, I'm happy with my penthouse

>> No.13439510

Still in your Indian shithole?

>> No.13439513
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>> No.13439517

sick build!

Share specs/plans?

>> No.13439520
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>> No.13439525

I rather buy a somewhat luxury tow behind camper it would be way more convenient and I bet they aren't that expensive and more kino

>> No.13439533

Based Bulju poster.

>> No.13439542
File: 36 KB, 622x1280, IMG-20180915-WA0015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, much better to live above the roadshitters and look down on them and be free to discriminate rather that move to some cuck country and be forced to share my wife with a nigger or risk Being called a racist. In India you are free to rape, kill or do anything else as long as you are rich.

>> No.13439547

lol sup from Florida

>> No.13439550

Wtf do you live in a ghost town?

>> No.13439563
File: 1.93 MB, 2320x4128, 20181201_155607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ghost town

What do you mean?

>> No.13439564


Jesus. Your camera says you're poor.

>> No.13439566

What van?

>> No.13439589

Its an e250

>> No.13439608
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>Shit in public restrooms

>> No.13439645
File: 243 KB, 2048x1152, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The design is pretty simple

>> No.13439653

I thought gas wasn't supposed to be stored inside.

>> No.13439669

Its perfectly safe, people that say otherwise are memeing you

You can get a detector if you are paranoid

>> No.13439755

not gonna lie, looks pretty comfy

>> No.13439764

based e-class brotha. i would recognize that ford console anywhere. i lived in my e250 for a few years and i miss it every goddamn day

>> No.13439822
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There's only so much enhancing possible unfortunately.

>> No.13439827

the sun is too far left of the center of the cup. immersion fucking ruined.

>> No.13439860
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Literally this. 100% this. Your "house" is less equipped then my overland camping vehicle... then dealing with the headake of shower, washing clothes, storing more then a months worth of food, constantly needing electricty and not having space for hobbies or even being able to fucking move around- not to mention the trouble from the cops and hooligans giving you shit... then your limited to where you can even pull this off. Its a fucking headake; not to mention the "ya wana come back to my place" and if she fucking does go to where a parking lot ? Like fuck bro

I get that some anons think this is cool. But trust me i know it fucking sucks cock for you non stop and its a constant headake and the issues you run into living like this.

And im not even kidding you, your entire "life" is less equipped then my overland truck.

>> No.13439876

Looks comfy. It's night here or I would post my view of the blue ridge mountains.

>> No.13439948

unironically based and redpilled

>> No.13439961

the new stalker game looks great

>> No.13440101

OP is in San Diego. They just made it legal to live in your car indefinitely in public areas. The beaches are a nightmare because of half hobos like him

>> No.13440151

Lol how can you not shower/wash

>> No.13440260


>> No.13440325
File: 780 KB, 2560x1440, 20181210_125025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post truck.

>> No.13440339

You get a cheap gym membership for daily showers

>> No.13440417

>putting planks with the same pattern so close together, even facing the same direction
I mean, yes, at least the print is offset on one of them from the edge, but come on.

>> No.13440424
File: 97 KB, 500x546, daily-mail-com-home-l-u-k-news-showbiz-australia-l-9843396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shit in restrooms
>no thanks
Careful now, Rajesh.

>> No.13440473

Oh shit, there's even another one right under the bananas that I ddin't see at first. What the fuck are you doing?

>> No.13440563

Admitting a $500 per month rent, 10k is a year and 8 month of rent, rounding it up at 2 years when accounting for van related expenses (and I'm being conservative, 2k in 2 years means no major issue)
This is only more profitable than a flat if you live like this for more than 2 years. Fuck that. Not saying having a van isn't nice , but in terms of money management, you'd spend less having flatmates and no car, plus you'd have a shower and you wouldn't perfume all your stuff as soon as you cook.

>> No.13440661

Youre not renting anywhere nice for 500 bucks, and then you have all other expensives on top of that

Where I am youre paying 1k+ for a studio alone

>> No.13440694

Nice view, raju.

>> No.13440733

>$10,000 +$6,000 annually to live in a van

>> No.13440741

Imagine the smell.

>> No.13440754
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>2 million to live in a house the size of a van


>> No.13441168

Yikes. I can live in an actual apartment for that here in Germistan

>> No.13441206

But youre not feeding yourself, paying for transport and your bills and paying rent for that

>> No.13441248

Yes I do. I pay 300 for a room in a shared apartment. Internet gas water and electricity included. 200 for food and drink. Transport is free to me as a student. I even have basic plumbing and a kitchen! Mind blowing right?

>> No.13441278

docking isnt free, larper

it is dirt cheap
but not free

t. docked right next to the oracle worlds most expensive boat

>> No.13441416

kek, rent controlled socialist utopia.

>be german
>live in 300EUR a month shared room like a syrian refugee
>literally a broke student
>parents wealth accumulated over 30 years, nowhere to be seen. State steals half your income on the spot
>one day dream of bringing home 3k eur a month and renting your own studio

>> No.13441438
File: 1.23 MB, 1584x844, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Americans pay $1000 a month to rent a bunk bed at Podschwitz in LA

>> No.13441490

>10k USD for everything including the van, most expensive items being the roof vent and fireplace


>> No.13441559

What do you think is expensive?

>> No.13441690

Only 50k and you don't have to shit in the bucket you use to shower.

>> No.13441691


A decent van alone is going to run $10k, factor in all the furnishings and materials you're more than well over

>> No.13441699
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They dont cost anywhere near 10k, you arent buying brand new.

>> No.13441738
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Enhance braj

>> No.13441865

>Be American
>Live in a van

>> No.13441933
File: 87 KB, 250x250, A39D4D65-29D1-43FD-AE15-22CDB81B59B9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$500 is what he says he pays for food, internet and gas. Most people likely spend at least $10 a day on food ($300) and a good cellular plan with unlimited data is $60 bucks or so, leaving $140 spent on gas. Considering most normal people spend at least $50 on gas just for their commute to work that leaves him with $90 of van-specific living costs (extra money spent on gas). Apart from that $90 everything else he'd be paying for whether he was in a van, apartment or mansion + he'd need to pay actual rent, heating, electricity, non-cellular internet and so on. His van has paid for itself in well under a year

>> No.13441938

Meant for >>13440733

>> No.13441950

Is this Chernobyl ?

>> No.13441968

>not living Chernobyl for peace and quiet
>making it

>> No.13441974
File: 1.33 MB, 2984x1902, E8912124-7A55-4B4D-A115-F8F403EACEC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is the true red pill. An actual house you can tow around.

>> No.13441987


>> No.13441997
File: 120 KB, 950x568, 0F7D9A70-0AD5-4F44-A2D9-B8EE174E6B1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might actually buy one of these in the next few years.

>> No.13442008

Might as well live in an RV or School bus, you arent parking that shit on a street like you can a van

>> No.13442180

Can you stand up in here or are the pillow s regular sized?

>> No.13442188

you mean glorified rolling cuckshed

>> No.13442790


>> No.13442804

I literally have to work 10 hours a week to afford a comfortable lifestyle with healthy food and medical security. Enjoy working your self to death or living like a glorified homeless person.

>> No.13442807

>A house that goes down in value the moment you buy it


>> No.13442828
File: 1.16 MB, 1080x1560, sketch-1556281230751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've enhanced it a little. Looks like a regular van jew.

>> No.13442842


>> No.13442870

im a manlet and this looks great for me

>> No.13442873

I'm renting a great spot for $500 a month and I'm in Los angeles. Private bathroom, private bedroom, wifi, water, electricity. It's a house too. not an apartment, laundry is on site. I pay $500 flat it's only 3 miles away from my job and i save $1500 a month

>> No.13442915

>Looks like a regular van jew.

>> No.13442948


Ori and the Blind Forest, my nigga

>> No.13442982


Having flatmates = instantly bills get reduced to a fraction. I house share with friends in a decent neighbourhood in London. All in - £495

Average house prices in London are £482,000
Average in LA, adjusted are £533,252.90

500 bucks no, but surely no more than $650

>> No.13443000

i know that feel.

t. former boat broker who lived on boats for more than 10 years

>> No.13443083
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>bulju :D
this bulju thread now

>> No.13443098
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>> No.13443119
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>wish i was home on /biz/

>> No.13443135
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Ohh fuck my sides
>Regular van Jew

>> No.13443154
File: 13 KB, 216x480, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice personal gloryhole. How often do you change the midget?

>> No.13443157
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Maybe USA should try mascots to solve their ever growing poo problem?


>> No.13443437
File: 246 KB, 1871x915, ujiskl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in a tiny house and camp in a "camper car" when I travel. 24' tiny house 15-18k to build and is mostly offgrid. "camper car" is just a 2010 scion xb with a solar panel, sink, expandable bed/couch, carpeted floor, etc. Can even shower with it but couldn't fit a toilet in it, only downside that. 300 dollar conversion for the car. airbnb the tiny house and get unemployment when off contracts so I go full comfy neet mode 4 months out of the year.

24' feet too big for a tiny house to be honest, stick to 18'-20' feet trailers, much easier to haul. Never actually live in the car either, usually just two week stints on roadtrips.

>> No.13443534

I also live in a motorhome. I paid 3000 for mine. And it's given me a few issues. But so far it's not bad. Cheapest rent around here 600 for a room. And I work a lot. So mostly just sleep in the motorhome. It's basically a mobile bed. I don't poop or piss in the toilet. Sometimes I have a shower. Just drain the grey water in random spots. Full the fresh water tank at my work place. And have solar power. Enough to run my laptop and cooking stuff. I miss living in an actual house though. But the expenses are high. Rent/utilities/having the cut the grass etc

>> No.13443643
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>> No.13443648
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>> No.13443669

based scion/tiny house living anon, pls post or tell more

>> No.13443712

Hey John how is life on the lamb treating you

>> No.13443827

where is this? i have a slightly nicer house about the same age and size i paid just over 100k for, in the midwest, but in a busy popular area. is this what the west coast is like for buying a home?

>> No.13443838

Get a bottle of peroxide for taint-washing, you yeasty pleb.

>> No.13443856

The civilized world doesn't have 26 months, Ramjeet.

>> No.13443886

My God... it's the Supreme Gentleman.

>> No.13444096
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bulju :DDDD