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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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13430153 No.13430153 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, I learned the lesson by the hard way.

You were right, this fucking piece of shit is a scam, and Ripple is profiting from us.

How do I redeem myself? Which coins should I switch to?

>> No.13430166
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50 25 25 ratio

do that and you will be good homie

>> No.13430203

thanks fren

I'm tired of being cucked by those fucking jews at ripple

>> No.13430216

well at least your not a ripple cripple any longer

>> No.13430231

Do this but drop eth and pick up bch. Btc is just a hedge until the market is no longer primarily shitcoin gambling.

>> No.13431114

Unironically this, maybe add some ltc

>> No.13431441

I sold my entire stack yesterday to buy link when went near 8k sats

>> No.13431446
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there is only one king

>> No.13431513
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XLM unirininically

>> No.13431515

There's going to be hundreds of threads like this soon. At least you came to your senses early enough.

>> No.13431582


You jsut gonna lose all on another scam because your reasoning is "you loot money, price sux".

>> No.13431754

>The final straw shill
kys you never held any xrp

>> No.13431886


>> No.13432155
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i think Ripple/XRP is the crypto that every noob falls for and people eventually realize it's a scam. the dumb ones keep believing the marketing. no bank is going to buy your bags, banks aren't going to use this shit to make Ripple richer and there isn't even enough volume and markets in corridors where it is most needed for XRP to work. this shit like every crypto is buoyed by Bitcoin bullruns. eventually some cryptos will decouple but it's not going to be this scam

>> No.13432244

what about (((the cube))) though? is that the /bankercoin/?

>> No.13432263

This post is actually bullish

>> No.13432295
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unironically Lition (LIT)

>> No.13432296

Thanks just sold 100k

>> No.13432330
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yes. sell 300 million dolalr marketing budget coin with 200 offices around the world and billions of volume all around the world banks

for pajeet shitcoin with sub billion lunch money volume coin with team of startup tech-geeks located in some free co-working space.

fuck you kids are S-T-U-P-I-D.

go and sell. you dont deserve to be rich. its like selling BTC at 2011 for 30 cents. fucking retards. go buy your fortnitecash and cs cases because your impatience isnt going to make you rich EVER.

ripple is older than bitcoin. backed by banks and governments and jews. all the key factors to mass adopting and getting rich. but you impatient college schoolgirls selling this for some pump&dump gaycoin. LMAO.

all the ripple hate makes me just more BULLISH.

>> No.13432346

he fell for the banking coin scam.
he wants to hold a cone where the minter forged them out of thin air and assigned 60% of the supply. ( a whopping 60billion cones ) to itself
he wants to hold when ripple can't even get rid of 1 billion xrp per month,

lmao enjoy your extended super huge inflation yet to come.

>> No.13432357


ripple is been in coinmarketcap top-3 almost a decade.

if it was a scam, it would be failed already years ago.

dont fell this stupid supply FUD. just bought 10k more of this. max we dump is 4000 sats. if you're long term hodler it doesn't matter.

ripple 8$ next bullrun.

>> No.13432365

finally. by the way know that 4channers know the posters. we are happy that you matured.

>> No.13432422

Ripple is doing fine.
XRP is performing terrible beyond measure. Why else do you think Ripple has been absolutely silent for over two years now regarding XRP?

Also David Schwartz is cashing out. Most bearish sign I have seen since.. ever.

>> No.13432492

saved, thx for the gem anon

>> No.13432596


Maybe ETC and BAT

>> No.13432610

just look up the circulating supply trick they pull off. obvious scam frim the start

>> No.13432620


Imagine believing this


>> No.13432625
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ripple biggest cryptoscam

>> No.13433103
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> claim dozens of pilot programs with major banks since 2015

> coin value is $0.006 in Feb 2017

> Nobody gives a fuck about Ripples

> Major bull run starts

> XRP explodes to $0.25

> Major use case. We are working with banks. Bitcoin is shit. XRP is the Standard

> Added to Korean exchanges. Koreans buy cheap crypto. BTC to $20K, everyone dumping to buy cheap XRP

> $3.25 XRP

> XRP dumps immediately

> NEO also went to $200, Substratum went to $3, Request went to $1 as did every dogshit crypto

Eventually things start falling apart when you have claimed for SIX years to be the bank coin, that MAJOR banks will be using xRapid and XRP and Ripple have only Cuallix and Dogshit Credit Union using xRapid but JMorgan has 200 banks signed up for their JPCoin Network, Facebook has its own coin and Alibab has it's own crypto token for money transfers.

You can only market a scam for so long.