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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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13428686 No.13428686 [Reply] [Original]

We are close to a year since mainnet launch and mainnet is still absolutely dead and we just keep bleeding. VeChain could partner with whole world and have them show up on stage to confirm that, but it doesn't change anything. Absolutely nobody uses it, partnerships drop out without a notice, CEO tells that price is too high, PoA proven to be absolute joke of what it was supposed to be, all these #vefam bullshit ICOs and their roadmaps with millions of this and that on chain by xxxx while they can't even mint their tokens, systematic dumping of coins on open market at much higher rate than their business running reguires based on USD vs VET on their report, how about your ETH ICO moneys + venture capitals? OTC/freebie VTHO for every PoC/data migration on there. You just love to fuck up earlyish investors asses? 8 months+ to include a damn dapp browser to wallet... well done software company. VeChain and its vefam can't fulfil even 1% of expectations placed on them.

Mark my words: that Bright Code milk PoC during April is not going to happen either.

Sunny would be crucified and burned at stake for his comments if he was CEO of some normal company, 90%+ down and this twat says that its too expensive to use at <2% interest on riskiest market out there... Just lower the VTHO cost per tx then, you have all the power in your hands but don't you fucking say that VTHO is too expensive.

I haven't sold a single VET/VEN, ever. Game of Thrones is about to end in 4 weeks and after that there is very little reasons to keep on living this pathetic life. If we aren't at >200 sat in a month you can consider ~5m VET #burned because I will sure as fuck tie a rope to a rafter and hang myself.

Save your words, I know everything you are about to say, I have heard it million times already. At this point I am way past just cutting my losses and moving on with my life. Give me back my hairline, my mental health and 250k€ Sunny

>> No.13428711


>> No.13428721

Taken from here:


Are vechain redditors finally seeing this is one big scam?

>> No.13428753

Sucks to be suck buddy. You just bet on the wrong pony

The clear winner from the start was Walton and you may still recoup your losses but only if you jump ship and join the winning team

>> No.13428819

Haha I almost forgot about vechain. In hindsight it was the most obvious scam in history but I still fell for it because muh X-node passive income. Luckily I snapped out of it a few weeks after mainnet when it became clear that nobody was using the network. Pretty crazy that people are actually still holding a year later. Brb I'm gonna go read the vechain daily and laugh my ass off for a while.

>> No.13428837

Can't be too obvious a scam if bmw decided to develop software with them.

>> No.13428843

These guys literally hired the same visual effects company that worked on Blade Runner just for their logo unveiling. You realize how much money that costs? You guys got scammed big time. https://vimeo.com/257581453

>> No.13428860

You might not have partnered with the whole world but you have partnered with the marvel universe

>> No.13428893


Kek. They dumped millions of $$$ on poor brainlets.

>> No.13428980

Lots of suicide talk over on the plebbit. Delightful. I hope they do it. But they won't because they are all soiboy pussies

>> No.13429005

LMFAO never imagined the day would come when vechain SUBREDDIT top votes a criticism. that shithole is so delusional beyond saving. anyone got the vechain rope stool pic?

>> No.13429021
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>> No.13429031

Imagine what else they spent all that money on. That logo video is like hiring Beyonce to sing at your dog's birthday party.

>> No.13429037

I know saying this only makes it worse, but frankly, your bitterness and resentment is unwarranted and your situation is entirely due to the fact that you chose to put 250k into an extremely high risk asset at the peak of a massive speculative hype bubble, not because Sunny is a horrible CEO who should be burned at the stake or because Vechain "can't even fulfill 1% of expectations placed on them". No one told you to mortgage your house for magic internet money. You clearly didn't assess your risk well and were overinvested by a factor of 20. Blame is a natural coping mechanism and I understand you need an outlet to vent and that's fine, but I feel the need to clear the air.

Regardless, none of that matters moving forward. Either cut your losses or tuck it away and forget about it, and take it as an expensive lesson. Whatever you choose to do, your wellbeing should be a priority at the moment and sometimes what's best for your mental health isn't what's best for you financially. Do what you need to do to prevent yourself from dwelling on the monetary loss and move on. People take losses like that all the time, what really matters is how well you take it and how to move forward from it. Take care of yourself.

>> No.13429041

whats the current rate of income on nodes? reminder that even boomer stocks give like 3%

>> No.13429044
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generally this is the beginning of the end unless there some major price spikes. we saw this with REQ

>> No.13429054

.002 %

Yeah that's two 0's

>> No.13429061
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>> No.13429075

Lmao I remember that thread thanks for saving this.

>> No.13429077
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It's less than 3% currently and Sunny is saying VTHO price way too high.........

>> No.13429091
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>major price spikes
lol fucking never. it's ogre, shitcoins and bitcoin. it's just absolutely so rare to get a front row seat to see such delusion. you rarely see this in real life because real life isn't an echo chamber

>> No.13429096

oh god crypto is a lulzgem. how can it still have current valuation then? you could 1000x this shit and not even match a boomer stock. who the fuck is holding it up?

>> No.13429139

christ. i remember vechain fags making excel valuation models in 2017-2018 assuming 6% to fucking 10%, and the shitcoin was STILL expensive. what. a. shitshow.

>> No.13429144
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>> No.13429151
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the good ole days

>> No.13429444


> "t's shame that price is falling but more than that, I'm worried about dead mainnet. Where are all this partnership, some of them should already be active. I just don't get it why nobody sees potential of VeChain, sometimes I ask myself maybe there is some catch which we don't see."

>> No.13429470
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>> No.13429482

its ok bro amblets can relate

>> No.13429540

Audibly kek'd

>> No.13429826

I just sold at an 11% loss :'(

>> No.13429848
File: 260 KB, 593x635, 1517099947896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your face when you realize 95% of all crypto-projects will end exactly the same way Vechain is ending
>mainnet release, slow exit scam
>people are left bagholding into the next bullrun where they try to sell their bags ASAP to the next sucker

This is the currenct crypto world lmfao