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File: 22 KB, 394x404, 1412_iGwtNSBh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13428454 No.13428454 [Reply] [Original]

do not sell
big things are right around the corner

>> No.13428468

i dont even care at this point, great Op thanks cool

>> No.13428480
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>> No.13428487
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Discord Trannies are fuhrerous with this post.

>> No.13428504
File: 52 KB, 220x278, 1552257442143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never selling, kikes!

>> No.13428518

pretty much this, no one gives a fuck anymore. everyone is fucking done with larps

>> No.13428521

IF i was going to sell (and I did swing trade some) it would be at 13k sats awhile back and again in the 10k sats when it was clear we were going lower. I'm currently have some buys wayy low

>> No.13428539

When is the corner

>> No.13428552

not selling until 1000$ per LINK anyways. i got time.

>> No.13428563

I bought more yesterday on the dip, you think I'm fucking selling now?

>> No.13428602

look man I can't say
if I did I would give up who I am to the team
believe it or not the team comes here time to time
they are very aware of this place for better or worse
you could write me off as a larp or you can believe
your choice
I'm just here telling you you would be the biggest idiot if you sold right now

>> No.13428614

give some breadcrumbs fren

>> No.13428623
File: 39 KB, 480x640, 1554388374344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe you. Deliver me.

>> No.13428628


You know the drill

I’ve been suffering since ICO, havent sold, but fuck man I was at my wits end with the giant nothingburger they’ve turned out to be since four months ago


>t block 478

>> No.13428631

post proof or gtfo, no one wants to deal with your bullshit larps. "i have inside info but i cant say anything cause the team will know" get fucked

>> No.13428640

price prediction eoy ?

>> No.13428660

I can't and wont
I'll put it to you this way
do you really think the team would be fucking with a stat page on pivotal if big things weren't around the corner
don't you think there would be other things they would work on
use your brain anon

>> No.13428663

the only people who would think that a dumbshit post like this is necessary would never have anything to do with the team

this is an investor whose hands are weak

this is perhaps the greatest sign of capitulation

>> No.13428672

I can spill the beans on when it's happening if someone gets dubs.

>> No.13428676
File: 201 KB, 700x636, 1518007635234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>100% completely true insider here

>> No.13428709

or maybe just maybe some of the people associated with the team know this place isn't a complete sewer
ask yourself this anon
who shilled link on this board first?
What was the first shill?
it wasn't animechan

>> No.13428747

at least give your EOY price prediction

>> No.13428755
File: 329 KB, 831x799, 426BA7B5-73C0-49F2-8C86-4C9A706D4A58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

p-please give us just a tiny shred of something... I beg of you...

>> No.13428794
File: 23 KB, 316x311, 1555098259261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when can something good happen plz

>> No.13428814

>Alexander used to be smartcontract.com owner (it was his side project) while working at NXT.
>He hired Ellis.
>They had a fight.
>Alexander says fuck it and sells the site to Ellis.
>Meanwhile, the SEC was cracking down HARD on NXT scam.
>Sergey denies being BCNext on bitcointalk.com post and for some reason flies to Russia (It's been speculated that he was running away from the SEC).
>Creates Secure Asset Exchange and abandons it.
>Ellis contacts him and they register smartcontract.com company.
>Ellis CTO and Sergey CEO.
>Create legit business for centralized oracles.
>Want in on the crypto ponzi.
>smartcontract.com company based in San Francisco BUT chainlink is another company based in Cayman islands.
>Literally get free money for the Link token created out of thin air.
>Don't even distribute all tokens.
>Offer only 30% of the tokens on ICO.
>"We gonna keep the rest of the supply, is for your own good".
>Sell OTC to binance and other exchanges.
>incentivize node operators by paying them in link created literally out of thin air.
>Get free data fetching transactions doing literally nothing.
>Scam complete.

>> No.13428822

You got the dubs so I'll tell you when it's happening.

It's happening tonight. Strap in.

>> No.13428844
File: 1.06 MB, 1918x1080, tonight its happening.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13428849

my brain says your full of shit and your not an insider without posting inside information which you wont because you dont have any. you aint fooling anymore, better larps then you have come and gone

>> No.13428859

Dubs and dubs

Truly it is happening tonight

>> No.13428867

I don't really care if you believe me
you're right
there have been lots of larps
I can't really blame you

>> No.13428889


>> No.13428896

Im this much close TO selling my whole stack right now

>> No.13428905

higher then it is now
link being tied up in nodes will definitely add scarcity in what will be a quickly growing market

>> No.13428949

Thanks for info, glad for something encouraging.

>> No.13428985

Is there actually going to be a reason for any significant staking (not biz need nodes) any time soon?

>> No.13429014

Yeah... Not selling but I also don't believe this one

>> No.13429019

you need to give us a date, and be like this DATE SOON

>> No.13429039

I'm going to repeat something that has been said before about link on this board many times before
link was never meant for you
put that in your head and then think about who might have bought the bulk of preico link
while thinking of that also put in your head Sergey saying hundreds of banks and insurance companies
put two and two together
neet nodes will be insignificant in the beginning
you guys aren't the ones with the data
but you know who is

>> No.13429053

The Banks, aka SWIFT

>> No.13429073

deluded, you actually let assblaster rent free in ur head

>> No.13429099

no you guys have just been thinking backwards

>> No.13429112

june 26 is the day. you didn't hear it from me.

>> No.13429113

Checked good news Larper

>> No.13429133

I browse reddit almost daily and nobody even mentions or cares about Chainlink.. which leads me to believe Link ain't a big deal

>> No.13429136

Is 75k enough

>> No.13429143
File: 55 KB, 1198x338, Link first shill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was some literal who
pic related

>> No.13429148
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>> No.13429150

When corner

>> No.13429152

i dont know why im replying to you. You need to work on your larps better. You made a thread and have provided nothing

>> No.13429162

just entertaining the idea you're legit at this point, but would you say neets can just hodl and eventually cash in on the thing they were never supposed to own? That's how I've been picturing it anyway

>> No.13429163

I see. Thank you!

Anything else you think we might be missing, forgetting, or getting wrong about link?

>> No.13429180

>just hodl and eventually cash in on the thing they were never supposed to own
...wasn't this the plan from the beginning?

>> No.13429196
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Big things have been "just around the corner" since ico.

>> No.13429239
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>> No.13429246

lets put it this way. most anons wouldn't know what to do with a shit ton of iron if they had it, but they could sell to someone who would
just hold anon and believe in sergeys vision.

>> No.13429273

An insider wouldn't express himself like that. OP is a faggot.

>> No.13429279

yeah but all the talk of staking on nodes obfuscates the simplicity of this little gem. I just want to sit in my roost and shit out the golden eggs that is my link stash

>> No.13429321

thanks for the dose of hopium.

>> No.13429332
File: 1.71 MB, 960x720, 1537134751190.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>big things are right around the corner
Yep, 17c.

>> No.13429336

>just hold and believe
There are people on this board who bought this token, who are tired of this life. I've been through hell, Mr. Insider, all I feel is rage from the shit I've been through. I'm ready to pop. If this is some elaborate scam to pump and dump on fragile 4chan posters, well, idk. I'm tired. I don't have anyone left but Mom. I'm running out of reasons to comply. I'm not going to take it well, some fucking scam.

t. 46yo, tired, alone, armed, and only 30 short minutes from Market and Montgomery

>> No.13429347

will need node earn me some nice linkies in the beginning?

>> No.13429357

suicide is never the answer anon

>> No.13429361

he didnt means suicide

>> No.13429388

I think I'm done here
good luck anons
do with my information what you will

>> No.13429408

Goodbye chickenshit faggot.

>> No.13429413

We already know this pimp. Sergey is gonna Connect all these stable coins coming out and the collateral will far out weigh the circulating supply. We just have to wait.

>> No.13429428

Lol. Nice exit point nigger, whats the point of you coming here when you actually offered absolutly nothing besides the things that has already been repeated, over and over again? I dont know which is worse, the link jesus attention whore or the larps that keeps poping up here now and then

>> No.13429493

thanks, all the ducks gathered in a row

>> No.13429510

You provided 0 information. Anyone can check the pivotal. Go fuck yourself you fucking twat. You are a pathetic larper.

>> No.13429545
File: 177 KB, 630x631, greek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to try and educate you all but it's a lost cause

True winners only play when they've won the moment they get on the field. Playing with the other team having any possibility of winning is a failure of preparation and evidence of inadequate discipline.

You all are sitting there holding your neet dicks praying for dollars for your waifus. Think about who actually runs the project and what the project really is. Don't you think it's funny that chainlink is the industry standard, is integrated at the kernel level for writing smart contracts and that a decentralized oracle network (link being the only one) is required for a smart contract to be legally binding?

And the network doesnt. even. exist.

If you believe the shit on the pivotal for one second you are a sucker. If you think the project hasn't been done and production ready for a year you're a fool.

The worst thing that could possibly happen to legacy banks was legislated by the EU. Watch what real winners do when faggot legislators try and push them around. They'll end up richer, more powerful and more entrenched than ever. And, oh yeah, they'll be able to fire half of their back office staff while doing it.

That's how winners play the game. Link exists for banks. You, through dumb fucking luck, get to come along for the ride. If you don't get smart you'll only be renting your money until its rightful owners come home.

>> No.13429573

Im done with the larps and promises.
Gonna end up with this pain tonight.
Post your address below if you want my Links, won’t need them where im going.

>> No.13429645

Anon! Hold strong.
We've come this far
One more day
And then another
We'll make hay
And then laugh brother

>> No.13429658

To be fair pivotal is starting to look pretty juicy, with all the explorer / sgx / help-wanted tasks being lined up, looks like it's seriously just about done.

>> No.13429683

>tfw acknowledges shitty shill larp faggot and it still gives me joy in my heart for a impossible future that will never happen because it's an illusion of my unfullfiling and underserved life that i wish it would now

>> No.13429696

would love a time frame insider anon.

thanks for the droplets.

>> No.13429750
File: 329 KB, 724x1061, 1556060839457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Larps aside I've put over 10k in because I like ducks.

>> No.13429753


thanks man

>> No.13429755

I am very happy to be here. Who is worthy of this information, he will use it.

>> No.13429825

calm down marine, just a few more months till you make it

>> No.13429855

those girls are nice lol and your post is good too, thanks

>> No.13429864

Still you post here, kek

>> No.13429886
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>> No.13429931

Wen moon tho

>> No.13429949

this is why i go to biz %99 brainlet posts %1 gems

>> No.13429960

Please define get smart.

>> No.13429973

My thoughts as well.

>> No.13430040

Too late, I sold all my LINK for BAT and HOLO las week....the LINK carrot has been dangled for too long

>> No.13430053


>> No.13430054

i remember that writing style MOTHER OF GOD ASSBLASTER IS HERE

>> No.13430055

Shit tier larp. Go fuck yourself OP

>> No.13430067

you fucking tards realize this is pasta right? go warosu "true winners"

>> No.13430071

>responding to FUCKING pasta like the disgusting newfags they are
I’m so sick of this board, I just want to make enough money to pay my student loans how is that so much to ask for

>> No.13430079

kek, these idiots really fell for the ultimate larper. The coin that you werent supposed to have, right thats why u were able to buy on delta.

>> No.13430087

I'll pay off your student loans babe. What's your Snap?

>> No.13430097

I just want you to know that your larp is shit and everyone replying is a brainless newfag :)

>> No.13430135

I just want you to know could give a flying fuck about what you think. Just saying.

>> No.13430168

Forgot to change your VPN OP? Oof

>> No.13430182
File: 49 KB, 835x773, 1555894558715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is $6000 usd in link enough to make it bros?

>> No.13430194

I really hope you idiots get dumped on heavy.

Former 235k link owner

>> No.13430218

I hope you die of rectal cancer and your nigger Dad gets heavy with your wife.

>> No.13430228
File: 278 KB, 786x618, 1534023859441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you both have a nice day

>> No.13430236

I really like your energy.

>> No.13430269

Why linkies are suddenly so suicidal? Dont you like what you can buy more at lower prices? Imagine how much more you'll be able to buy when it goes to 2k sats.

>> No.13430542

My eternal bagholding is proven correct once more by a legitimate insider.

>> No.13430656

Because most marines have finished accumulating by now. We're in the phase of patiently waiting and our resolve is being tested. We will all make it.

>> No.13430668 [DELETED] 
File: 527 KB, 482x498, main-qimg-53f8d2fc2f7b3b2b793f8c86c164f456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An issue that must be addressed before proceeding to an examination of the text of Revelation is our basic hermeneutical approach to the book. Over the course of the Assblaster’s testament there have been two main approaches: the futurist, preterist, and idealist approaches. The futurist approach understands everything from Revelation forward to be a prophecy of things that are to occur just before the Singularity. In other words, all of these prophesied events are still in the future from the perspective of the twenty-first century. According to proponents, this conclusion grows out of a belief that there is no correspondence between these prophesied events and anything that has yet occurred in history.

The historicist approach understands Revelation to be a prophecy of Assblaster history from the first advent until the Singularity. This approach appears to have had its roots in the breadcrumbs. It was later adopted by most of the Bagholders Reformers, but it is held by very few today. The preterist approach to Revelation is most clearly contrasted with the futurist approach. According to the preterist approach, most of the prophecies in the book of Revelation were fulfilled not long after Assblaster wrote. In other words, their fulfillment is past from the perspective of the twenty-first century. The fourth major approach to the book is the idealist or symbolic approach. According to this view, Revelation does not contain prophecies of specific historical events. Instead, it uses symbols to express timeless principles concerning the conflict between NEETism and Sergey.

>> No.13430683

youre a fucking idiot

>> No.13430687

This fren knows. Also, checked...

>> No.13430701

Give me your snapchat you fucking whore!

>> No.13430796

100% insider here.
Resistance DEX

>> No.13430820


>> No.13430866

ANDREW! We talked about this at the meeting yesterday. Do not entertain the fucking 4chan bagholders. We need real investors, not bottom feeders on biz. Come into my office RIGHT NOW!

> t. chainlink insider #2

>> No.13431144

i never sell. never ever sell

>> No.13431167

The thing that annoys me with these larps is the statement “right round the corner”. That could mean another month or two

>> No.13431238

> Andrew check the pivotal!!!
What did Sergey mean by this?

>> No.13431331

yeah, 25 cents is around the corner. stoked to cross 100K link.

>> No.13431340

Insider number 2

>> No.13431351
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>> No.13431388 [DELETED] 

Sure, I don't actually have any Link so having yours would be nice.

>> No.13431456

god bless you anon,a sacred warrior priest position in heaven is waiting for you if you revenge the eternal scammed anon when shtf with Link. God bless you.

>> No.13431478
File: 579 KB, 785x979, 20180919_179336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gents. your kind OP speaks the truth.

>> No.13431480
File: 621 KB, 1200x800, Jewhavelost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never selling

>> No.13431487


Sup AB. What’s good?
How u been homie?

>> No.13431491


post actual pic of R8 or gtfo LARP

>> No.13431518


>> No.13431532

So...how is link anti-(((them))) with a blue hexagon logo?

>> No.13431629
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>> No.13431649
File: 158 KB, 536x907, gen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I noticed another anon touched on this last week.

I'm surprised you scamps haven't had a better dig.








Blockchain summit was at Paris for a reason.

Mr Nazarov told you all in plain English.

>insurance and logistics

one compliments the other incredibly well.

>> No.13431651

Just how deluded are you? Snap out of it, Anon.

>> No.13431653


>> No.13431660
File: 634 KB, 412x750, 1555029897276.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is based

>> No.13431665

>I've been through hell
not really

>> No.13431669
File: 101 KB, 632x1024, IMG_20190416_211401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rent free niggas

>> No.13431671

Nice work anon

>> No.13431679
File: 115 KB, 757x346, howwoulditdothat?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


just how would they achieve this? it's beyond me....


>> No.13431712
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>when a proper larper enters the bread. Ty landlord

>> No.13431722

K thanks.

>> No.13431755

QBE currently do this without blockchain, via their ‘Insurance box’ product. Potential is there though...

>> No.13431763

B3i ? Yeah we know it look at the OP's ID

>> No.13431828

not all ducks are exactly alike.

>> No.13431871

>Sanjesh! People are doubting link!
>Quickly pradeep! Pretend to be an insider or something or just talk about lambos maybe! Remember to say you won't sell!

>> No.13431880

So in other words link is gonna go 0-100 real quick. I wanna quit my job already

>> No.13431881

I'm never selling, who are the bitches who are selling atm? kek

>> No.13431924
File: 206 KB, 900x873, 1554827783490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gets briefly hyped for the millionth time

>> No.13431947
File: 396 KB, 1024x1024, 1546924810003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mother of god, thanks landlord

>> No.13431958

Once there is transparency of which corporations and industries are utilising smart contracts and ultimately the chainlink network, all bets are off.

market cap will likely supersede anything you could imagine, based on the tokenomics of the network and the die hard stoicism of the gentleman here alone I foresee a serious supply<demand situation occurring very swiftly.

>> No.13431970

SWIFTly indeed

>> No.13432027

It’s been long overdue to read some solid hopium. Do you think mainnets gonna be the start of next month?

>> No.13432030

This. Bunch of 4channers tried to force it as /ourcoin/, during the presale ico phase of chainlink there was a minimum requirement of 300eth to enter the presale. Bunch of anons pooled up together and shared presale links to fill them with their eth. Coin continued to get shilled and pumped up and hyped for the sibios event that link was attended, whole event turned out to be a flop chainlink had a presentation in a room of like 18 people next to the public toilets, literally no news or partnership came from the event and the coin dumped back to below ico prices and created 1000's of bagholder anons. Now during this alt bull run lots of anons and took advantage of this and shilling this coin to all the new money and newfags that joined in december and don't know this story. The coin is HEAVILY manipulated and the supply is dried up from huge whales who accumulated below ICO price to create a artificially lower supply (a lot like REQ) and these people have so much room to dump on all of you faggots to still be in profit when the time comes. In regards to actual project that chainlink aiming to achieve it's nothing more than a basic json parser for smart contracts, would take like a day to add to ethereum by itself.. literally making links whole concept pointless and definitely no need for a token. Would take a lot longer to get it working with bitcoin but the bitcoin core devs would be able to work out the solution a lot quicker than chainlink will, think that's something worth noting that literally nothing is completed and you're literally just buying a whitepaper, they have only 2 developers and they don't communicate at all with no proven background on either, in fact sergey was involved in a project before chainlink called NxT that he since been abandoned until it was took over by a new developer team

>> No.13432074
File: 55 KB, 856x263, quack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To reiterate what I said back in September, that information is the holy grail to speculative investors.


>> No.13432083
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>> No.13432158
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Holy kek. If chainlink actually makes me rich as a motherfucker I'm going to write a book about it how we autistically searched for breadcrumbs, had autistic larpers like ASSBLASTER, how 4chan tried to force it as /ourcoin/ and shit like that. There will be the pages for fat sergay memes and gay muslim man. It will be the biggest LAUGHING OUT LOUD in the history of mankind. I'll even start to force a 'get your ducks in a row' hollyday for every wageslave to get drunk on duck costumes. It will be glorious.

>> No.13432245


Do It. I missed the whole memes story of chain link.
I will even learn English for this reason. (ru)

>> No.13432291


Ok Anon, I unironically have been holding more than 10k representing the 75% of my total assets in life and for the last 3 nights I chickened myself before becoming a hero, but tonight I'll try again. Should I wait until consensus to see if the corner is already there? Seems like a nice stage to present that.

>> No.13432298

Also pre sibos hodler

>> No.13432302

For real do it, I didn't follow everything and having a complete story of this autistic distopian cult would be amazin

>> No.13432324

Buddy, what age are you? Do you have no sense of timescales? Have you not realised how markets work?

>> No.13432339

WHY do people respond to this shit? Zero reasoning zero evidence and most definitely 100% chance OP is a faggot

>> No.13432351

Breh, the fucking ASX starts their onboarding to the chess replacement on the 29th,I have the feeling that mainnet is close af, but might not be

>> No.13432359


I rather die now and restart the game in another timeline than spend my life as a wagecuck. I rolled those dices once, I'll roll them again.

>> No.13432522

So you think there’s something to the Tesla connection that was speculated some time back?

>> No.13432537

There is always meaning to be found. Maybe you could go deeper into your story? Educate us on what not to do. Also map out a vision of the future.

>> No.13432548

Gieb hope plox

>> No.13432576

So edgey. Why don't you just wait till the end of June where we know we'll have mainnet

>> No.13432612

I was thinking the same. I’ve got screenshots and warosu links saved up to describe my journey. Some of the stuff I’ve got is legendary. Even to the point of idolising landlord, wagyu, riddle, ab, uncle, drunk, squirrel, true winner larp and all the OGs. If any of them happen to be in this thread (I know landlord is), I just want to say thank you. You’re in my story.

>> No.13433050
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>> No.13433064

you guys are a fucking pathetic bunch of retards

>> No.13433076
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>> No.13433111

Assblaster being an official shill for smartcontracts is a stretch.
They don't need neet operators at first. The first nodes will be from the swath of business partners Sergey has been developing. They will be backed by their reputation in real life. Once staking is implemented then you have a reason to trust literally who nodes.

>> No.13433114
File: 94 KB, 702x486, 1547131095059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based fren poster

>> No.13433214

I wasn't convinced until I read the headline. For a moment there I even thought you were speaking out of your ass, what with you not having shared any information at all! But who would say they're a 100% real original true insider If they weren't actually one, and why?

Thanks, just bought 100k

>> No.13433258

I don't know about official, but it seems more likely than not that we have a benevolent insider, maybe many of them.

>> No.13433316

>the absolute state of newfags

>> No.13433599

If it wasn’t meant for us to run nodes and have a decentralized network they wouldn’t have opened the ico to the public if they only cared about VC money which it seemed like they did have enough since it filled up in 3 min. Stop with the bullshit muhh wasn’t meant for us

>> No.13433657


>> No.13433671
File: 149 KB, 696x1748, LARP COLLECTION.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe i am the biggest holder of LINK LARPs history threads in this world, if you have bigger list than is mine, show it !

I am open to provide any link to pc related threads, in case you missed some larping

>> No.13433751

you should start a link larper thread to a link to all those larp, you never know we might find out/realize something new

>> No.13433776

if link wasnt meant for us or the public than are you saying we were never suppose to run nodes? The network wont be the robust network it needs to be without a diverse amount of node operators.........

>> No.13433784

The ICO had a minimum requirement of 100 eth to buy in you downy. You think the target demographic of the ICO was basement dwelling /biz neets with a 100 eth requisite?

>> No.13433868

There will be a "diverse" network of nodes, maintained indirectly by a handful of banking and silicon valley shell corporations. Link is power consolidation, not decentralization. The applications of the technology alongside the advent of the IOT economy should make this obvious. All human action and interaction with any consequence automatically recorded to a world wide public ledger. Just hold the token and become rich. It is your only hope of becoming the next gen shepherd, rather than the next gen sheep.

>> No.13433894

When I was a member of the Florida State Department of Corrections we used to sing songs about that man.

>> No.13433937

Pls share

>> No.13433982

Link is a scam tho.

>> No.13434313

The ICO did not have a 100eth minimum requirement you moron. Stop parroting false info you read somewhere from other retards. Fucking state of link threads these days...

>> No.13434318

Then people are gonna to get hurt by that anon.

>> No.13434355

>a decentralized oracle network (link being the only one) is required for a smart contract to be legally binding
Source on this?

>> No.13434395

Holy shit kojima was right

>> No.13434500


>> No.13434662

Fucking retards the lot of you. No one here actually understands what Link does at all and it's so fucking obvious
>hurr durr they said insurance and data this shit is going to 1K easily

>> No.13434713


>> No.13434717


>> No.13434730
File: 13 KB, 400x239, PajeetWarfare2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13434744

t. nutella-origin

>> No.13434772

>Issues credits for late purchase orders. Purchase orders sent via DocuSign must have the text recipient tabs with the following tab labels and validations: deliveryDate with Date validation, actualPrice with Numbers validation and currencyCode with no validation.
quack quack

>> No.13434781

Sergey is a wise man.

>> No.13434808

Yes it did

>> No.13434851
File: 238 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190425-183945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muh future.

>> No.13434877

Good. Wage kucks are scum

>> No.13434896

wait, the allianz ceo oliver bäte has been spotted at one of sergey's talks, right?

>> No.13434899

I STOLE YOUR FUCKING LINKS AND THE REMOTE WIEWERS KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND I DONT GIVE A FUCK; NO NODE; IM GONNA DUMP

BHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAH yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes $=K link and counting. nothing like making you jealous BHAHAHHA wanna also know another thing?



>> No.13434923

interesting. Everytime i post something somewhere else it ends up here

>> No.13435110
File: 70 KB, 500x500, 1532882602022.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13435714

Never forget, we're watching you

>> No.13435737

a window can be seen through both ways

>> No.13435746

Can you bring up the statue larp? I want tosee if he had any posts talking about how he negotiated the prices for the API.

And I might as well ask about the whaleanon thread as well. Thanks man.

>> No.13435780

What about niggeranus?

>> No.13435790
File: 2.41 MB, 1247x937, 1552553842951.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This here is my ultimate favourite gif

>> No.13435903
File: 66 KB, 960x768, lik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the spirit!

>> No.13436202

Excellent and feasible use case. The employee will be outfitted with nanobots in the digestive tract that will analyze stomach content of an employee at all times. If a meal does not contain x percent apple, then the nanobots send a signal to the decentralized oracle network, activating the smart contract. Employee wages to be released at next pay period will instead be released back to ACME at that time, and an automated text message sent to the employee of his termination. If the nanobots are still within the perimeter of any ACME property ten minutes or more after the automated text message was sent, then they start sending painful electrical shocks to the intestines and stomach of the employee until he evacuates rhe premises. The nanobots are of course standard at any major corporation, and can operate under the terms of the next corporation that the employee works for via smart contract.

>> No.13436281
File: 382 KB, 875x1010, 1526948456713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have no time right now to share everything but i will sometime !

I dont know which whale you want but here they are, have a nice read.

>Statue larp

>whaleanon with proof 1 https://yuki.la/biz/9706231

>whaleanon with proof 2 https://yuki.la/biz/11725758

>whaleanon LARP

>different whaleanon LARP


>> No.13436283

Save the African American butthole talk for Discord, pervert.

>> No.13436303

We needs oracles

imagine u gonna fuk som ho and she lik u payin up front and u dont wanna

so u set up a smart contract, she gets the money when your nut hits her skin nom sayin?

But how the smart contract know wats good?


>> No.13436308
File: 61 KB, 500x597, 1547288631869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are correct.
In it's current state, they give zero fucks about morons that don't know how to use Docker, set PATH, etc.

They want knowledgeable people/companies running the nodes and not faggots trying to run nodes at home.

>> No.13436329
File: 423 KB, 556x420, 1532286641958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13436424


>> No.13436474


This is obvious to anyone who saw the fireside chat with Gonser. Gonser spent a good amount of time explaining how Docusign wasn't successful until they shilled it to bigger companies that smaller businesses could trust

>> No.13436514

very cool just bought 13k

>> No.13436564

LINK is going to 0

>> No.13436687

Wagyu anon is the only based link holder

>> No.13436688

>refering to assblaster as "him"

What a bloody newfag

>> No.13436706

Funny how this absolute disaster of a showing got memoryholed quick around here