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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 20 KB, 292x219, job-interview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1342739 No.1342739 [Reply] [Original]

have phone interview for my dream internship tomorrow.


>> No.1342741

Don't sperg and just ask a lot of questions.

>> No.1342742

Be calm, cool and collected. Seriously, I got a phone interview midday on a Friday and I was still half-asleep when I answered it. Just be confident and chill.

The face-to-face interview is the one you should be worried about.

>> No.1342804

Write down a short 30-45 second summary of who you are, what you do in your freetime ( that is related), your prior work experience, and possibly any classes you've taken that are related

Write down 2-3 questions about the company to ask (EVEN IF YOU KNOW THE ANSWER)

>> No.1342827

Ask them questions about themselves at the end.

>How long have you been with the company?
>Oh wow, what compels someone to love a company so much they commit that much time there?
>What do you enjoy best about your job?

The psychology of it is, instead of you trying to sell yourself to the interview, it flip flops and they try and sell them self to you. They will subconsciously connect the dots and think "wow, this person must be very important if I'm trying to hard to convince them my worth" And you'll stand out much more.

Don't rely solely on this method... you still have to have a solid interview. But yes it could distinguish you from another candidate who is equally qualified

>> No.1342847

don't wear pants

>> No.1342913

>Dream internship
Has our standards so low now that we consider intership a dream come true?

>> No.1342920

Have someone who isn't autistic enough to ask for advice on 4chan do it for you