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13424542 No.13424542 [Reply] [Original]

> Be me 27 and grinding life on multiple fronts to make as much money as possible to exit this terrible society
> friends always travelling asking me why i dont travel as much
> i tell them $2000 today could be $6000 in a few years which would net me 3 trips instead of 1
> "you gotta live in the now man"
> all while these people keep complaining how they have no money and the government keeps screwing them
> actually sitting comfy with 1 property, few BTC, and other shit coins, gold, stocks, more money than all my friends combined and they dont know shit. I hope to ghost most of them in a few years.

>> No.13424639

kek enjoy your nolife with your digits on a screen and shiny rocks

>> No.13424660

i will enjoy it.

Why would I want to cuck myself for the next 40 years and not investing now.

The best years are yet to come.

>> No.13424709

Based. I'm also 27 and grinding but it's hard to make ends meet. Currently putting $1k/month into crypto. I could double that if I moved back in with mom but she drives me up the wall. I also think I'll ghost most of my friends after making it. All most of them will do is treat me like a lottery ticket anyway.

>> No.13424734

You could do both, idiot.

You sound angry for some reason bro. It’s okay, have a good day.

>> No.13424766

Honestly because I believe trips are a waste of time and money at an early age.

Its very simple how to play this game that the world has given us, you just have to play by the rules and you can make it out.

Doing both is possible sure, but like I said. Im after every fucking dollar. Jew to the max

>> No.13424770


>> No.13424792

>"Financially illiterate" Chad is buried after having a wife, 6 kids, having had a full life fucking roasties, going to parties, travelling, enjoying life and being happy
>Anon is found dead in his apartment after his neighbors noticed his smell.
>He is buried by the state because no one would pay for his funeral. Having no heirs, his millions of dollars in wealth is confiscated by the state and handed over to single moms and niggers as welfare

>> No.13424827

>kek enjoy the photons interacting with the inside of your eyes and enzymes digesting exotic foods

>> No.13424854
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> Three years later....
> Anon, you've made it. Why do you have to be such a jew and not share in some of your sweet sweet profits? Can't you just pay our plane tickets?

>> No.13424858

Anon is An autistic loser

>> No.13424886

>Don't travel to save money
>Continue to live with your parents to save money
>Ignore women to save money
>Eat rice and beans to save money.

You people live miserable lives. Also pretty sure this anti traveling thing is just one angry anon since it has popped up frequently only recently.

>> No.13424895
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Traveling isn't the issue in my opinion. Traveling within your means is. You can go a state over (if you're in the USA) or visit somewhere close, or even go camping. Treat it like a vacation and have some fun, you don't have to be somewhere exotic for it to be considered traveling, just somewhere new & with the right mindset (no work thoughts).

Traveling and reading are seriously overrated nowadays. Traveling more-so, I say reading because I notice more & more NPCs shilling stupid self help & get rich quick business books.

>> No.13424960

I don't think you can overcome the tourist bubble in a couple weeks. I don't want to preach on how to properly do something but I found living and working overseas (6 months at the absolute minimum) really helps get those "new experiences" and different ways of understanding that a two week vacation or a three month hostel blitz through a bunch of countries doesn't get you.

I don't mind any of that in my 30s. I've had my fun.
But in your 20s you should definitely go and live life, experience this degenerate "hedonism" thing that /pol/acks hate.
if travelling is a waste of time and money at an early age it's an even bigger waste when you're old.
luckily my work (6 years) and volunteering (1 year) paid for all that shit in my 20s. i have no desire to do much of that now.

>> No.13424979

>Trips are a waste of time and money at an early age
Yeah why travel when your back/knees still work?
Why travel when you're at the most crucial period of self-discovery in your life?
Why travel when you're young enough to get laid?

I'm a very frugal person but I do spend 1k a year on travel. I try to live life under a regret-minimization framework.
What am I more likely to regret, not experiencing the planet and watching history unfold, or missing 200% gains on a 4k investment? I think i'm making the right choice.

>> No.13424998
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>I hope to ghost most of them in a few years
Then you guys clearly aren't friends lol. That's pretty sad, man.

>> No.13425044

To my defence coming back(not like it matters lol)

but i do travel but i minimize how much i spend on travel

I dont do multi-times a year international trip like my friends do.

I just kinda do it when I can. mostly travel domestic for 80% cheaper.

>> No.13425093

meanwhile i'm addicted to sleeping with high class escorts kek

>> No.13425163

>punctuation in greentext
>replying to a post without linking it
You seem nice but did you forget to lurk a year before posting?

>> No.13425166

Money isn't everything dude.

>> No.13425353

cuz you could get paralyzed in a car accident tomorrow, and wish you had done more to enjoy things.

>> No.13425369

This is absolutely 100% wrong. Pretty much the only thing I spend any money on is traveling...and crypto of course.

Travel within your means, but travel. Even if it's like 1 week out of the year... go to a small country and see as much as you can and stay at the cheapest places. Take weekend trips to places within driving distances or short flights away.
But you should absolutely save money...save money on everything else. Best ways are cars and food. Don't ever buy a new car...if you need one. Low miles and like 4/5 years old. And food/drinks. It's amazing how some people buy lunch and dinner 5 nights a week each. Bring your lunch to work EVERY DAY. And if you like your coffee, make it at home EVERY DAY. Hey, but splurge with your co-workers once a month or so.

Anyway, that's it. Save money AND travel.

>> No.13425379

Don't listen to all these retards, there are ways to save money and invest while simultaneously enjoying your life, who would have known? And if everyone through the history of mankind went through life with the attitude of " could die tomorrow, might as well waste today" then there would be no legacies on this earth, no real important knowledge would have been handed down, and we would still be living like monkies with no electricity.

>> No.13425406

Traveling and having authentic experiences is important to develop a mature and accurate worldview. Until you really internalize the core fact that 99% of humans are garbage including the ones with warm holes between their legs, you will be held back from becoming as strong as you can be.