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13422685 No.13422685 [Reply] [Original]

>over the past 8 years, index funds have outperformed 60% of hedgefunds
can somebody explain how this is possible when hedge funds hire so many "professionals", quants, analysts etc. ?

s&p 500 only averaged 10% a year for the past decade. But an actual succesful hedge fund (Soros' quantum fund) averaged 30% a year (compounded) for 40 years straight...

are a lot of these funds just straight up scams?

>> No.13422704
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same as Bitcoin will outperform /biz cucks daytrading 101 shitcoins over the next 12 months.

>> No.13422713

Yes, Hedge Funds are scams. There's a reason they prefer to hire from Ivy League schools rather than top engineering schools. Ivy League schools are all about networking (aka making friends with people). This is a useful skill because you need to gain peoples trust before you outright scam them.

>> No.13422716

People cant usually beat the market. Soros is an exeption, cause hes literally too big to fail. If people hear he invests in something theyll buy it, making his Investment already an success

>> No.13422725

Because Wall Street is a playground for egotistical narcissistic cucks who spend their lives chasing money and being miserable, and there are enough people who exist like that that they have essentially formed a colony where they print money all day even though it adds no value to the world around them or even to their own lives.

The only people I know on Wall Street who are truly happy are the ones who left. Ultimate cuckoldry is being a slave to your wallet.

>> No.13422774

their entire goal of institutional investing is to take peoples money out of their control. and that cuckery isnt free, those rocket scientists, misallocated in the economy due to this fuckery, dont come cheap.

basically people pay people who hate and steal from them to take care of their money.

>> No.13422799

Hedge funds only work in free markets. The “Fed put,” which is to say the massive injections of liquidity and capital into the market by central banks has broken the normal feedback loop/market cycle. It works pretty well until it doesn’t.

>> No.13422819

is that why stock charts look so weird and unnatural in comparison to crypto/altcoin charts?

>> No.13422834

The funds defer taxes by hodling a ETF for less than a day, a good few haven't paid tax in years. I bet if you use the same tactics the IRS will literally rape you!

>> No.13422854

Crypto is weird, as there’s no real precedent other than speculative bubbles in other previously new asset classes. Between that and the preponderance of whales (~95% of coins are held by ~5% of wallets), I’m not sure what to make of it tbqh.

>> No.13422862
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Friday,.. squash

>> No.13422878

In modern economy people who earn most don't do anything useful but are great at convincing others to give them money.

>> No.13422900

Baby is learning:)

>> No.13423003

I suspect most successful hedge funds are either politically connected or are staffed with geniuses like Rentech.

>> No.13423055

Yes, but underperforming doesn't mean the fund is a scam. Some funds are designed to be neutral to the trend of the market for example there's a hedge fund that relies on merger arbitrage to make money. You wouldn't expect something like that to outperform the S&P reliably but it fulfills a specific niche.

>> No.13423649

Why are blonde's so pretty.

>> No.13423659

because they are full of recessive genes when you can plant your dominant ones

>> No.13423714

what effects do algos have on all this?

>> No.13423754

You have to understand that a lot of people are aware that tax funded benefits, like Social Security, may not be enough to meet people's retirement requirements, as time goes on.

I suspect the Fed is aware of this, and has just basically said "fuck it", and have decided to keep rates in a place which won't cause an extreme disturbance to the overall stock market.

I think people need to stop thinking of it as this place of Capital Allocation, and more so just another approach for fixing the problems of providing Retirement funds for an ageing population. Index Funds are essentially savings accounts.

A lot of these issues actually tie into the Incel problem, lower birth rates, immigration, stuff like that. I never realized it, myself, but the more I look at things, the more the see some of the underlying issues. I have to say, I dislike thinking of human beings as just tax output units, it's sad.

>> No.13423893

stock trading is just gambling

>> No.13424212

the true redpill is that women's rights and subsequently bringing them into the workforce has directly led to the massive growth over the last 30 years, which is now leading to the Fed keeping rates artifically low forever to maintain that growth

Because if the growth ever stops, the entire world is fucked

>> No.13424247
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Based Shkreli spoke about this in one of his videos


>> No.13424419

>women entering the workplace lead to massive growth because they doubled the labor supply almost instsntaneously which crushed wage growth until the economy grew enough to require even more workers, at which point our benevolent politicians passed immigration and entitlement laws that incentivize millions of low-skilled to flood across our borders legally or not, which again flooded the labor market and allowed corporations to continue to raise prices but never have to pay their workers more, which translates into the ridiculous growth in the stock market over the past several decades.

Also, computers and productivity and all that

>> No.13424527

I don't think that's true. Real rates have been kept low (historically speaking), due to the recovery from the Financial Crisis. I would agree that inclusion of women definitely contributes to higher productivity (more people working, greater access to talent). And this adds to growth, but that's hardly the sole cause for what's happened with rates.

So I don't think a solution to the rates "problem" would be excluding women from work.

If the Fed is keeping rates low, because of concerns for long term prospects of the Stock Market, to provide funds for as many people's Retirement Plans as possible, then it's primarily a changing age demographic issue.

It's then actually a good thing women are working, because they're more likely to be able to save for their retirement, rather than have to rely on someone else or the Government, entirely.

>> No.13425492
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the fed has been steadily increasing rates since like 2015 tho