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File: 153 KB, 1048x1022, the best is yet to come.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13422073 No.13422073 [Reply] [Original]

anyone else feelin' ETH 2017 vibes with this one?

>> No.13422088

We're dipping but there's strong support, not sure whether to buy in now or not

>> No.13422105

just tell it straight, gib some price predictions

>> No.13422125
File: 83 KB, 878x838, 41B9A987-97F7-4665-BF5B-137E0773306A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Half of one percent of the 300bn digital ad market = $1 BAT, I have no specific predictions but I have confidence this will be a significant dollar figure within five years. Strong hands niggas only!

>> No.13422154

don't they just hand these out to marks who watch ads using Bravo browser?
why buy the milk when the cow is leaking milk all over the place?

>> No.13422177

Web3 and online advertising (soon to be 80+% of all advertising). BAT will have a market cap in the hundreds of billions.

>> No.13422212
File: 478 KB, 946x532, nice sp meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sexy figures and nice dubs

>> No.13422263
File: 80 KB, 766x960, 07519BCE-00F1-486F-8220-2321052D5AFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to believe

>> No.13422283

I'm feeling pump and exit vibes with this one. It's caught all the hype on reddit so I'm riding this wave for now

>> No.13422557


I hold BAT and XRP, if you FUD XRP but hold BAT, you’re a nigger

>> No.13422591

I don't do that tho

>> No.13422639
File: 9 KB, 292x173, 789889789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


XRP is utterly dogshit. Even their CTO has been actively dumping. It's a marketing meme. Banks aren't going to be buying or using this garbage to make Ripple founders rich.

I am not sure how successful BAT is going to be but it's a 1000 x time better bet that XRP. They actually have focused use cases, strategies and a guy behind it who has a vision that might deliver. Compare that to XRP which has a failed corporate parasite who worked at AOL and Yahoo: Brad Garlinghouse

>> No.13422646
File: 46 KB, 384x500, hVUeCOQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels bigger.
They're not luring normies in to crypto or waiting for adoption.
They're smearing crypto in their faces and tipping them to do so.

This is going to be the first mass adopted crypto and if you aren't in now, you're going to miss out.

>> No.13422712


It’s not dumping just because you call it that. He actually stated HIS intentions. He also owns millions of XRP and stake in Ripple.

Letting people know Brad worked for two companies that were powerhouses during the advent of mainstream internet proliferation is not hurting his image.

>> No.13422737

Easiest way to buy BAT? Binance doesn't work for me

>> No.13422764


uphold or coinbase

>> No.13422797
File: 27 KB, 477x387, 1484507221501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I thought it wasn't listed on Coinbase guess I'm retarded. Cheers anon. Really think this one is gonna go somewhere and be a top 5 coin in a year. It has a tangible use case, and is also driving a new business model. I only hold BTC and eth mostly, so I'm stoked to get in on this.

>mfw retarded linkies keep holding

>> No.13422843

>anyone else feelin' ETH 2017 vibes with this one?

>> No.13422851

Not really, it'll all dwindle before you can say candle ja-

>> No.13423038


Not really sure, but I think you meant candle ja

>> No.13423452

checked. Big picture people got into BAT early and will make it.

>> No.13424001



