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File: 320 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190423-215929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13418817 No.13418817 [Reply] [Original]

LN always 18months away
No one in the real world accepts crypto this is after 10 years.
Coins still valued millions based on a couple lines of javascript see chainlink and request.
Shit tier Altcoins that nothing but state how they are always about torl release their mainnet are still alive

sell you lads at $2k

protip you cant refute my points

>> No.13418820

Cope harder loser

>> No.13418846

I don’t think we’ll go to 2k but we’re destined to crab at 3k-5k for another year.

>> No.13418862
File: 104 KB, 720x708, 1555997664754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LN's 18 months expired more than a year ago in case you didn't notice.

Since then there's plenty of shops, wallets and nodes. And people use it every day.

Kys loser


>> No.13418911
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it's used in cases where it's needed ie shithole countries, and conducting business with said shithole countries online. It's still more convenient for westerners to use fiat, but crypto ux/ui will continue to grow alongside its userpool.

>> No.13418924

I'm going to enjoy watching this smug faggot get blown out

>> No.13418932

>global political situation signals massive transfer of wealth into crypto

>> No.13418961
File: 405 KB, 1124x1338, madman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see you bearfags at 9.2

>> No.13418964

No shit, OP. We all know people are coping with "digital gold" propaganda because they don't want to accept the truth.

>> No.13419056
File: 603 KB, 1036x919, 87462378462378628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look, i'm a bear. but this jcho guy is king Bobo in disguise, he's way too biased.

>> No.13419067

BTC was a good proof of concept, but people got too emotionally attached. Its time for old coin BTC to respectfully move aside and let better technology finally take the reign. Of course, like all emotionally attached investors, core maximalists will cone reeeeing and shitflinging when faced with the truth. I will always respect BTC for starting the crypto movement, but its time to move on. Sooner rather than later there will be no choice.

>> No.13419099

Will you retards stop posting this fucking larper as “proof” of the bull market, i hope we sit at 2k for a fucking year just to BTFO u faggots spamming this delusional screencap

>> No.13419103

Fees are rising

>> No.13419110


>> No.13419140
File: 119 KB, 578x584, 1556051312535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's unironically a good indication of a bull market in progress.

>> No.13419144

theyll learn the hardway anon...they always do

>> No.13419149

jcho710 is such a stupid faggot. Dude is never right.

>> No.13419151

>The network being harder to transact on is a signal its value is growing
Imagine being a bull

>> No.13419174

>demand increases
>price increases
>onchain activity increases
>onchain fees increase

so yeah, there's a causal relationship in this order

>> No.13419180

>Fees increase
>Volume decreases because the median transaction value is always around $100
>Price decreases
>people lose faith in bitcoin

So yeah, there's a casual relationship in this order

>> No.13419203

>fees increase
>people stop using the network inefficiently like brainlets and use batching, segwit, lightning, sidechains etc...
>fees decrease
>people gain faith in the network
>price increases even more


>> No.13419219

kekekekekekek are you retarded? Dk you think for a second people will fuck around with all this shit to make some transactions? Look at your typical normie and tell me with all honesty they will take the effort to go through all this shit. My god you are delusional. The only solution would be paying a third party to take care of all this behind the scenes shit for normies, but that defeats the purpose of btc doesn't it?

>> No.13419222

High level insider.
High fees punish you for cashing out in the ponzi.

>> No.13419301
File: 11 KB, 478x523, 1555610533110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking it's too complicated

Look at your typical normie, do you really think they'll use the Internet and take the effort to manually remember IP addresses, write HTTP headers by hand over telnet? C'mon Internet is dead, it's too complicated, normies will never use it.

That's how retarded you sound.

- Download Eclair (or other wallet) on phone
- Write the seed
- Open channel

that's as simple as that. Now you can pay your coffee or beer with $0.00005 tx fees while lazy faggots are paying $1-2 in fees because muh it's too complicated to take 1 second of your life to tap a button.

>> No.13419318

> lightning,
Can handle .1% of bitcoin's volume. Also doesn't work
Don't exist and nobody cares
That doesn't mean anything. Also the segwit blocksize increase is only to 2 MB
Doesn't work when people are sending to an exchange from their wallet

Stop coping. Fees are already $1.40.

Normalfags have no interest in lightning because they don't use it.

>> No.13419391

>Can handle .1% of bitcoin's volume.
wrong, you can handle an infinite volume of transactions. You can send/receive multiple times a channel's capacity in all directions. Capacity != Volume

>doesn't work
I use it every single day, works great, you're clearly wrong again.

>segwit doesn't mean anything
Fees are 60% more expensive using Legacy wallets compared to native Segwit wallets. (141 vbytes vs 226 vbytes for a typical tx) If you like paying 60% more than necessary then you're retarded and you have no right to complain about fees as you voluntarily decided to pay more.

>batching useless
Yet many large organizations still make a retarded use of the chain without using it. It's okay they'll just bleed to death compared to more smarter competitors who save on fees.

>Stop coping. Fees are already $1.40

Not for me. On Lightning I pay less than a cent in fees TODAY. The same as any other day.

>> No.13419414

What normalfags are interested in is completely irrelevant. That's what you bulltards don't seem to be able to understand.
>but muh mass adoption
Doesn't happen like you think it does because you don't know anything. The things you think matter don't and the things you don't think matter do.

>> No.13419434

Nobody uses Lightning.

>> No.13419452

>Not for me
Imagine thinking that using lightning is in any way representative of the crypto market
Imagine thinking that anyone is interesting in downloading a second client just to use bitcoin when every other crypto doesn't need it

>> No.13419453

>high fees are good!

C*recucks are subhuman.

>> No.13419461

You could do all that gay shit or you could just buy real bitcoin instead and just use the blockchain as intended.

>> No.13419469

>and this is based on my opinion of what I think matters do
I know you are trying to sound like you know things, but its not coming across the way you think

>> No.13419499

It’s not cope. The best indicator to a true bull market would be all boats rising with the tide. What you’re seeing is an artificially lifted ship that’s about to come back to reality.

There will be a new bull market in 2020, trust me, and it will be more grand than 2017. However, BTC is going to fall low before then. Accumulate

>> No.13419523

>Nobody uses Lightning.
You're only fooling yourself


Imagine thinking people would prefer a wallet that makes them pay $2 in fees instead of $0.00005

Yeah right, let's just use an individual armored Brinks truck to secure my $1 coffee tx forever and hope it won't cost too much.

>> No.13419534

>Imagine thinking people would prefer a wallet that makes them pay $2 in fees instead of $0.00005
Yeah, bitcoin cash/sv already does that. Nice job wising up

>> No.13419536

Sold the top, bought the bottom. I have multiple applications ready for when the actual original vision of what Bitcoin can accomplish is implemented and tested. Just one of my applications with just the small client base I know about is enough to raise the price considerably.
Alt market is diluted by too many coins and no real reason to buy one over the other. They will keep bleeding except Doge the true king of alts.

>> No.13419541

>7 posts by this ID
>Furiously defending LN
Alright pal, what's your deal here?

>> No.13419542

>have to be online to receive payments so do people you send to
>channels can close for any reason
>hubs can be DDoS'd
>failure of a major hub severely impacts the rest of the network
>transactions require hops, the more hops in a transaction the higher chance of a sybil
>impossible to cold store LN coins
>network requires 3rd party watchtowers to monitor for fraud
>channels have to stay open for weeks to facilitate any kind of trade
>no payments are confirmed until the channel is closed and settled on the blockchain
>in order to open or fund a channel you are required to do an onchain transaction that in the future will literally cost thousands in fees centralizing access around banks (as intended)
>the cheapest LN fees are literally the same on bch or sv

Unironically just use fiat, it has less problems than this shitty banking solution. That's what it is too, don't try and fool yourself otherwise. Alternatively you can just buy some real bitcoin and drop this garbage fire forever (you won't). Enjoy poverty when your shitcoin with literally no utility goes to zero.

>> No.13419554

Those links don't support your argument. Nobody is using this shit.

>> No.13419559
File: 58 KB, 1253x606, bsvbtc_20190424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, BSV fees might be cheap, but you're losing even more purchasing power than you save on fees kek

>> No.13419560

itt: nocoiner cope

>> No.13419605

Remember when that one guy opened a node to test LN and had like 60% of the liquidity on the network? Lightning is a joke and anyone who has faith in it is beyond deluded

>> No.13419611

Less than 20 IRL stores in the WORLD use Shitening LMAO.

>> No.13419634

I dunno, it's kinda fun to see people raging about high fees and finding new ways to cope while I'm just relaxing with microscopic fees on BTC kek

Cope harder. Half of those points apply to mining nodes too, the other half is garbage. This just shows your ignorance.


>> No.13419636

Who exactly does bitcoin even appeal to now?
Poorfags can't use it
Normalfags can't use it
Maybe richfags can use it. But why would they waste their time when better stores of value exist like CASH. The whole marketing strategy is a joke

>> No.13419643

Can jannies ban this faggot from spamming his low IQ twitter handle here every day? Fuckin saged

>> No.13419645

Also, all these accept LN: https://www.travelbybit.com/merchants-who-accept-bitcoin-cryptocurrency/

>> No.13419723

>take out a miner
>network continues unhampered
>take out hub
>network shits the bed

I prefer decentralization desu senpai

>> No.13419806

so many people think the market will do what they think its supposed to do...

>> No.13419861
File: 21 KB, 789x241, 32Trillion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if this ever happens, we'll all know about it lol.

Bitcoin can't die yet because the herd hasn't decided where to go next.

>> No.13419938

>we'll all know about it
You never talked about it when it happened before. You all just rant about burger nonsense like any of it's relevant. The biggest price mover in recent years has been people in developing countries avoiding monetary restrictions, inflation and traditional currency fluctuations. Where was the highest price of Bitcoin actually recorded? Africa.

>> No.13420066

>take out a miner
>network adjusts by decreasing difficulty
>take out a hub
>network adjusts by routing around the faulty hub

You analogy doesn't really work in your favor.

>> No.13420087

Fuck you, bobo.

>> No.13420091


I mean..you're not...wrong...

>> No.13420136

>and every payment channel that hub had open prematurely closing them requiring peers to reroute
>due to the centralized nature of the network its likely many more hops will be required to get the same liquidity and connection

Bitcoin has on average 1.3 hops. The ".3" coming from people running non-mining nodes, so when you hit one of those first you have to be rerouted to a miner. On Lightning the average amount of hops is something like 5, maybe more. A centralized hub going down means those hops increase due to the massive connectivity loss.

This shit doesn't work in your favor, fampi.

>> No.13420149

I don't understand the mentality of a bear?

Why would you want to gain more of an asset by betting that same asset is going to lose value, thus making the asset you are gaining, if you are right, less valuable?

>> No.13420192

its because their first experience with trading is a crash so their brain gets hard wired to expect drops in price. they have to move from crypto to find other crashing assets becuase they cannot identify when something is undervalued only overvalued and it is very hard to switch. same reason you have a bunch of "moonboy" permabulls who cant seem to change their mentality.

>> No.13420596


Bitcoin was $20k already in a worse state. Why crash down to $2000? Even if your points are true there is no logic to it. Bitcoin could still be unvervalued by 100x even without widespread adoption, once real mainstream adoption is here you may look at 8 digits bitcoins.

>> No.13420605

but he is right, july 9k, will you finally believe then?

>> No.13421424


>> No.13421845

is this the most fucked chart of all time?

>> No.13421873

the only person coping here is you, late buyer. your bags will remain heavy

>> No.13421921

lost any respect for him when he unironically started using XRP as market compass. Most retarded thing I ever seen

>> No.13422067 [DELETED] 

You can't unsoy yourself and that's all that make me laugh in the first place

>> No.13422080

Wrong thread, I'm drunk again

>> No.13422157

>you re a faggot
> you re a faggot
So yeah, there’s a casual relationship in this order

>> No.13422369
File: 121 KB, 938x716, 6vNVjc9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13422523
File: 55 KB, 630x328, your future.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody buys Bitcoin to transact, they buy it with the same mentality as gold. LN and shitcoins are irrelevant. Sorry Tim, you missed the bottom, AGAIN.

>> No.13422536
File: 213 KB, 1800x1020, its too late.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol. Cash is going to be banned within the next decade or two. Common Reporting Act has destroyed any chances of bank secrecy. Bitcoin is the ultimate neutral asset in which anyone with enough money to matter will flee to, out of necessity.

Essentially no capital allocated to Bitcoin. Empty infinitely expandable wealth storage vessel to absorb capital flows. As sterile asset, BTC price increase is wealth transfer from other assets. A black hole on the world's balance sheet. Will be legendary.

>> No.13422545

Let me guess its espers on yobit

>> No.13422564

It can go to 2k, it can go to 1k but ultimately it will go to 100k. Final bagholders will be ETF holders and pension funds. BTC has an incredible potential for massive exposure and (((they))) will make sure their BTC reaches the next generation bagholders. Mark my words.

>> No.13422699

I really want to believe you, but the fact that the volume graph is still having extreme spikes during large jumps tells me we're just barting. I bet the whalers manipulated the price to fit this image just to throw everyone off.

>> No.13422745

Lol, how is that a problem?
There is so many channels and alternate routes that chances are the "routing around" will be available immediately kek

>> No.13422766

All animals feel best and live longest on a fresh raw diet.

>> No.13422891
File: 104 KB, 960x665, tze2pr85apt21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people stop using the network inefficiently like brainlets and use batching, segwit, lightning, sidechains etc...

>> No.13422911


>> No.13422934 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 968x339, bitcoin_price_crash_hourly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13422950
File: 393 KB, 2704x2832, lightning network so simple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13423145

Great argument, many great points backed by facts and statistics.

>> No.13423339

Fuck please be true

>> No.13423351

People have been listening to all this fud for the past 18 months, we bull now faggot

>> No.13423705

2k is the new 50k EOY
absolute pants on head retarded prediction with no back up