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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13415511 No.13415511 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a financial group more powerful than the Rothschild family?

>> No.13415532

The bogs

>> No.13415558

And sminem

>> No.13415585
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>> No.13415588

The Drumpf Family, given how much money they're stealing from the US taxpayer.

>> No.13415608
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>unironically calling him drumpf

>> No.13415614


>> No.13415672

>getting this assmad about someone calling your racist cheeto idol by his family's original name

>> No.13415688

Reminds me of john meta trolling

>> No.13415693


>> No.13415696
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yeah, this pic-related nigga
money aint SHIT without GAME

>> No.13415717
File: 416 KB, 844x499, Obama's Legacy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how much money they're stealing from the US taxpayer

Yes. Ingorant 'merican.

Trump took billions of dollars from US tax payers in 2009 to bail out Goldman, Lehman, Merril, GM, Ford, etc, just to watch all that money end up padding the pockets of the 1%, all while the corporations went under or moved their manufacturing to Mexico & China.

Obama is the reverse robin hood that makes trump's spending look like child's play.

>> No.13415723
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The other 12 families

Astors, Bundys, Collins, DuPont, Freeman, Kennedy, Li, Onassi, Rockefeller, Russel, Van Dyun, Merovingian

>> No.13415738
File: 84 KB, 768x521, AP_18236557385905-768x521_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obama is gonna be the first black president
to go to jail

>> No.13415749

>implying the rothschild have any power compared to big corporations and funds

>> No.13415755 [DELETED] 

is that jay electronica?

>> No.13415772
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At least Obama wasn't a puppet of Putin like President Cheesepuff.

>> No.13415773

He actually seems like a nice guy :<

>> No.13415793

>b-but whatabout obongo!!!!
drumpf would have done the same you autistic /pol/drone

>> No.13415794

No, he was a puppet to the Chinese. Pick your poison.

>> No.13415798

And to think the next stooge we elect won't also be someone else's puppet is nonsense.

>> No.13415804

>he thinks Obama was dedicated to anyone other than the American people
Oh sweetie

>> No.13415811

They are trillionaires, perhaps single digit quadrillionaires

>> No.13415818
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show some respect, kiddo

>> No.13415828


>> No.13415864

Please tell me this is bait, and I'm falling for it. This reminds me of the way bush jr's presidency is romanticized

>> No.13415879
File: 61 KB, 444x576, 5405d0fb349870010716e34593f03c02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never show any respect for the homophobic Cheeto-in-Chief.

>> No.13415908

Honest question, what does being homophobic have to do with anything? Are you just saying his ideals don't align with yours?

>> No.13415923
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This based sandnigger

>> No.13415962

2009 /g/

>> No.13415972
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Homophobic, transphobic, Islamophobic, xenophobic, misogynistic, it doesn't matter which one I said. I just chose one at random.

>> No.13415988

>Homophobic, transphobic, Islamophobic, xenophobic, misogynistic
literally /biz/ president

>> No.13416035

You're silly, but life is okay and you will be happy

>> No.13416038
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yes they are called the black nobility http://thebabylonmatrix.com/index.php?title=911:Black_nobility

>> No.13416068

How'd a thread on the Rothschild's turn into communist faggot vs toothless hillbilly thread? Everything was better before social media...

>> No.13416144

Oh sweet summer child...

>> No.13416176

What'd you (you) me for homo?

>> No.13416179

Everything post 2012 4chan has been shit tier, you haven't noticed?

>> No.13416215

Because you're being problematic

>> No.13416267

Yep the real people in power don’t have their names plastered all over conspiracy sites on the internet, they use “elites” as puppets silently I imagine.

>> No.13416276

The united states government

>> No.13416541
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I feel bad for him having to deal with being accosted by "woke" individuals such as the gentleman in the OP pic

>> No.13416561

Yes but they're hidden from public view.
>Heavy is the head that wears the crown
These people have learnt from history to not ever show their faces

>> No.13416569

you can literally see the IQ difference in the pic lmao

>> No.13416572

someone's been to the CIA's reading room I see

>> No.13416580
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>> No.13416595
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Don't know about that fren. The black guy was smart enough to keep his face hidden while Mr Rothschild is trying to fit in. I think blacky one that round. They will never be allowed to win again.

>> No.13416603

Laughing out loud!
>muh bloodlines
>muh ancient alienz n shieeeeet

>> No.13416609

Remember that time anons realized pizza was a satanic child molesting symbol of the elites and Biden sent Obama that friendship bracelet with a pizza charm? I remember...

>> No.13416612

probably at least ten different groups in china alone LOL

>> No.13416656
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>They will never be allowed to win again.
kek. this is like a we wuz kangs level of delusion

>> No.13416674
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>> No.13416687
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>> No.13416731

they are not trillionaires you schizo retard.

>> No.13416809

>unironically using snopes as a source

>> No.13416819
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>> No.13417151
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>> No.13417167

the bitcoin family 10 years in the future if they can hobo it out

>> No.13417178

What are their full last names I wanna do some research on them

>> No.13417199


>> No.13417200

I dont care about snopes, they are still not trillionaire stupid moron.

>> No.13417208

the double 0 were for (you)

>> No.13417209

This is high quality bait

>> No.13417214

Those are standalone organisation
2nd place but not to Roffs

>> No.13417410

> Renewed and expanded powers guven under the patriot act
> Supported NSA mass surveillance of American citizens that's totally ended don't worry goy
> Expanded the wars
> Extrajudicially killed an American citizen in Pakistan via drone strike
> Overturned laws prohibiting the government from spreading propaganda
> Literally legalized fucking propaganda
Truly a man for the people

>> No.13417439

Overlay this with ben shapiro

>> No.13417512

Yes probably more than one but we don't know about them.