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13408798 No.13408798 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that we are still in Denial phase. There hasn't been any Panic or Capitulation yet. People are still largely optimistic for the future of Bitcoin, this means that we are far, far from Depression. If you agree with this chart then you must agree with my statements. Feel free to disregard the chart though, it is probably a sign of Denial if you do, of course.

>> No.13408804

My investments are with great coins.

They will come back.

>> No.13408817

daily reminder that you are retarded for following this graph.

>> No.13408819

Panic was 6K. Depression was 3K. We bull.

>> No.13408822



>> No.13408832

Lurk moar

>> No.13408850


>> No.13408859

this is a sucker's rally

>> No.13408899

I think we're still in that anxiety phase.

remember that accumulation takes awhile

>> No.13408948

>There hasn't been any Panic or Capitulation yet
A recent slight pump (by crypto's standards) and 99% of Biz is convinced the GBR is here. I saw an interesting post the other day, that people who bought in Sept 2017 are still in the green. Even at 3200, they were only down ~30% maximum, vs 20k buyers who are down 75-85%. Scam tokens like chainlink and literal jokes like Dogecoin are still worth HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF USD. The GBR will not commence until bullshit 'projects' like above are gone and the entire crypto space has truly corrected. The pain is not yet over, the bottom is not in. Plan accordingly.

>> No.13408962

>this is a sucker's rally
we are here, you are a fuckin retard, you are literally in 'disbelief'

>> No.13408976


OP is literally at:
>this is a sucker's rally

>> No.13408986
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>There hasn't been any Panic or Capitulation yet.

>> No.13408987

we're unironically at euphoria

>> No.13408993

you're the fucking only one in denial

>> No.13409004

>from $3200 to $5600
>a slight bump
kek you are the disbelief stage personified

>> No.13409006

Definite denial right now. Objectively looking at the TA and fundamentals, BTC must capitulate to 1k to ever go up again in a sustained manner.

>> No.13409009


I bought in August 2017, and I think about that all the time. Still going to go down. But you have to remember when projects crash it doesn’t mean they will jump out to fiat necessarily. Trimming the fat little by little would be the better way to a healthier market.

>> No.13409029

Retail investors ate their losses and exited crypto we already had capitulation because smart money is buying back in. Stay poor faggot.

>> No.13409044


>Retail investors

Dude, dude, what the FUCK do you think you are? Smart money? LOL.

>> No.13409224

Daily reminder that you must be a newfag who wasn't around during the last few crashes and the following silence after everyone cashed out their peanuts and left.

>> No.13409237

people literally jumped off their balconies because of crypto, and you think there was no depression

>> No.13409260

people did?

>> No.13409263

Daily reminder that you’re deluded and missing a brain. Fucking Kek imagine being this guy

>> No.13409268

you are in Disbelief

>> No.13409290

Man I haven't been here since Jan 2018, I made so much money, but I hodl'd till now and lost so much money. I definitely got very depressed and stopped looking at crypto daily.

How the fuck do we even proceed from here? I went from a 1k to investment to 300k at the peak, then it fell to 10k. If history repeats My 10k becomes 3mil.

Will my hands become weak at that point?

>> No.13409307

retard, the denial phase doesn't last for a year and a half

>> No.13409316

I never said I was smart money but im rich enough to have ridden the bear market and DCA the whole way down.

>> No.13409321

aw, i'm sorry you're depressed over your $9000 gains

>> No.13409324

We are at Anger. Depression is next. Depression us not always lower than anger though.

>> No.13409328

Dogecoin was around in late 2013, it's survived a previous bear cycle

>> No.13409358

Daily reminder to do the opposite of what /biz/ says

>It's 19k, it's gonna keep going up
>It's at 3k, it's going to 1k

>> No.13409399


But it doesn't feel like it. People are too optimistic for my liking, both here and on twitter. If this chart plays out then we haven't even capitulated yet. >>13408804 is a joke post but it is the mindset of very many people and you cannot deny this.

>> No.13409426

Yeah I'm fine either way, if we crash to 2800 I'll start slowly putting my wagie bucks in again. If this is unironically the golden bull run, then I just have to wait until I make it.

>> No.13409432

Where have you been the last year+? Do you have amnesia anon?

>> No.13409440
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We are just past Euphoria. If you think otherwise, kill yourself. See you at 25$

>> No.13409447

So what the fuck do you people want exactly. For everyone to give up and let everthing go to 0?

>> No.13409463

Look around you. People are expecting a bull run. People are expecting the bitcoin cycle to come back around. This isn't what capitulation and depression looks like. People still have faith.

Ideally $1.8k so that I can buy cheaper and another year of bear to accumulate. What I want doesn't matter though.

>> No.13409490

>we bull
You fag

>> No.13409585

I knew a few who killed themselves yes

>> No.13409594

you are dumb sir, there are like 30 of us left on this board, other 99.9999% of users dont give a shit about crypto anymore

>> No.13409609

This is true sadly. There was one, and one reason only for the bullrun in 2017. Bitcoin was everywhere, even my grandma knew about it. Nobody cares about it anymore. And even if it does make the news, people just remember how they got burned. Good luck waiting for your bullrun.

>> No.13409621

Disbelief was 4k+, now hope phase is building

>> No.13409641

We need a slow staircase upwards not that tether pump shit

>> No.13409802

what ''they are worth'' has no relevance. What, you mean what coinmarketcap says they are worth? Because thats not what any of the coins are actually worth, its just a method of slapping a number on a coin to quantify it.