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File: 980 KB, 1304x1008, 1528007482680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13407702 No.13407702 [Reply] [Original]

short canada

>> No.13407721

Fire up the money machine. Make way for the PPT.

>> No.13407729

Oh fuck we were so worried about the southern wall those goddam goofs have been sneaking across the northern one

>> No.13407736
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>> No.13407758

>tfw Canadian
>tfw manage money well enough that i can put away $300 in savings a month
>could be hit with sudden expense and be able to pay in cash without thinking twice
Is it because I'm a high-school dropout?

>> No.13407765

They'll elect a party that promises them UBI. Probably have a good year or two before it unravels.

>> No.13407773

Time for bail ins

Sorry your money is gone we had to use it to pay back all the banks who loaned out money to irresponsible people

>> No.13407777

300 a month isn't much to be putting away but it's better than nothing. Good job anon.

>> No.13407778

>canada is collapsing

>> No.13407780

I only have my grade 12 and im doing better than anyone I know. To be fair, everyone I know for the most part is a total loser, but I do have 10s of thousands in my bank as I await the canadian housing crisis. I cant wait to buy one of these retarded boomers houses for pennies on the dollar. I hope to have at least 100k saved up before the collapse.

>> No.13407803
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>put away $300 in savings a month
Hope that isn't staying in fiat.

>> No.13407843
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>> No.13407903

>could be hit with sudden expense and be able to pay in cash without thinking twice

Too bad that sudden expense will be paying off the loans of the 48% of your countrymen who can't keep up with the loans they had to take out to afford cheese, if you don't run away now.

>> No.13407945
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wew! funny because on 680 i heard over 50% are 200 dollar away from insolvency this morning, w.e the fuck that even really means/implies. are """they""" trying to prep us to be ass raped but being nice enough to caress our asshole slowly before rape? i feel rich having like 1k in my bank now

>> No.13407986

how old are you and where you abouts? i cant tell if these niggers just lease shit for the flash nigger life style or actully got the money.. im 26 and got most my savings in cryptos atm, some silver too, but overall networth is barely around 10k cad... i just wana size up another fellow canuck's dick.

>> No.13408014

This... can't be real, right?

>> No.13408033

about 2 years ago. its true.

>> No.13408045

It's like they looked at all the things successful countries do, and then went the opposite direction.

>> No.13408098

I'm Canadian, 18 and put away 700 a month working minimum wage. Unironically live with your parents until you make it.

>> No.13408114

>tfw 29 w/ 285k liquid net worth

thx bitcoin

>> No.13408137

It’s because 48% of Canadians are low IQ and waste all their money on consumerism. I’m glad. I’ve got some silver and gold and going to build that up with my funds. Fuck Canada. t.canadian

>> No.13408189


>> No.13408206
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Canadians are bunch of LARPers trying to live the lifestyle of the American upper classes while making southern european wages LMAO pathetic

>> No.13408243

How the FUCK do I parlay this into a big tiddy goth gf from canada?

Or just any qtgf from canada, really. Can I import skinny qt's when they go full Venezuela?

>> No.13408249

My province has a $57k USD GDP per capita, which puts it at 26th place in the US states, tied with Oregon. Not bad for a bunch of farmland with commie crown corps.

>> No.13408283
File: 783 KB, 1600x1443, money-take-home-after-taxes-6008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Adjusted for cost of living and Canadians are medicore as fuck and even below Italy which is known for economic stagnation and mismanagement and equal to Spain which has 20% unemployment

>> No.13408330



>> No.13408345
File: 34 KB, 377x252, canadian377x252-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya'll worried about Canada, like they havent got enough land, resources or people to deal with any financial downturn.
>canada is a hotspot for crypto
>gov playing 12D chess by ridding themselves of the old assest classes
>new age
>permafrost melting
>pajeets breeding
>things need building
>Canada grow
>Canada #1

>> No.13408354

nice fake news. the average Canadian is way richer than the average amerimutt

>> No.13408399

Imagine being a burger poster trying to subtly criticize Canada because your country's President is a women groper, racist orange buffoon. Canada is miles better than the US, we don't fight in pointless wars that kill millions of innocent lives.

>> No.13408406

go back to toronto, faggot

>> No.13408407

Real Estate Investment Trusts will support the bottom and ensure that they can collect rents off of people ad infinitum. Only crypto and wall street bets have the potential to pull you far enough ahead to break in.

>> No.13408409

You forgot that we have more blacks then you have people. Our whites are fine.

>> No.13408485

I'm not taking any criticism from the country that gave the world fucking Caillou

>> No.13408503

yo leave my boy Caillou outta this

>> No.13408504

You are a territory of the People's Republic of China.

Why would you short the PRC? Do you not love President Xi?

>> No.13408770

That chart is at best misleading, and most likely bullshit. taxfoundation.org/comparison-tax-burden-labor-oecd-2016/
Canada, the UK and the US have almost identical tax burdens, and Spain has 20% lower GDP per capital than Canada.

>> No.13408938

I’m pretty sure it’s 90%+ any one smart has left.

>> No.13408944
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>> No.13408946
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>> No.13408975
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who here shorting CM, LB, and RY?

based Steve Eisel has foretold us

>> No.13409114

Literally nothing you listed is bad. Fuck off Toronto fag

>> No.13409262
File: 183 KB, 1190x1114, 1509866798512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw only just above the average take home in australia


>> No.13409273

Best advice.
No shame in multigenerational households. It keeps more money in the family and keeps you humble.

>> No.13409406

I thought dude weed was supposed to make all Canadians rich?

>> No.13409468

>300 a month

try 2000

>> No.13409476

Can you buy Canadian government bonds? If so, what's the current annual payout?

>> No.13409494

you had to buy weed stonks to get rich from it otherwise you just get high not rich

>> No.13409505

not much if they default

>> No.13409519

So would bonds be cheaper to buy if I wait till the leaf monopoly dollar hits the bottom?

>> No.13409666

meme chart
For the average wage in my eastern euro shithole, the take home is 40% less than what is listed.

>> No.13409700

Cucked, I wish we had Trump instead of a 'male feminist' mic dropping PM