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13406763 No.13406763 [Reply] [Original]

Lowest sat value (2100) since late 2017. XLM has been bypassed by everything.

Is it doomed?

>> No.13406837

if you have xlm you should just go over to the dex and but some slt to recover your loses. easy as that.

>> No.13406870
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When is SLT hitting the market?

>> No.13407093


Yes! Haven't you read at ALL about the reality of this project?? No adoption! Company runs all the nodes! IBM partnership is basically a non-starter! If any coin will take the mantle of fast cheap "transfer of wealth" coin, it will be Ripple, which has the proper history and industry connections!

Haven't you learned at ALL about Jed McCaleb? Serial project abandoner! Terrible business acumen! Unscrupulous husband and boss! Definitely knew about missing funds at Gox and probably took them himself! Left his wife and kids to date a serial failure startup chick whom he tried to install as CEO at Ripple! (that was the reason he left btw)

Start here:


Jesus Christ!

P.S. it's confirmed that his wallet has been dumping XLM, causing those HUGE red wicks in the charts the past months, saturating the market with coins and making the price bleed out. He is IN THE PROCESS of abandoning the project

>> No.13407128

Protip: every coin that starts for x is:
1) Jew
2) Shit

>> No.13407714
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>> No.13407722

You write like a faggot

>> No.13407772


Holding 250k XLM until Davy Jones locker.

>> No.13407774

how many lumens to make it? 300k or 900k?

>> No.13407785


>> No.13407846

fuck the recent FUD
will hold for long term
so many fags whining

>> No.13407929

He's paid to write like a faggot

>> No.13407941


This. This isn’t Reddit. People literally write like children who suffer from frequent molestation at the hands of their step dad.

>> No.13408482


Oh man. You guys aren't even like Linkies. With LINK even the idiots who hold without reading anything about the project are gonna get rich because it's actually a good project. I got a 4x off XLM in 2017 and believed it was a great hold until I read a little bit. Seriously, unless you are a mindlet and are afraid of having to think too hard about where you put your money, read anything about it and ask yourself critically if any of the good news/hype about stellar has any substance. I'm not even like the delusional people looking at the charts of shilled coins and making outrageous speculative claims ("the team is dumping!" "whales are suppressing the price!")--- the information about stellar being a bad coin with the worst of leadership is pretty fucking solid. I'm guessing you guys aren't even gonna check out that article. Nevermind if you are a diehard XLM fan, it's a good read.

But I guess someone has to end up holding the bag. Enjoy!

damn man, 250K XLM... I'm really sorry.

>> No.13408609


> Bad Man Divorce his Wife! Only Bad Man Does Not Provide for Roastie!
> Bad Man Leaves Kiked Project! Only a Bad Man would Leave Bad Project!

You have to be the most Cringe and Bluepilled FUDster I've ever come across.

>> No.13408621

Everything is getting crushed is sats except the Tezos
Your last chance to get an ETH run is Tezos
Get on that and fuck everything else

>> No.13408717
File: 60 KB, 418x623, samfh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wha? SLT is already on the market stupid nigger. has been for ages. go buy it on bittrex or one of the stellar dex

>> No.13408820


Hi Acrimony, it'll get better bud

>> No.13408839


jed mccaleb is satoshi - more soon

>> No.13408960


Yikes! I'm kind of cringing because I'm not sure which is more concerning--- do you not have any substantive rebuttal or do you think the ethics of ghosting one's family is actually the point I was making? I'll chew up this food a little better for you. Point about the latter is not that it's an ethical issue although it shows a lot about his character. Jed doesn't follow through on commitments when things get rough; his track record is very clear on this, both in his personal life and especially in his professional life. Worse yet, he escaped to a completely incompetent partner whom he tried to install as an executive at Ripple. That was the main disillusionment with Ripple on his part--- they weren't implementing his terrible business ideas. As I recall, the final straw was when he wanted to do a "facebook giveaway" of XRP without any sort of KYC. Ripple categorically forbade it so he took his ball and went home.

It doesn't matter how bad Ripple is as a company. Jed managed to implement all his own terrible ideas with Stellar. FYI, he actually went on to do this giveaway with XLM on facebook, and people very quickly developed bots to accumulate huge amounts of free XLM--- this was before the $25 airdrop they did much more recently, except this time requiring KYC. Jed is not only careless, but's he criminally dumb when it comes to people and strategy.

Spoonfeeding you has been my good deed for the day. Good night you dunce.

>> No.13409094

Bag holding 100k at an average of .16,
Not even sweating

>> No.13409108
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Also KYS reddit faggot

>> No.13409141



Yikes!! Pretty embarrassing! Imagine touting an article that's 4+ years old as ammo against a network that's still around today with a new codebase which was said to be impossible and proclaimed dead in said article that was paid for and quoted by Ripple Labs (who still does this shit to this day: https://www.reddit.com/r/Stellar/comments/b8nhk9/ripple_cto_claims_stellar_is_centralized_due_to/ek1mcu4/)) crazy @JoelKatz who is shitposting on quora about Atheism every fucking day but XRP isn't Ripple so I'mNotGay.

>> No.13409675
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>unequivocally based and high iq pilled
Jealous of your stack anon, just hit the 15k XLM mark myself, I buy a small stack every time the price recedes

>> No.13409692
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>yikes and cringe
Ripple fags indefinitely seething and lashing out about Stellar while they get dumped on, pro tip it never had to be this way anon.

>> No.13409707

>He is IN THE PROCESS of abandoning the project
Good. Let IBM take over.

>> No.13409886
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>> No.13409920
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XLM got only "Nigger fud" and "back in time all way back to 2014" fud lol

>> No.13410028
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>> No.13410287
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Price never goes up it seems, back to 9c we go.

>> No.13410307

>justifying people who "invested" in a marketing oriented shitcoin like LINK
Your opinion is worthless faggot

>> No.13410588

Im going all in if it hits 9 cents

>> No.13410666

How about 3c? And will stellar ever go back to 1$?

>> No.13410965

Just went allin.

200k xlm masterrace repoarting in boys.

>> No.13410969

No surprise. The history books will write about how Jed McCaleb was the biggest criminal in crypto and how he got away with it. You think Mt. Gox was an accident? The theft was all orchestrated by him.

>> No.13411528


You did well Anon ignore the fud

>> No.13411575
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i'll let you decide.

>> No.13412073

I think I wouldn't have bought SLT if it wasn't for the fresh stellar dex back then but now I wish it was on ethereum or anywhere else since XLM is dragging it down so hard

>> No.13412132

kek its going to like 800 sats then 400

>> No.13412184

What's with all the Stellar FUD recently? After the bullrun nigger fud it went pretty quiet. Is it because people are realising it's one of the few legit cryptos and poses a threat to their shitcoins. I thinks so

>> No.13412675

Unironically the XRP army

>> No.13412683

There is an irrational hatred of XLM from Crippled Hodlers for some reason.

>> No.13412695

Stellar will just announce how much profit they made from banks running stablecoin on Stellar Network and the price will moon.

>> No.13412701

Just sodl all my xlm

Unironically shitcoin not designed to moon