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13403868 No.13403868 [Reply] [Original]

how is this achievable for poorfags who are leading impossibly shit lives, so they dont burn what little they have in the markets over reaching and gambling

>> No.13403878

by patience

>> No.13403908

any tips?
radically altering the shit life is an option that has long since sailed

>> No.13403997

exercise, learn, repeat, until you master math. physics, and engineering you are just another pleb. this is the buffet play, except with our gains we are going to make humanity advance faster than people expect b/c we are new money and we aren't a bunch of old money greedy kikes that manufacture a zero sum game sum for the rest of society, crypto is the only thing that is not a zero sum game. hodl.

>> No.13404037


You need money to make money, it takes about as long for a poorfag to turn 1k into 100k as it takes a richfag to turn 100k into a cool 10 mil. Doing what people like soros did to get rich is significantly more risky because they had the pleasure of working within a period of obscene growth.

>> No.13404385

i want to but I cannot buy enough, always end up chasing positions, always feel like I need to be speculating my puny stacks.
capital is non existent really, so I need to let time do its work with the right holds, the irl shittylife is just a constant stream of hammering me down daily that makes hodling and waiting for spots feel impossible.

>> No.13404417

Don't put all of your faith into crypto for making you rich, you're gambling if you live like that, and gambling isn't a good long term strategy. Yes, you may absolutely kill it, but you may well end up destitute, so approach it with a balanced mindset. Yes, crypto has the chance to make massive returns. It also has the potential to wipe out what you invest. So put in as much as you can afford to lose and then occupy your time with improving yourself so that you can improve your income conventionally, e.g. learning a skill for a higher paying job, or developing a strategy and associated skill to start a business. Put money into crypto, but if you're living hand-to-mouth because you put 100% of your savings into crypto, you've made the reckless gamble of a desperate man. Don't let the desperation warp your reason, you can make some cash from crypto without going all in.

>> No.13404429

>You need money to make money
almost every shitcoin ive bought has at least 1.5x'd... eventually.
what are min wagie faggots like me supposed to do? $800 on binance, I cant just wait for 2 months to see if im proven right/wrong, im always dipping in and out of whatever I think.is bouncing around next, how do I change this behaviour?

>> No.13404569

The redpill is that for some of us, the reason we are poor is because we come from a lower iq lineage relative to the area we live.

>> No.13404588

Buy link and hold, duh

>> No.13405825

What if I am shit at math?