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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 19 KB, 480x480, mockup-f489ce48_480x480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13401816 No.13401816 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13401833

Considering that 1 FTM = $5 in a year, yes, more than enough

>> No.13401845
File: 326 KB, 922x613, 656477987891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


we're going to make it

>> No.13401851



>> No.13401861

FTM will hit 4-5 bucks sooner than later. base your making it amount off of that.

my making it amount is $5 million. i own 1,850,000 FTM and keep buying more on every dip


>> No.13401875


Please help newfags and weak hands by posting the FTM BTFO pastebin manifest whenever you see the faggot posting his copypasta FUD

Just bookmark the link and post it to shut-down the fudders with their lies.

FTM FUD BTFO - Must-read:

For the record, i am not against valid criticizm. I just hate lying faggots that make shit up, like the "Fantom was an ICO scam" pasta faggot that shits in every thread lately...

>> No.13402176

Fantom isn't a shitcoin, fantom is tech.
Let those that see the value in that be the winners.

Let the cucks and morons forget about this.

We win regardless of any shilling, and if I'm not a top 100 on this coin before mooning, I lost.

>> No.13402188

How can anyone not be all in on FTM?

>> No.13402205

aBFT is a huge promise that few shit coins can make. If fantom pulls it off it beats hashgraph to the market and will be one of the best chains to host anything.

>> No.13402222
File: 98 KB, 893x834, 1555881537276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fantom was an ICO scam. The gook founder doesn't know how to code, and the team were all fake. None of the original team are left. All their partnerships are fake (there is no substance behind them). Their public ICO was fake (they only let friends and family in). They sent the 100,000 people who tried to get into their public ICO a scam email telling us we were accepted and to send ETH to the wrong wallet (their personal wallet). They are criminals. They only had a white paper and that was a copy paste of Hashgraph's whitepaper.

They begged Andre Cronje to build something for them.

Fantom recently pumped and dumped their token. They used the ETH they raised from ICO to buy back Fantom tokens at the bottom after the price crashed. They then got their team and bots to shill non stop on Twitter to pump the price, and used a wash trading bot to create fake volume. They sold their tokens at ATH, and stopped shilling, turned off the wash trading bot and let the price free fall so they could buy back at under 100 sats to pump and dump again (around mainnet time in Q3).

I was the anon that shilled Fantom on biz. I misled and outright lied to you. Fantom is not "Ethereum, but without the scaling problems".. it is just a crypto for smart cities and IOT. Andre Cronje isn't "like having Vitalik as your core developer", hes just a blogger. Fantom won't have 300,000 TPS. The TPS will only be a couple of thousand at mainnet. The marketcap is 50% higher than what is displayed on coinmarketcap.

Pump and dump gook scam coin

>> No.13402262

I believe every word of this post. The worst part is that idiots who were scammed will deny it because the alternative is admitting they're dumb and wrong. Look at people holding LINK.

Their stupidity caused them to buy and their stupidity prevents them from selling. Really sad stuff.

>> No.13402315
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yeah aBFT + lachesis on GitHub are mindblowing tech. i am starting to get tired of the fudders desu, can't be fucked to BTFO the fudders much longer if no one else chimes in.. i'll just buy more every dip and stop caring if a few newfags miss the moon. i mean even the fudder has given up and just reposts the same desperate pasta full of lies everyday that is debunked within 5 seconds of DYOR or reading the pastebin pasta..

i feel sorry for all the idiots who bought high and sold low. imagine selling ETH low right before the mainnet moon.... no IQ kek

Where's your buy order son? if you really thought FTM was shit, you wouldn't waste your time, writing this low effort FUD, filling out captchas, etc. You are here to buy in cheaper - actions speak louder than words anon you can't hide your intentions. I don't waste my time shitting on Chainlink even though I think it's garbage - why would I? I couldn't care less about the project and filter everything related to LINK. People only FUD if they are interested. But what you don't realize is that 4chan doesn't affect the price. This isn't a tradeogre shitcoin with zero volume

show me one tweet of a scammed investor NOW. you can't. any kind of scam would have caused a massive social media shitstorm. fucking birdbrain... this FUD is debunked in a millisecond you can do better than that

>> No.13402507

thanks just bought 250k, but unironically. should i double my stack frens?

>> No.13402529

Buy the dip, that's what I'm doing
I won't have money for a validator node, but the staking returns are as good as they come and within a few months (max) reach

>> No.13402533

never post on this anonymous forum but I have been around this board for the best 3.5 years and I bought my bitcoin back in 2014. I am posting because since the early days of ETH, there was never a single coin which I could say I had 0 doubt that was going to succeed and yield a massive amount of return on my investment.
>I have 1 advice for you. If you are in crypto in 2019, you owe it to yourself to read up on DAGs, and what FTM and Fantom are going to become in the next 3-5 years. This is bigger than buying bitcoin when it was $2.50.
>FTM, at its current mcap evaluation, is insanely overvalued. I cannot begin to describe our sentiments around this project, their partnerships with SAP and Tokeny and their team.
>Read this paragraph. FTM is a top 30 coin. You are in a very unique situation, the situation folks were facing when they had bitcoin under $5.
>"Lition has previously signed an agreement with a real estate development company and two branches of the VR Bank, a leading banking conglomerate in Germany with assets over $1 trillion to develop a solution to process syndicated loans on FTM's proprietary DAG infrastructure. The loan volume for a housing complex in Germany has a volume of approx €20 million, which will now be the basis to issue security tokens created using FTM's T-REX Token for Regulated Exchanges standard
Kys fag, are you a bot lol? U never post on this forum but. You seem to have the generic chx pasta down pretty wel. Smh

>> No.13402556

Flavour of the month. aka vaporware

>> No.13402618

Ftm has to retrace, so hold your buys. Buy cheap.

>> No.13402629
File: 135 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2019-04-22-16-15-42-938_com.android.chrome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

over 50k lines of code in just one of the github repos, there are like 20 repos in total. must be vaporware

it finished retracing imbecile

>> No.13402714


I wish biz would leave projects with actual good development going on alone. If we're gonna shit on things, let's shit on stuff with inactive githubs and poor communication. This dude with the Fantom fud pasta is a complete and utter faggot.

>> No.13402724

>Circulating Supply: 1,270,000,000 FTM

>> No.13402728

>Still pays attention to supply not marketcap.

>> No.13402755
File: 28 KB, 700x483, 1555548991191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does a coin start at 23 cents, fall to 5 cents, and only gain up to 10 cents in 6 months? Big yikes.

>> No.13402770

How many HOT's to make it?

>> No.13402776

Oh you poor people. Buying the biz flavor of the month. Sad. Bigly sad.

>> No.13402785
File: 22 KB, 485x297, Screen_Shot_2018-06-15_at_1.30.36_PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being this dumb/blind

>> No.13402796

also up to 70% of supply will be locked for those juicy staking rewards of 15% p.a.

ftm is unfuddable just give up nigger

yeah he must be a really poor low IQ newfag that sold the bottom. just funny he doesn't realize FUD is a huge buy signal for all the DYOR anons.

ico was 4 cents are you retarded? what chart are you looking at, surely not FTM

>> No.13402823
File: 77 KB, 928x499, ftm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what chart are you looking at, surely not FTM

>> No.13402877

the price was never even close to 23 cents retard

>> No.13402899
File: 145 KB, 1031x876, 1545972172971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t-the chart is wrong, b-buy FTM please!

>> No.13402915

Nice cup and handle forming there.

>> No.13402925

shhhh, let me accumulate more

>> No.13402928


>> No.13402939


Was that all different pasta? Lol wow this project is pure shit.

>> No.13402990

It has a cup and handle forming. Get in and stop being a giant bbc loving faggot.

>> No.13403079


>> No.13403091
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>> No.13403202


I'm good. Have fun selling this for whatever comes next.

>> No.13403209
File: 176 KB, 650x360, dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already got dibs on the $Fantom vanity plate for my lambo

>> No.13403428

what kind of disability do you have?? you falsely state FTM was at 23 cents, i tell you it wasn't and then you post the FTM chart that basically confirms my viewpoint....yet you dtill spaz out and act like i am the lying cunt. get a care-taker aspie

fuck wait for me my salary arrives in 7 days, pls faggots. fml otherwise i only got 1.158 million

>> No.13403838


I'm opting for a Michael Chen tattoo

>> No.13404268

Where can I get that hat OP? I want the world to know I'm a Fantom chad.

>> No.13404287
File: 280 KB, 640x331, 5k2tWE6P7gjtWGNDHKvBHJvQx7thWpwfBuL4j6vJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fantom was an ICO scam. The gook founder doesn't know how to code, and the team were all fake. None of the original team are left. All their partnerships are fake (there is no substance behind them). Their public ICO was fake (they only let friends and family in). They sent the 100,000 people who tried to get into their public ICO a scam email telling us we were accepted and to send ETH to the wrong wallet (their personal wallet). They are criminals. They only had a white paper and that was a copy paste of Hashgraph's whitepaper.

They begged Andre Cronje to build something for them.

Fantom recently pumped and dumped their token. They used the ETH they raised from ICO to buy back Fantom tokens at the bottom after the price crashed. They then got their team and bots to shill non stop on Twitter to pump the price, and used a wash trading bot to create fake volume. They sold their tokens at ATH, and stopped shilling, turned off the wash trading bot and let the price free fall so they could buy back at under 100 sats to pump and dump again (around mainnet time in Q3).

I was the anon that shilled Fantom on biz. I misled and outright lied to you. Fantom is not "Ethereum, but without the scaling problems".. it is just a crypto for smart cities and IOT. Andre Cronje isn't "like having Vitalik as your core developer", hes just a blogger. Fantom won't have 300,000 TPS. The TPS will only be a couple of thousand at mainnet. The marketcap is 50% higher than what is displayed on coinmarketcap

Pump and dump gook scam coin

>> No.13404346

Code incorporation. Lachesis consensus is 100% unique. Will be better than hashgraph. Vaporware would imply they never finish. They have a test net now which they are improving for main net.

>> No.13404365

Which project is paying you to fud Fantom? Vechain? I know they are notorious for that. You CREAM Crypto?

>> No.13404432

yeah checked the code thoroughly, they are basically done. just cleaning things up and making minor adjustments. mainnet is basically finished and ready to go live

>> No.13404454

fuck off gook. go scam people somewhere else

>> No.13404471


Please help newfags and weak hands by posting the FTM BTFO pastebin manifest whenever you see the faggot posting his copypasta FUD

Just bookmark the link and post it to shut-down the fudders with their lies.

FTM FUD BTFO - Must-read:

For the record, i am not against valid criticizm. I just hate lying faggots that make shit up, like the "Fantom was an ICO scam" pasta faggot that shits in every thread lately...

>> No.13404506

cringe and bluepilled

>> No.13404517

"Fantom is a scam" no mention of anything but how ICO was impacted by eth crash with butthurt initial investors. They paid 4 cents a fantom, really goes to show how undervalued FTM really is. Main net will meet every promise of ICO. Add to it we also might not be in a bear market anymore.

>> No.13404648


>> No.13404869

buy a rolls royce phantom retard

>> No.13405305


>> No.13405816


Sweet need to get one of them shits for my infant.

>> No.13406388

They're opening the books. No Fantom faggots are about to BTFO.


>> No.13406822

this is unironically pretty cool

>> No.13406902

Bbbut its a scam they would never open their books

>> No.13406913

You're going to get your kid confiscated for child abuse.