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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 24 KB, 608x352, lition-imagine-the-brainlets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13401022 No.13401022 [Reply] [Original]

Bizlets and pajeet BOLTlets are calling lition a scam because they are doing a 1 million airdrop. if you are not planning buying LIT soon i am sorry for you. also debate whatever you think it's a scam about LIT and i will debunk it

>> No.13401035
File: 81 KB, 842x476, 987696879678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure, it is

>> No.13401063

chx has been exposed as a scam. the fraudster devs will keep delaying mainnet until they have dumped all their chx and then walk away from the project. mainnet was supposed to be Q1, then Q2, now it's "end of the year". they can't dump all their chx all at the same time because there isn't enough liquidity to do that. they can only dump about 10,000 chx per day. it will take them a long time to dump it all

>> No.13401110
File: 1.13 MB, 1920x1920, 1555933801163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pump and dump scam, pic related

>> No.13401129

That doesnt mean it's a pump and dump that just a couple of retards who browse biz and have nothing to do except display retardedness

>> No.13401132

It's one retard Emmy Brown who is spamming both Fantom channel and a few more with "TEAM NEEDS TO DELIVER SOMETHING!! WE NEED TO PUMP THE PRICE!!"
BOLTies starting to get desperate? Heavy bags?

>> No.13401138

Comfiest hold rn

>> No.13401157

Loads of projects do this. Roadmaps aren't hard and fast dates and are open to alterations.

CHX and LIT are both top level projects that you can put your money in and be sure in 6 months you will see growth on that initial.

>> No.13401168

When is the airdrop complete?

>> No.13401187

good question

>> No.13401191


Own (CHX) is a pump and dump scam.

The fraudster devs pumped the price of their token by lying about mainnet being Q1, lying about having tokenized billions of dollars worth of assets, and lying about having STO's lined up until 2020. The devs have been dumping their tokens on exchanges for months.

They will keep delaying mainnet until they have dumped all their tokens and then walk away from the project. Mainnet was supposed to be Q1, then Q2, now it's "end of the year". They can't dump all their tokens at the same time because there isn't enough liquidity to do that. They can only dump about 10,000 tokens per day, so they need to keep stringing you a long to make you hold.

>> No.13401260
File: 42 KB, 640x633, 1536741861548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are joking rn
posting copypasta in every thread

>> No.13401312

never post on this anonymous forum but I have been around this board for the best 3.5 years and I bought my bitcoin back in 2014. I am posting because since the early days of ETH, there was never a single coin which I could say I had 0 doubt that was going to succeed and yield a massive amount of return on my investment.

I have 1 advice for you. If you are in crypto in 2019, you owe it to yourself to read up on STOs, and what Tokeny and tZERO are going to become in the next 3-5 years. This is bigger than buying bitcoin when it was $2.50.

Lition, at its current mcap evaluation, is insanely undervalued. I cannot begin to describe our sentiments around this project, their partnerships with SAP and Tokeny and their team.

Read this paragraph. Lition is a top 30 coin. You are in a very unique situation, the situation folks were facing when they had bitcoin under $5.

"Lition has previously signed an agreement with a real estate development company and two branches of the VR Bank, a leading banking conglomerate in Germany with assets over $1 trillion to develop a solution to process syndicated loans on Lition’s proprietary blockchain infrastructure. The loan volume for a housing complex in Germany has a volume of approx €20 million, which will now be the basis to issue security tokens created using Tokeny’s T-REX Token for Regulated Exchanges) standard."

>> No.13401531

Listen here guys while i tell you a story from all the biz scams (LINK LTO QNT FTM) this one is the most and biggest scam of them all
>every other scam made at least 5x
>this scam is BELOW ICO price
>they talk about fake partnership, SAP never mention this shitcoin, only bagholders say this is real partnership
>pump and dump groups on discord have try to pump this and even it fails this is such a shit not even a pump and dump is successful
>Why do you think there is everyday 10+ threads (hint for all you retarts pump and dump scam)
>in official telegram they said this was a pump and dump on biz
>blockchain is immutable and now these guys want to work with government and even make it deletable, come on (centralised scam)
>CEO worked for bitconnect for 8 years

>> No.13401582

reported faggots

>> No.13401613

I report you to admin also bitch, why you follow me to every thread and write this shit only you should be ban for stalk me like this

>> No.13401698
File: 1.32 MB, 200x200, 1555719341561.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hows the weather im mumbai ransheesh