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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 96 KB, 1321x736, 1555751790014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13399804 No.13399804 [Reply] [Original]

Get In here Marines...

>> No.13399808

It's a Moon Time. ..... . Join the club Marines....
Duffers and Fudd fk BTFO....

>> No.13399814
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>> No.13399816

What this

>> No.13399822

Let's make biz LIT again !!!!
Praise the saviour Sergey nazarov.....
Our truly one and only beloved leader...

>> No.13399830

Sergey our beloved link Master

>> No.13399835

Link Marines get in and Report now....
Please please report Inn...

>> No.13399838
File: 1.02 MB, 1000x791, 1555790984986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marine here

>> No.13399842

There will be major announcement marine... Welcome a board.I will share it .. once this thread gets few more marines Innn...

>> No.13399845

Looking forward to the gay muslim pasta

>> No.13399854

No pasta OP....
I will reveal it for sure

>> No.13399855

in before honk honk

>> No.13399861

All Marines who are dedicated to our thread will definitely get a news before the announcement coming next week... Bump up...

>> No.13399872
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>> No.13399901
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whats up kikeniggerfaggot

>> No.13399935

Welcome lition kingdom... Soon you all will get to know major news ... Stay tuned. Op... Meanwhile bump up...

>> No.13399937


>> No.13399950

Semironically sold all my link for lition

>> No.13399959

>tfw 50/50 link and lit

Feels pretty comfy

>> No.13399992

Bump up the thread guys.. let's make an announcement...

>> No.13400000

check my quints

>> No.13400005

Quints with a pajeet op that can barely type english... wasted...

>> No.13400008
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>> No.13400015

checking in frens

>> No.13400018

all new gets are shit
kek has long since abandoned us

>> No.13400024
File: 261 KB, 888x894, 1554208336471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hello sirs... my fellow linkies... pls do the needful sirs and buy my shitcoin sirs... please sirs...

Attention PAJEETS:
Do you really think you can scam even a single Link Marine with your pathetic little pump and dump scam?

Get off my board and go crawl back to your telegram shithole, you pathetic insects.
NEVER reply to me or my colleagues ever again.

*blows smoke in your face*

>> No.13400029
File: 3.04 MB, 2500x1406, 1555589438527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the catch?

>> No.13400030

Link marine here, wassup??

>> No.13400041
File: 314 KB, 978x478, 1541241936272.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We pumping right now

>> No.13400109

OK peeps... Deliver time now.

Screen cap this.

Next week major parternership will be announced through current LIT clientele.

Also Major exchange listing is coming up. Kucoin is confirmed listing it once finalize this week. Announcement is due next week.

It will also be listed on Bitmax , early May.

It won't be up on binance but Korean markets will trade through Upbit listing in Mid May...

Screencap this for future reference.

Good night. Keep rocking marines. Don't fall for FUD.. this is real deal to make a moonshot..We all waiting for.

>> No.13400142

>ctrl+f chainlink
>0 results

>> No.13400148

How does this have anything to do with link? Shitty shill thread for lit. Fuck you op. Never buying that shitcoin

>> No.13400161
File: 138 KB, 2485x1072, ups.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sb just wanted in REALLY bad

>> No.13400168

isn't that a visual bug? i had sell orders around that price and i can't see them getting hit on IDEX

>> No.13400171
File: 550 KB, 624x623, 1550387681972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open Chainlink whitepaper
>ctrl-f + Chainlink
>0 results
wtf lol how is this legal

>> No.13400178

It looks like it was a fat finger .00118 is what he wanted and he did .0018 instead and bout 2k with 4ETH on idex.

>> No.13400190

Are you fucking with me or did you have something to say for real link marine?

>> No.13400431


>> No.13400440

I got dumped on by this group. Price is dumping now

>> No.13400449

stop projecting there fella

>> No.13400471

I got dumped on by this group. Price is dumping now thread is FUD. Don't fall for it

>> No.13400718

The only appropriate link marine response to this thread

>> No.13400731

How you holding up BOLTie? No one wanna buy your shit token?

>> No.13400759

Funny thing is I already dumped this shitcoin on their heads for a solid 2x. Let them hold my bags and suffer.
>t. Linkmarine

>> No.13400813

why do you "know" such things?

>> No.13401308

Apparently if you take the first letter of each sentence in the chainlink whitepaper and change it to the next letter of the alphabet it reveals a secret nazi code

>> No.13401329

it puts the lition in the basket