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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13397786 No.13397786 [Reply] [Original]

Those who said Sergey has no vision (the same speech!) have not been paying attention, particularly to his earliest appearances.

Chainlink is being constructed to fill the role of an idealised arbiter of truth, connected to the most perfectly dispassionate executor, in the form of public smart contract chains.

This is in fulfilment of the deepest Platonic ideals of contract and governance that have ever been conceived, but which have remained out of reach, mere approximations even under the highest forms of lawful Republic, as at every step human capriciousness asserts itself and corrodes the final product, the freedom of contract found when our pledges are given force by Leviathan. Alas, ‘from the crooked timbers of humanity, no straight thing was ever made’.

By redrawing the locus of consensus as that of a precise ledger with sound game-theoretical guarantees at its edges, and iron-clad stricture within, rather than a continuously renegotiated knife fight, the level of trust required to engage in mutually beneficial enterprise plummets precipitously.

But what does it plummet to? The trust required is now neatly circumscribed to the trust in the information delivered unto our new Leviathan. There is fortunately a market for this trust, a pool of agents who are willing to stake their reputation and collateral on any piece of digitisable information on which it is possible to come to consensus. The truth is a most excellent Schelling point, and one which well-incentivised agents can reliably settle on.

Do not underestimate the power and the generality of this arrangement in its maturity, nor the amount of human and economic potential that this will unlock.

Welcome to the trust market.

>> No.13397816

>2 people control 35 million tokens

>> No.13397818
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I’m so happy to be here witnessing this. Thank you for so eloquently putting this into words.

>> No.13397837

Nigga, we been paying attention.

It’s been over 18 months since the crowdsale was completed and there’s no product, only an endless stream of promises and hype.

>> No.13397867

I’ve been holding 100k link for 2 years. Ffs

>> No.13397879


>> No.13397891

>cant even reach 1 fucking dollar

>> No.13397892

This for fucks sake

>> No.13397900

That's the eloquent way of putting the impact of the technology that chainlink will soon harness and provide that not only for crypto currency enthusiast's but also the legacy financial networks.

Its no coincidence the timing of universal basic income raising and the general public public's awareness aligns with the growing awareness of Chainlink, the decentralized smart contract Oracle. Our technology is the fusion which will make automation ubiquitous throughout the corporate and societal realm.

On one hand I'm quite excited about the financial independence my family and I will soon enjoy. On the other hand, the capitalist in me knows that businesses will pay hand over foot for technology that's regulatory compliant And allows for the same level of operational efficiencies if not more by harnessing smart contracts. I know that a lot of my friends who are Auditors or accountants will soon be out of a job. I feel that a lot of the fear uncertainty and doubt there was spread throughout this forum was nothing more than kind warning that it may be a good idea to not publicly display your LINK wealth to outside contacts who are not close.

Sure we will see the singularity but the singularity will come with some hidden cost as well.. Millions if not more may be out of jobs in the next 10 to 20 years.

>> No.13397913


Biz never buys the dips, it's hilarious

>> No.13397920

Fuck off ffs literally some literal who’s and that’s it. No product. No big name confirmations like swift or Microsoft. And not to mention the 650m token question. Fuck you and your lunch money

>> No.13397929

you seem to have link confused with a network effects driven platform, like ethereum. chainlink is more like your average ISP, its to get the data you want from external sources. some ISPs are better than others, but they all get the same data from the same websites, and are completely interchangeable from the endpoint's perspective

>> No.13397949

Welcome back AB

>> No.13397959

thank you

>> No.13397960

I honestly believe many college students haven't figured out that chainlink Is one of their few opportunities to escape the wage slave lifestyle that more than 95% of students will live and their lifetimes.

If I were them, and if I were at that age, I woulddedicate every waking moment To learning about smart contracts and learning how to develop on the decentralized network there will soon launch in a few months. Such opportunities are very rare and will separate the wheat from the chaff in the coming years.

>> No.13397973

Bullish and based

>> No.13397974

I filled my bags at 25 cents
All i need is a fucking mainet or at least a date

>> No.13397976

How do I do this if I have no prior coding knowledge?

>> No.13397977

Ass Blaster is back.

I never thought I would live to see the day.

Praise Kek

>> No.13397981

fuck me, burak, how do you write one of these every night?

>> No.13398005
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this is my neo-pasta but not my thread (sephirot anon),I am honoured to be compared to AB though :^)

>> No.13398015
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>> No.13398020


>> No.13398037


>> No.13398051

Unironically this

>> No.13398065

i be suprised if link isnt 60c by may

>> No.13398074


>> No.13398086
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I am an absolute brainlet though ffs.

>> No.13398090

checked but what mean

>> No.13398102

you faggots have been spewing your chainshit bs for 2 years. FUK OFF. seriously just SHUT THE FUCK UP and FUCK OFF WITH YOUR GAY MONEY TOKENS

>> No.13398123

OP is a discord tranny

>> No.13398182

The level of insight in this thread is quite unusual. OP bless you and bless everyone privileged and fortunate to cull the wisdom in this thread. We must have our ducks in a row. One thing I truly respect and value about some groups of the Link Marines...

I mean, sure, Smartcontracts, Chainlink, LInk, hold promise...I value something else about this community besides the financial upside.

It's the high level and impactful level of discussions ever. And the level of candor. You will have someone call you a motherfucker in the same breath that they'd break down a smart contract problem that high priced consultants charge $200/ more an hr.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you to the Chainlink community. You have changed my life. I feel honored to provide my time and energy to the next big thing for the world.

I promise to respect and honor all of the old Chainlink OGs (both past and present), as they laid the cornerstone to my

>> No.13398189

Children's financial independence. ***

>> No.13398194

copy and pasta

>> No.13398220

Pasta? Bitch, I'm speaking from the heart.

I unironically know Chainlink is the project which will benefit from the 4th Industrial Revolution and with a higher price upside than bitcoin. The associations are hidden in plain sight with those who have eyes to see.

Brainlets think this project is a mere Lambo project, no.

At the very least...its a multi-generational play.

>> No.13398293

>But what does it plummet to?

To zero. No one in the Chainlink team can write an error free sentence, unthinkable for them to solve the oracle problem.

>> No.13398309
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>> No.13398339

ohh no no no

>> No.13398348

>Ass Blaster is back.
What did OP mean by this

>> No.13398365

>I can use a thesaurus guys

>> No.13398393

I truly pity you

>> No.13398421

why is OP loving his own comments and thread? delusional linkies are at it again

>> No.13398460

Idk either. First couple posts made sense to me but then he went pajeet mode unnecessarily

>> No.13398474

because OP was not the author as his wildly divergent writing style informs, and he says as much referring to the author in the third person

>> No.13398495

With each passing day of Link bleeding down (in sats) they are slowly losing their mind.
It could have been easy, just sell all altcoins, move into BTC and hold it for the next couple of years and have insane gains.
But instead they choose to hold a token where one guy sits on 65% of the supply.

>> No.13398781

>samefagging this hard
yikes and faggot pilled

>> No.13399054

Look, I love rape and street shitting as much as the next billion pajeets, but come on. Come. On.

>> No.13400032
File: 28 KB, 500x510, 4D247366-79E2-4D81-9B1F-72A82DBF8C15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the state of link mirrors the state of this thread

>> No.13400385
File: 146 KB, 292x255, 943902763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good morning story!!

>> No.13400937

Biz is absolutely dead. Literally barely can get over 40 replies on a thread in 3 days time. It’s unironically over

>> No.13400982

That's a better ratio than the top two USD holders in the world

>> No.13401123

Meh, I'm amazed I'm replying to this but I'm still here. I'm always lurking, it's just very boring right now. I'm sure I'm not the only one. Never selling and still believe in LINK 100%.You missed the boat for memes and shitposting fren. Going back to stealth mode, marine out.

>> No.13401158

Confirmed, used to post but just can't be fucked anymore. Holding since ICO and not selling till 1k

>> No.13401167

shut up you nigger

>> No.13401230
