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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13397782 No.13397782 [Reply] [Original]

Will marijuana stocks continue to be good investment, or will people start to realize that it is just creating more degenerate neets?

>> No.13397813

It seems like all these weed start ups are just going to get their lunch eaten by the agricultural industry that can just start growing weed whenever its legal in massive quantities. Weed will be commoditized and cost like 10 cents a pound.

>> No.13397834

But that's wrong

>> No.13397836

Boomers are going to start experiencing weed psychosis from all this high THC shit. Then they ban it again.

>> No.13397914

Boomers are the most lazy and worthless generation ever. Now that they are retirement age they're going to have a lot more free time to spend high. They're not banning anything.

>> No.13397919
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>muh degenerate neets are the problem

>> No.13398093

Marijuana stocks are a bullshit investment built on a bullshit industry run by bullshit, degenerate stoners who literally have zero effective business skills outside of DUDE WEED.

>> No.13398107
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>zero business skill
>CGC has the highest grow and market cap after Acreage aquisition rivaling Fortune 500 companies
Yea you’re not a boomer just a retard

>> No.13398184

95% of weed stocks are scams to get siphon allowance money from zoomers

>> No.13398228

Dude weed. Unironically. So many people consume it. Why not invest into it? Or try Hemp businesses that make shit from hemp. Those will probably be your more serious businesses to.

>> No.13398322

I heard about a grower who sold the non-bud parts of the harvest to an organic pig farm as feed to create "weed infused pork" who then sold his pigs to some farm-to-table hipster restaurant in San Francisco.

>> No.13398352


>> No.13398355


wow that business will really scale where do I invest?

>> No.13398396

Not sure yet but I will ask my friend about which restaurant it was. Does seem like the byproducts of the plant could be pretty valuable and right now they are being thrown out.
Smells like opportunity to me

>> No.13398415

The big money has already been made in this industry. At the end of the day it's just agriculture yet currently these companies have the P/E of high flying tech stocks because it's a hype sector. Won't last much longer.

>> No.13398425

Dude weed lmao

>> No.13398482
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LBUY - best distribution
ACB - coke bought into it
FSDDF - bought old KRAFT factory to do largest indoor op.

>> No.13398729

This is brilliant. I love exploitation of idiot hipsters.

>> No.13398985


That's possible long term. Years away though. The Canadian companies still haven't got an efficient pipeline going. That partly due to the stupid packaging requirements the leaf government imposed, but they're also having self created problems with growth and harvest/crop turnover.

>> No.13399675

Lol, you obviously are retarded. 1 fucking male plant or female with hermie traits can put millions of female plants to seed.

>> No.13399689
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/bizpol/ are emotional investors. They're too fucking dumb to make money off things they dislike.

It's not even close to being "too late" to invest in the Dude Weed industry by the way. CBD has taken off, and there are plenty more Cannabinoids to shill. Also it's not even legal in half the states yet. This industry has huge growth potential so if you're not getting in now because you're a fucking emotional faggot >m-muh degeneracy, then you should fuck off back to /pol/

>> No.13399738

Alright faggots.. I've got a good fucking stock for you if you're interested in Marijuana related stocks. The stock is SIML .. It has a really fucked up history... buutt.. it's turning things around. It is now becoming a holding company for many businesses one of which sells CBD cold water extracting devices, that same company sells Grow pods. It's stinky pinky as of now but it's going to change soon.. very soon. I've actually talked to the CEO who is the owner of Satel. Satel is a internet/communications provider in san Francisco. This guy is not fucking around, he is taking SIML and turning it the fuck around. There is also NO dilution coming anytime soon. With Satel bringing in a revenue as well as the previous simlatus there is no need to rack up debt for their new CBD venture, the CBD venture they are taking on is already in place and in working order so there is no need to "fund it" with anything toxic. They have deals in europe for the CBD shit.. (pretty sure the CEO had the connections for that).

When I talked to the new CEO about the confidence he has in the company I said something a long the lines of "well sometimes some of these 'ventures' become just a flop" he then said.. something a long the lines of.. "I don't get involved with things that will become a 'flop'"

I've talked to many CEOs of different companies that I invest in.. If they are small... and I've gotta say. SIML is going to be a beast... and i mean.. it could be trading around $1 some day. The new CEO is going to get SIML going.. BIG TIME!!!

>> No.13399771
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>> No.13399887

look at how much it has grown in the past week or two. I'm telling you, shit is going to turn around for that company. No joke. It's going to be huge gains. Just wait for the next 10k to come out. A lot of brokers weren't dealing with their shit so they had to clean up their act. In actuality, anyone involved with it before are long gone and the new CEO is no joke.

Either get in and make some gains or just sit on your hands and watch. SIML is going to be a big gainer this year.

No dilution.
New revenue
New business venture wiith revenue with no toxic notes attached

Shit is fucking clean as fuck. Nothing but up from here.

>> No.13399932

Not buying your bags Shaq

>> No.13399987

If you smoked weed you would know there is a lot more money in the paraphernalia with good bongs and vaporizers conveniently sitting at a couple hundred or the whole cbd supplement side market and so on this is a pretty big market developing.
>Big money has been made
>90%+ of the worlds population aint got access to legal cannabis

>> No.13400034

Not wanting to have the planet destroyed by increasingly bigger retards is emotional. That post-truth, motherfucker.

>> No.13400065

I'm literally giving you the next hot stock for this year you doofus. Check the share structure, check the filings. 10k is going to be filed soon to confirm everything I'm saying.

The stock has been beat down by the last people that were running it. The new CEO that's taking control is on point. SIML could easily go to $1. Brokers weren't clearing the notes, they had to get rid of them. The preferred shares at minimal and won't mature for a very long time

Serioulsy you fucking retard I'm giving you a monster right. Just go through to their filings and look into what the fuck happend the past couple years with their balance sheet.. notes have been extinguished. No broker is going to clear their shit... straight up from here. So many deals going through and more to come with no dilution........ seriously kid... get in or sit on your hands and shut up like the little drolling retard you are.

IF you want to make money.. get in now and hold for atleast .50.. it's going to $1