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13397068 No.13397068 [Reply] [Original]

I want you to stop what you're doing and tell me in simple, detailed, and precise English how the FUCK somebody can get all of the below done in a week:

>Working 9 am to 5.30 pm on each weekday, plus commute to work
>Exercising everyday
>Eating, preparing food, showering, other chores every day
>Reading 1 book per week (or 350 pages)
>Shopping once or twice a week
>Doing stuff for intellectual edification*****
>Random boring chores that appear all the time
>Walking around outside on weekends to catch up on missed daylight
>Socialising (either irl or 4chan)

I simply don't fucking believe it.

>> No.13397074


>> No.13397095


You can't. Thank god working 36 hours every week is the standard in my euro cuck country. Fuck working more than that. Free time is everything.

>> No.13397140

1) ok
2) no
3) no
4) ok
5) yes
6) yes
7) sometimes
8) no
9) no

>> No.13397155
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u b a chad bro. that's all.

>> No.13397166

Is 4chan social do you think

I mean do you feel less lonely when you are on here?

>> No.13397170

> 6 am wake up
> eat & exercise until 7/7:30
> shower and get ready for work
> leave for work at 8:15
> work
> off at 5:30 ( >he only gets half an hour for lunch) and home by 6:15
> Get home, relax, prepare & eat dinner, done by 7:30
> read for an hour (also satisfies the "intellectual edification")

You can realistically have everything done by 8:30 on a weekday and still finish everything else on the weekends. You also assume that all of these "goals" are mutually exclusive. For instance, reading would easily qualify as "intellectual edification" and so could Sociali[z]ing with the right people. You could also socialize while exercising (or even read if you want to sit on an exercise bike); eat while socializing/reading; walk around while socializing/eating; walk around while shopping/doing chores; catch up on missed daylight while doing chores etc...

Also, if those aren't things you want to do then don't fucking do them. If you aspire to look and act like a Normie then you are no better than one.

>> No.13397215
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Some people know the right way, and that's time management.
Also automation of boring tasks. I pay a nice old lady to do my washing folding ironing for me.


>> No.13397230

4ch is social but at the same time encourages really bad social behaviors

>> No.13397240

>36 hours vs. 40

>> No.13397289

Who the fuck has the energy to do all that? And with kids too? Like holy fuck

>> No.13397327

the only online activity that can be considered "socialization" is instant-messaging

>> No.13397337

These aren’t requirements to living a happy life or even a “normal” life. These are arbitrary requirements that OP THINKS are requirements to have a “normal” life. Also, as I said, most of these are not mutually exclusive. An afternoon at a farmers market with a friend would satisfy Socializing, exercising, chores, getting sunlight etc...

But really, if this lifestyle doesn’t sound satisfying to you then don’t fucking do it. Who gives a shit

>> No.13397380

Join an athletic team (rugby or something) and you handle exercise and social
Sunday is for chores and groceries

>> No.13397384
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>wake up at 5:55AM
>5:55-6:15 Get clothed, turn on water to heat while pissing and brushing teeth at the same time. When done pissing/brushing teeth, use warm water to wash hands, then insert contacts. Then assemble hair. Exit bathroom by 6:15.
>6:15-6:20 Chug some water and get a banana/piece of bread/ couple scoops of cottage cheese and eat it.
>6:20-7:00 Commute to work
>7:00-16:00 Work. (9 hours due to mandatory 1 hour lunch)
>16:00-17:00 commute home
>17:00-17:05 change to workout clothes
>17:05-17:55 lift weights at home.
>17:55-18:40 run 3 mile route
>18:40-18:55 Shower
>18:55-19:20 eat from meal prep
>19:20-21:30 free time
>21:30-5:55 sleep

You are forced to use weekend time to meal prep/laundry/clean house on Sunday. Uusually pretty free to do anything on Friday and Saturday evening.

>> No.13397418
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>Working 9 am to 5.30 pm on each weekday, plus commute to work
If you don't, you starve. Unless you're a NEET or somehow got enough money to be able to afford to live
>Exercising everyday
30 minutes running, it's not that hard
>Eating, preparing food, showering, other chores every day
15 minutes of chores every day or one hour on the weekends is all you need
>Reading 1 book per week (or 350 pages)
lmao who the fuck reads 1 book per week, nerd
>Shopping once or twice a week
this is a pain in the ass, yes
>Doing stuff for intellectual edification*****
Isn't that what the books were for? Look, just get some audio books and pretend to work like the rest of us.
>Random boring chores that appear all the time
>Walking around outside on weekends to catch up on missed daylight
>He doesn't get his vitamin D from chemically laced super drinks

>Socialising (either irl or 4chan)

IT's easy OP, just stop being lazy! *sip*

>> No.13397780

Well you need a wage cuck job where you don’t actually do anything, I do like 1 hour of “work” a day and spend the rest of my time reading ebooks, looking at charts/ finance stuff, buying crypto, and drawing or listening to podcasts. Exercising can be rough but I still manage 3-4 days a week 90% of the year.

>> No.13397800

You're not. Companies only want you to eat, sleep and get dressed. Social reproduction is for the free, you are a slave.

>> No.13397803

What do you do for work

>> No.13397819

This is my gfs work times for a very shitty office job. She has to commute on train for at least 1h 30min.

I work 2 miles away and have a car, typical factory shifts (6-2, 2-10, 10-6 rotating weeks).

I get so much done in the week because of my shifts I go gym 4 times a week and actually have time to chill.

Living close to work and doing shifts is seriously underrated for work life balance.

>> No.13397829

Forgot to add gf is pretty much out of door for 7 and back home at 7. Literally no fucking time to do anything in the week ever with office hours.

>> No.13397862

Grug like picture

>> No.13397878
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Excercising isn't that bad. I do it every morning, but only for like 15 minutes. It adds up if you stick with it and don't miss days. Fuck this 1-2 hours at the gym bullshit. You don't have to do that. That's a meme. If you follow a strict, healthy diet rich in protein and healthy fats and low in sugar/carbs then you're good. But then again, most people aren't disciplined and they need to spend all of that time at the gym getting rid of their disgusting fat because they can't keep their hands off the craft beer and nachos.

>> No.13397881

>Working 9-530
I'm out the door by 5:30am at the latest. I start at 6:00am and work until 2:30pm.
>Excercising everyday
I used to head straight to the gym after work everyday. Now I'm back in school and that fucks this routine and my diet up quite a bit.
>Eating/food prep/showering/chores
After working out, I like going home and taking a few hits of weed, showering, and then eating something.
>Reading 1 book per week
No good here. I do a lot of reading but its all scattered.
>Shopping 1-2x a week
Weekends or after all the day's shit is over. I'm around like 20 grocery stores and a farmer's market so I hop around and then casually frequent places if I hit it off with some qts that work there
>Intellectual edification
Back to scattered reading
It doesn't take that long to get on top of. If you clean for like an hour, you can get a ton of stuff done
>Walking around outside on weekends
Hit up some friends, see if they're around, chill.
Walk around on campus, go to bars very infrequently, hang out with friends sometimes during the week and more on the weekends, shitpost on lunch breaks at work, shitpost when I'm tired and don't feel like doing anything

Work by its very definition is a transfer of energy. Its hard to rise above that barrier where it completely sucks you dry of all your energy, but its doable. Much like working out, a heavy weight becomes nothing over time if you just keep at it

>> No.13397911

Americans work more hours than medevil peasents.

>> No.13397958

Dont sleep. Its the biggest time waster

>> No.13398004

this, despite your inability to pronounce "medieval"

feudalism was actually pretty chill despite the lack of freedom

>> No.13398044

i somehow doubt this

>> No.13398075

How is this hard? Play less video games you loser.

>> No.13398088


Just don't do anything else bro

>> No.13398098

>Working 9 am to 5.30 pm on each weekday, plus commute to work
My shift is 9:30 to 5:30 and the commute is 3 minutes by car
>Exercising everyday
You only need to exercise 3-5 times per week, I aim for 5 but sometimes 4
>Eating, preparing food, showering, other chores every day
Prepare 4 days worth of food at a time, only clean stuff on the weekend, dishwasher masterrace
>Reading 1 book per week (or 350 pages)
Don't do this shit, maybe 1 or 2 per year
>Shopping once or twice a week
Go after the gym
>Doing stuff for intellectual edification*****
Don't know what this means but I am doing a self taught course to get a designation
>Random boring chores that appear all the time
>Walking around outside on weekends to catch up on missed daylight
Fun weekend activity when the weather is nice
>Socialising (either irl or 4chan)
Only socialize irl on Fri/Sat evenings

To be honest this lifestyle is a boring grind but I don't know what the alternative would be

>> No.13398100


I do it by sucking it up and paying more to rent a city center apartment which is 10 mins walking distance from my office.

Before this I had around a 45 min each way commute. The difference is absolutely fucking massive.

>> No.13398112

real nigga work hous are 7:00AM - 3:00PM

>> No.13398174

I currently have a full-time job wagecucking, but the thing is, i literally dont have to do anything. It's a front desk job at a hotel that's not busy, and i just bring my laptop to work. I'm there right now. I also live 1 mile away from the hotel. I feel extremely lucky, but how do i use this blessing to break make it? I literally have 8-16 hours in the back office of hotel to do anything i want and get paid while doing it.

>> No.13398187


>Exercising every day
Ride bike to work. 30 minute commute by bike is enough exercise for the day
>Eating, preparing food, showering, other chores every day
Prepare the week's food on sunday. Turns out it takes about as much time to make a lot of food as it takes to make a little food
>Reading 1 book per week (or 350 pages)
>Shopping once or twice a week
>Random boring chores that appear all the time
Do them less frequently. You don't have to vacuum every week or however often normies clean and disinfect their entire house so it meets operating room standards

and you should have enough time in the evenings for the intellectual edification and walking around on weekends thing. But still spend as little money as you can get away with and put it all in investments because fuck waging.

>> No.13398195
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by being a strong cunt, not a weak pussy - dan pena

>> No.13398213

Reading a book a week? What are you tai lopez or some shit?

>> No.13398553

ive been living on neetbux and just investing in crypto for the last 3 years.
i have about 30k in crypto right now and actually understand the market and its directional patterns.
at the end of 2021 i will have in excess of $600k cashed out.
and no, im not wrong. my life consists of 16hrs a day of full crypto world immersion.

i havent had an actual 9-5 job in several years and im much happier now.

>> No.13398563

How many neetbucks do you get a month?

>> No.13398757

>>Assemble hair

>> No.13398772

you must be lazy son

>> No.13398813
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You would have to free up your time before doing any of the cool stuff. I'd put everything on the backburner while working to get rid of the wage slave job. I took 1 year of zero social life and spent it locked in my room coding. I can freelance full time now and have the time to do all the other stuff.

>> No.13398826

I miss my comfy warehouse shipping job 5pm-2am, unfortunately it was pretty dead end so I had to leave but I look back on those days fondly

>> No.13398833

This anon, I’ve been working out 15 minutes a day M-Th for the past 3 months and my body has never felt better.

>> No.13398892

FUCK laundry, FUCK dishes, FUCK flossing

>Fuck this 1-2 hours at the gym bullshit
How many years have you been doing this and what kinds of strength, aesthetic, and athleticism gains have you made?

>> No.13398939

I dunno man that’s a pretty loaded question, I’m trying to get sinewey as fuark, and so far so good

>> No.13398963

I'm doing something like this. Here's how it looks. Wake up 7pm. Get ready and go to work. Put in a full day. Stop into the gym every day on the way home. Bonus: my gym is attached to a grocery store, so I can pick up food as I need it. Go home, shower and eat dinner. Then relax before the next day. Saturday is my day to do shopping, socializing, relaxing, whatever. I also try to make it to the gym. Sunday is my meal prep day. I cook six days worth of meals and they only need a couple minutes in the microwave to heat up. It's my rest day. Sometimes I go to church. I wish I had more time and inclination to read books. Instead, I'm listening to the audio books when I work out and want a change from music. It's not that hard if you plan it out.

>> No.13398981

>Reading 1 book per week (or 350 pages)
Do people actually do this? I quit trying to read after I found out that most of the stuff read by people that always jerk off about how much they read is basically porn fanfics or political shit

>> No.13398982


Easy: drugs.

The majority of the proletariat get by wage slaving due to the right concoction of medication from their doctors.