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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13394233 No.13394233 [Reply] [Original]

Name me another project which:
- Has customers in over 35 cities and growing so fast each article you read is already outdated by the next month.
- Over 1000 real users using their blockchain for a legitimate use case (energy) and not some meme gambling game
- Has a REAL, collaborative partnership with a Fortune 100 company (SAP). Crypto meme partnerships don't count.
- Collaborates with the government of a big country (Germany). Again, crypto meme collaborations like having "former" ministers of shitty countries don't count. This team is invited to the Bundestag and actively advise on how blockchain can be used in the EU.
- Is GDPR compliant, meaning it can actually be used AT ALL by EU countries.
- Has an all-star team of geniuses

I could go on all day. Lition is going to the top 50.

>> No.13394988
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>> No.13395004

stocked with 21k, will i make it bros?

>> No.13395019
File: 77 KB, 645x729, brainlet1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gambling isn't a legit use of crypto
the absolute cope of shitcoin bagholders

>> No.13395120
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Just bought in friends and I can finally use the memes!

>> No.13395142
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This is not the way, brother

>> No.13395146
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>stocked with 21k, will i make it bros?
yeah, 20,000 to make it

>> No.13395160

STOs are a meme. They have none of the advantages of crypto and all the disadvantages of tradition security offerings.

>> No.13395169
File: 58 KB, 941x950, wot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot to post some shit about "top 5 exchange next week" or something

>> No.13395184

The coin has been out for 3 days. What more do you expect of a low cap coin? Wait 3 months and it'll be 20mil mcap easily.

>> No.13395185


You shill shitcoins You shill shitcoins.

>> No.13395200

Poor gaybo he was forced to shill a pajeet scam. It's like seeing all that game characters being railed by niggers using sfm.

>> No.13395236

>Name me another project which:

You're literally describing suncontract, except it has been live since 2018 and has a lot more than just 1k users. Try again pajeet.

>> No.13395289


Exactly..People on here joke with the pajeet shitcoin etc but if you're not buying this at a 4 million market cap you might be retarded. In 3-6 months this will be worth a LOT more. Just hope enough people on here can read between the lines

>> No.13395328

All of that could be said of relex, with the exception of the fortune 500 thing. It's not really unique. Just saying.

>> No.13395378

Listen here guys while i tell you a story from all the biz scams (LINK LTO QNT FTM) this one is the most and biggest scam of them all
>every other scam made at least 5x
>this scam is BELOW ICO price
>they talk about fake partnership, SAP never mention this shitcoin, only bagholders say this is real partnership
>pump and dump groups on discord have try to pump this and even it fails this is such a shit not even a pump and dump is successful
>Why do you think there is everyday 10+ threads (hint for all you retarts pump and dump scam)
>in official telegram they said this was a pump and dump on biz
>blockchain is immutable and now these guys want to work with government and even make it deletable, come on (centralised scam)
>CEO worked for bitconnect for 8 years

>> No.13395416

t. the bagholder boltjeet

Go away, this thread is for high IQ LIT Chads only. The kind of people who buy low and sell high. The exact opposite of a boltjeet.

>> No.13395431

I don't even respond to this shitty copy paste anymore. Try harder BOLTie. This just makes the project more legit

>> No.13395703

I did miss the sale in march, any way to get in or just wait for the next?

>> No.13395823
File: 140 KB, 1758x592, Screen Shot 2019-04-19 at 2.16.34 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this. 99% of biz is crap, 1% is people like you and I, looking for gems like LIT. if you can read between the lines, you can make a lot of money here. i just hope people seeing Lit right now are researching about it and investing when it is 4m. Look at how many partnerships they have announced just from March. In 3-6 months, this will be a lot more than 4million, I see this 30-60m in bear market.

anyways, hope you are the 1%, who can read between the lines here

>> No.13396004
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>> No.13396013

don't subvert gaybo for your straight shit

>> No.13396028


Dude I remember on here the first time CHX and Quant dipped all you could see was "scam, shitcoin etc" a few months later they went like 20x. Half of these idiots arent even actually trading they're just running around all these threads posting stupid shit for attention

>> No.13396084


lol yeah dude i remember

I posted about QNT when it was 2.3 million, everyone called it a scam. then it reached 12m and everyone started talking about it, then it reached 20m, then 30m, etc.

moral of the story; read between the lines, don't fall for any one of these posts on here. LIT will be immensely successful over the next 2-3 months

>> No.13396186


People on here are actaully more suspicious of legit projects lol. Maybe its been overshilled the last few days or something I dunno

>> No.13396370

Lition may be the first coin with pajeets fudding as well as shilling

>> No.13396410

There is no partnership.with SAP, just some paid money grabber who happens to work for SAP