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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13394173 No.13394173 [Reply] [Original]

Can be done? Are you actually having some form of PA?

>> No.13394566

How much money do you have to invest, OP?

>> No.13394621

Lets say 300k to 1 mil fell in your lap and you dont need any of it for the next 5-10 years, what’s a good portfolio, indexes?
Asking for a friend actually, which is why I don’t have an exact number.

>> No.13394651

I did some investment, but i'm curious to know if there's some other good PI idea i'm missing

>> No.13394654

With that amount he could buy a duplex or other multi family home and rent it out to gain equity, monthly income and tax breaks.

If thats too much work to figure out, index funds and utilities stocks.

>> No.13394669
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yes, government benefits

>> No.13394675

I run masternodes for a project I won't name. It's not much dollar wise now but I believe in the project and that it'll be a very nice passive income in a year or two.

>> No.13394687

Real estate. Parking Garages. Stuff like that. Indexes and ETF's seem to be popular. Maybe Bonds. Do some research. I wouldn't really touch the stock market unless there was a significant crash or I could be sure that there's a low risk. I think stocks/indexes are pretty high risk to get into rn.

>> No.13394705

Fuck I wish I had a 100k. Goddamit I'm so fucking tired of this bullshit life. 5 years of hard work with nothing to show.

>> No.13395326


>I think

you're an idiot.

>> No.13395385

what will you be doing with the 100k?
step by step

>> No.13395425

>deploy masternode meme
>gib us $5000 today
>we gib u 0.01c daily FOREVER!
>unless we exit scam
>den sry but thanks?

>> No.13395543

>Passive income, is it a meme?
yeah the entire world is set up so that passive income dries up fast or requires you to take measurable risks (at which point is no longer really passive imo) and or put work in to maintain.

>> No.13395896

For what i read masternodes are a scam, very high ROI at start, but it really depends on how will go the related coin.
Since the starting investment to set up a masternode is not low, it's better to throw money on some good performance crypto, or set up a mining rig.

Looking at the other purposals, well i think that PI seems pretty much a meme.

>> No.13395962
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Dividends and renting out property are passive income anyone can build up. The more money you have the more opportunities there are.

For example if you have 10 million in stocks and you net 10%(market average) profit at the end of the year you set up a trust that claims the profit for you (1 million) and pays you a cut every month (1 million / 12) this way you have your money working for you in the market yielding profit and th trust handling the rest. You will not see or touch anything and be getting almost 100k a month forever.

Obviously you're not going to spend 100k a month so you tell your trust to only get 20% of your 10% return (20% = 200k) which is a little over 16k a month. While you add the other 800k to your 10million letting your net worth grow each year.

>> No.13396062

>Dividends and renting out property are passive income anyone can build up.
exactly, altho the anyone can build up is such a fucking lie in practice most people around the world have not enough savings to last 2 months of unemployment.
>The more money you have the more opportunities there are.
well duh, but again investing is not passive income you get paid in proportion to the risk you undertake and the amount you undertake it with.

>> No.13396315

>he could buy a duplex or other multi family home and rent it out to gain equity, monthly income and tax breaks.
This is the dumbest fucking advice for passive income. People don't understand the difficulties of renting and making sure your fucking tenants aren't useless fucks ruining your shit. Unless you buy and rent out a luxury property for yuppies its an absolute pain in the ass.

T. had to listen to property owner bitch about her properties and section 8 fuckers and all sorts of nonsense I've tried to forget over time.

>> No.13396478

Dividends take too time, or you have to put a big budget into stocks.
If you rent to yuppies you can end up with a crime scene due to a drug party, sooner or later

>> No.13396801

Well obviously for passive it's dependent on hiring a property management firm. And yeah, there will be wear and tear, part of the business

>> No.13397064

I've been doing passive income for a long while now, but what people don't realize is that it's very much an end-game strategy.

Once you've got your 7-figures in equity and are ready to hang up your jock, only THEN should you be thinking about passive income.]

The only exception to this is if you're taking on real estate debt and will be retired when the debt is paid off.