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File: 55 KB, 605x605, softcore_amo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13394166 No.13394166 [Reply] [Original]

how many people on /biz/ are married?

How long have you been married?
Are you still happy?

>> No.13394181

i just want a gf

>> No.13394194

i just want a gf

>> No.13394197
File: 1.12 MB, 600x431, 16-bitches Chad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my friends has to pay his roastie ex wife almost every last shekel he makes because of alimony. Miss me with that gay shit; I will never get married. Sorry mom and dad

>I'm sexually impotent anyway heh

>> No.13394206
File: 192 KB, 1241x1245, g4gh0w55hno11 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Married since three years. Quite happy ... but seeing thots on biz everyday sure doesn't help things with the pressure to wank. Let's just say my wife is a very nice and loving woman but she is not a pornstar. It's like.. being married to only one coin out there and you know hotter ones will appear all the time.

>> No.13394215


>> No.13394219

>like.. being married to only one coin out there and you know hotter ones will appear all the time.

great analogy anon. /biz/ will understand

>> No.13394322

>It's like.. being married to only one coin out there and you know hotter ones will appear all the time.
My life for 1.5 year now

>> No.13394360

that thot is faker than a trannys pussy. someone please post the thots before pictures. she was disgusting as fuck.

>> No.13394381

Married 3 years here.

It's okay.

Biggest benefit is I can creampie my wife and not worry about STD or baby. Also I have someone I can always depend on for help if I need a hand with something.

Some of the downsides: boredom, I don't have my freedom, Its more expensive than being single, I can't go fuck girls.

>> No.13394403

There’s someone really off about her face that is hard to describe. It’s like her eyes and cheekbones are too big, even though normally big eyes and high cheekbones are attractive.

>> No.13394428
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Never marry to your investment/ property, dump it before it goes down in value

>> No.13394498


13 yrs here, believe me when I tell you it gets worse

>> No.13394546

Right now I'm dating a girl that doesn't put out at all. I think she's one of those wait until marriage types. I can kiss her but that's about it. I'm unironically starting to become ok with it. I've dated a lot of whores so this is a unique change of pace. But I'm also afraid that this is a huge trap that I'll regret it some day. Should I commit to this puritan nice girl or ditch her for a more entertaining roastie? She would be a great wife but is it better to wait until i'm in my mid 30s before considering wifeing someone up?

>> No.13394550

I am and yea.

>> No.13394556

11 years

>> No.13394593

I’d say you’re in the perfect position. You will be able to train her however you’d like. The people that are unhappy with marriage, either married one of those new age women that think they’re above equal and therefore think they can call the shots, or they married some dumb bitch who acts like a dumb bitch. I can see that being suicide fuel. If you press your dominance on them and understand psychology then you can literally mold them into however you’d like. You can’t be a beta and also can’t have a little Peter either.

t. Been with girlfriend for 13 years, molded her into the ideal women in my eyes.

>> No.13394595

Stick with her but stay romantic, girls love earning a man

>> No.13394600
File: 82 KB, 1080x1302, 58419193_2511609968883883_8887083527871397888_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and also can’t have a little Peter either.
Maybe I'll reincarnate into a real life next time

>> No.13395040
File: 135 KB, 1024x1024, dont read this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all about finding the right one.

>> No.13395065

>I think she's one of those wait until marriage types.
Don't know how long you've been with her, but if you're not sure what's going on in her head, talk to her about it so that you can check her perspective, see if you are both on the same wavelength. It's better than guessing at what she's doing. Of course, she might lie, but you'll get more understanding from asking.

>> No.13395096
File: 862 KB, 2062x2017, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my gf says hi
>pic related, just one of my gfs

>> No.13395112


>> No.13395137

rachel aldana, you're welcome

>> No.13395212

25 years married oldfag here. 2006 oldfag, not last summer oldfag.
We bonk maybe 5x a week inc bjs. Damn straight I’m happy

>> No.13395265
File: 407 KB, 796x1060, 1555871250322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes, I am a comfy currynigger shilling first majestic silver. So comfy

>> No.13395270

Married 3 years to a Russian bride. Overall it's pretty nice. The good stuff is more good than the bad stuff is bad.

>She makes decent money and we can share expenses
>She only likes to eat cheap food. She has this superpower of feeding both of us on $50/week tops
>Sex is available and easily attainable
>I am never lonely
>We can tell each other anything and everything. I could answer "Does this dress look good on me?" with no and she wouldn't get mad.
>She is warm and I can cuddle with her every night

>I have no alone time. She is always here with me.
>She doesn't like my long-term goal of quitting my job as an engineer to work part-time as a bike mechanic or something when I've made enough money. She would be embarrassed that I'm not "successful."
>She is afraid of stock index funds so she makes less money than she could be making
>Sex is so available and easily attainable, it becomes less exciting over time and you end up having less sex.
>I have to move if she gets a job somewhere else because she quit her job and moved to a different country for me.
>The bathroom smells really bad for a few days each month

>> No.13395317

fugg you just made my day

>> No.13395320

15 years. Very happy. 8 year old girl, 11 year old boy.

>> No.13395340

I've got some shares of ag

>> No.13395617
File: 133 KB, 750x928, 1552703330218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Arranged marriage with a virgin in 2016
Shes is educated, makes more money than me
(Im a NEET)
Just had a baby too
I also own 50 bitcoins

I fucking feel on top of the world

>> No.13395803

>Arranged marriage
I wish this was a thing in America. I have four kids and would feel much better about their futures if I selected their spouses for them.

>> No.13396038
File: 48 KB, 537x441, 1555523283052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing is stopping you, you fat ameriburger.

>> No.13396065

>raise your children so incompetently that you have to choose their spouses for them, because they are apparently braindead

>> No.13396287

It IS a thing in America.
Shlomo arranges your daughters to pick BBC.

>> No.13396301
File: 77 KB, 341x355, 1555467562405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I hope you find the woman you're looking for anon

>> No.13396328


she's basically the perfect woman and is so smoking hot that it leads to this sort of comment as an incel release valve

>> No.13396339


she's fucking somebody else on the side brah

>> No.13396347

It makes you look cooler when you dont admit a woman is hot, donchyaknow

>> No.13396361

where are you from?

>> No.13396516

>Sex is so available and easily attainable, it becomes less exciting over time and you end up having less sex

I don't really see how this is a bad thing

>> No.13396528

I've been married 10 years. Yes, I'm happy. I love my wife and children.

>> No.13396533

never gonna make it

>> No.13396546

Only the weak minded idiots kek

>> No.13396557

youre friendzoned lmao get cucked

>> No.13396765


>> No.13397014

Married for 4 years going in 5. Met wife at church, happily married but need more money to have kids

>> No.13397023

Married my college GF....I'm a 34 year old Old fag and been with her for 16 years. Things are good...not amazing but as great as they can be. Sex is good, work is good and I couldnt see myself with anyone else. We have a pretty good line of communication so we barely fight and always enjoy each others company.

>> No.13397033


Eastern Euroean women are very much about status and appearances. They do fuck well though.

>> No.13397060


So how OP photo girls get money anyway? it's from the beta bucks tipping them for online photos? there has to be something else

>> No.13397260

sugar daddy i think

>> No.13397338

Worrying about females or sex abd not swallowing the black pill on them
16 years ago...

You poor souls. If you knew you would never find someone and die a virgin, what would you spend the rest of your days doing? Training legs, eating ribeye with asparagus for dinner and shitposting on /biz/ between loads of laundry? You’re goddamn straight.

>> No.13397377

Oh boy hahahahahahahhahaHahahhahahahaHhahhahahah

>> No.13398062

Married 1.5 years to a woman I met via 4chan.

Its been hard at moments, but I would say I am happy.

>> No.13398067

no it's beta cucks paying them money

>> No.13398073

Damn that's not making it any easier man

>> No.13398104

>There’s someone really off about her face that is hard to describe

That's because there's nothing 'wrong' you fucking autistic retard. You have literally fell in love with anime children and now you think they are the norm. People with autism have a really hard time with faces and understanding what should be what, it's ok spergy boy.

>> No.13398349

>tfw been out of a relationship for 4 years and the Loneliness comes in waves
I’ve had a decent amount of sex since my last relationship but it feels so empty and today’s women really are fucked in the head and are juggling 4-5 dudes at a time thanks to the internet. It doesn’t seem so bad when I see my friends GF flip out on them at least once a week or so though.

>> No.13398395

25 kissless virgin here
I don't really care either way though, I plan on hitting that pussy in a couple years. just keeping my head down and wage cucking putting it into investments before I move out of my parents, hitting the gym too.

I don't think I'll ever marry though unless by some miracle I find a woman in the year 2000+2*10-1 with a good common sense. So basically a woman who will never go for a guy like me

>> No.13398409


Any tips for keeping the sex alive?

Dead bored here.

>> No.13398417
File: 26 KB, 500x375, amourtranth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's trap twitch streamer Amouranth.
Here's an old photo, before the implants and facial feminization surgery.
Looks like a guy in drag, doesn't it?

>> No.13398431

June will be 10 years, I'm still happy

>> No.13398434
File: 69 KB, 173x165, amouranthjaw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a closeup of Amouranth's jaw, post surgery.
Still looks pretty mannish, doesn't it?
This creature has hundreds of cucks who give her money, despite her being a man, and being married.

>> No.13398472

Wow how'd you marry a 9 year old? When does June turn 10?

>> No.13398680

He's in Saudi Arabia.

>> No.13398702


would smash in ass

>> No.13398723
File: 87 KB, 900x900, nige.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>would smash in ass

When it comes to trannies, you don't really have any other smashing choice.

>> No.13398868

How do you deal with being sexually impotent
I am too

>> No.13398906

honestly the worst part of being married is that females fucking throw themselves at you cause they know u married. crazy ladies man

>> No.13398959

Believe me buddy, he is 100% right.

>> No.13399122

Married here with one child. I love my child and n wife but would like to hang out with Qts and thots and just have some fun. Getting drunk with random sluts was always fun but I'm over thirty now anons. I think my time is up.

>> No.13399144

Warren buffet always said its not about swinging at every pitch, but that when you do swing it's a home run.

As long as the wife/coin you got goes to the moon, forget the rest

>> No.13399169

Yeah but it's not a bad thing.

Having lots of sex is a lot of fucki g effort. I'd be happy if I only desired it once a week rather than 3 times a night like with my current new gf

>> No.13399211


https://twitter.com/zaptwitch/status/975709366925123584 - Very masculine figure

https://imgur.com/a/LVBqc0U male hands

>> No.13399259

Indeed. Grass is always greener on the other side.

>> No.13399280

>Sex is so available and easily attainable, it becomes less exciting over time and you end up having less sex.

work on your emotional connection (which will make the sex better)

>> No.13399340
File: 187 KB, 1024x1181, wedding_flowers__fan_art_monika__by_shimayaeiko_dd1sagz-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol 3D
Just Monika.

>> No.13399472

What's strange is that Armourtranth's past as a man isn't even that well-hidden.
How could her cucks not know?
Or do they?

>> No.13399779
File: 266 KB, 944x944, 1535094109748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7 years and going strong here.

Honestly it was rough at first. Then she found out about my BBC fetish.

My wife walked in on me with my pants off beating it to a big black gangbang on our huge HD TV.

I almost fucking died. Then one emotionally brutal conversation later, and I knew it was the best thing that ever happened to us.

Now I suck more Big Black Cock than I ever dared dream.

I watch my wife's whole body turn red as she gets fucked into the next century by exquisite godlike bulls.

My brain has been rewired to serve this terrible addiction to niggerdick on my hands and knees. And not just in the bedroom.

I literally used a quarter of my salary to buy her bull a new SUV last year.

This lifestyle is fucking nuts but I wouldn't trade it for anything.

>> No.13400164

Just take her when you want her. Don't take no for an answer. Also, give her an orgasm too though.

>> No.13400197

>mfw always explicitly stated that I do not get married
>mfw my exes all at some point started expecting it anyways

Are all women really that delusional to think that "muh vugina" will always be stronger than a men's will.

>> No.13400308

Can you post-truth autists please stop with the "puritian" propaganda meme? Technically, sex is marriage. So people who wait until marriage simply aren't whores. If they still have sex, they are just normal. And if they fuck around, they simply show their inability to stay in a relationship = marriage. They are therefore anti-puritians. If you fuck your wife, then she isn't a puritian. Fuck your post-truth cancer terminology, Anon.

>> No.13400322

The real autists, though, are "psychologists" and co who today shit up the internet and wikipedia with "virginity is bad and I don't know why it's good" dunning-kruger pseudoscience propaganda. And then end up increasing divorce rates with their autism.

>> No.13400375

You do know autism is a real thing, not just a generic insult?
Oh, your one of those people

>> No.13400604
File: 187 KB, 700x700, 18bc531ceb0cd5ba06d96a5cfb900dc1d1c284140af534e62979e9f947689bf4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please just stop. You are embarrassing yourself.

>> No.13401086

Newly married here
Wife is totally against taking stuff like the pill. We don't want to have children yet so I'm stuck using rubber johnnies which sucks.

>> No.13401144
File: 4 KB, 125x120, 1550150838532s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah this guy must be some kind of brainlet. Doesn't he know his toxic masculinity is a psychological disorder, while thinking you are a girl and cutting your dick off isn't? Psychologists really know what they are talking about.

>> No.13401214

Who are you responding to? Certainly not to what I said.
>projecting his own autism and retardation so blatantly

>> No.13401235

>doesn't put out

If she isn't fucking, whatever the reason, drop her ass.

Usually 2 reasons: she's fucking someone else, or she has a low libido.

In any case if she doesn't put out after the second date, i consider it a lack of respect.

Ask yourself this question: Would she not put out with Brad Pitt? Chris Hemsworth? You know she will. Thus she is lacking you respect. Drop her.

>> No.13401248

Or she's not a whore

>> No.13401276

started hooking up with a big tittie goth girl only to find out her ex is in prison, kek. guess i'll have to get my ccp once he's released

>> No.13401323
File: 669 KB, 2000x1000, proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>her panties when her ex leaves prison and the drama unfolds

>> No.13401423

Well I hope you find the woman you're looking for anon

>> No.13401509

30-35 is the easiest age to pick up young thots as long as you're moderately successful and haven't gotten fat
and don't have kids lol whoops

>> No.13401542

Not funny you fucking weirdo

>> No.13401569

If she isn't fucking you, she is fucking someone else. She is fucking someone.

>> No.13401609

To whom it may concern.

14 years here.
Wife went from qt asian to whale asian.
Still love her.
Allways want other girls and pussy.
Generally happy with everything beside the looks.
2 kids.
Never gonna leave her.
I came from poor family.
I need to teach my kids that rich family dynasties come from families that stick togather.
Often its hard and you wanna leave, just to fuck other pussy. But then you jerk off and everything is fine again.
There is no other way to grow a decent family then to stick thru.
And doesnt matter how hot girl you get, after 14 years, every new 20 year old will look hotter then your wife. And your wife will just continue to depriciate in value.
But do I really wanna go start a new family with some hit thot?
Not really. I just wanna fuck them for 10 min.
But do I really want a big family, thats well off financialy, good values and culture?
Yes. I wanna be 80 years old still with a women that is mother yo ny children. Then have ny kids and gradkids come visit us with their families and continue wealth generation togather.

>> No.13401641

I'm married. Been married 4 years.
>Kid will be born next month
>Are you happy?

>> No.13401656
File: 3.82 MB, 256x190, 1551467965212.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a fucking vision of hell

>> No.13401659

One year married
Thirteen years together
She is a MD and University professor, pretty well off but from a poor family, so she tends to value money and don't spend on stupid shit

All I can say is: fap makes a relationship healthier
You will never be sexually satisfied with one women
I would rather fap to pornstars than cheat

>> No.13401685

You never stop wanting other pussy. Doesnt matter what thot you find. You will allways want next thot. But you have to decide what is important. Kids with a stable home. Or you 5 min a day.

>> No.13401694

>kids with a stable home
that's a fucking vision of hell

>> No.13401716

How old are you?
Used to think the same in my twenties and early thirties
Shit changes mang....

>> No.13401721

Ye man, sucks to have mom and dad that loves you.

>> No.13401728

t. nigger or jew or 16 year old child

>> No.13401738
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>> No.13401739

I don't plan to get to the age where cognitive dissonance about my tedious life and diminished body is the only thing keeping me sane
living past 50 is the act of a coward

>> No.13401755
File: 16 KB, 174x210, ScroogeFirst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The edge is on tonight!

>> No.13401756

You remind me of my wifes sister. Just a few weeks ago she said she will only live to 40. i loled

Then I remembered when I was in my twenties and the «go before its too late» commercial that was spammed everywhere and my plan was accually being dead by 32.

>> No.13401758

Married for 6 years, together for 11. Happily too. Unironically a major part of that is chest size. Sometimes i get the "im a much more confident, impressive guy than i was at 18, imagine how I'd do if still single" thought but then i think anyone I'd get would be way worse than my wife just due to the state of most women. She's a 30G and that just doesn't come around.

>> No.13401789

Been with my wife for 23 years, been very happily married for 19 years, still very happy. You have to keep the relationship and the sex fun ,otherwise youre in for trouble

>> No.13401801

>not smashing their penis hole

Imagine being this beta

>> No.13401802


t. Shadow the Hedgehog

>> No.13401807


>> No.13401811

It's kinda funny tho

>> No.13401822

one of the edgiest things I've read lately, spoken like a true 16 year old

>> No.13401906

>She would be embarrassed that I'm not "successful."

She will leave you the instant that you're no longer at a prestigious job.

t. Russian

>> No.13401925

How does it feel knowing “your” kids look nothing like you?

>> No.13401961

How do you even meet someone on this site? You just tried your luck with /soc/ or what?

>> No.13401973

Aka she cucked you as she's a male brained female autist with bpd.

>> No.13402000

As he wrote, she provides quality unheard of in the western world in return. Seems only fair

>> No.13402030

>big tittie goth girl
How do you even find those anymore? I thought Tumblr ate all of them?

>> No.13402042
File: 122 KB, 960x720, 558FDA84-28E5-421A-9BD7-2E3F7D19C644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT anons base their self worth off of a woman

>> No.13402046

Is it me, or are all goth/straight black haired women grotesquely manipulative

>> No.13402048

You don't want a goth one, they'll have slept their way around the school and college years. As for busty girls fitness classes are a godsend.

>> No.13402157


I’m a Paki but live in UK.

>> No.13402182

Disgusting, go home before you're forced out.

>> No.13402191

I threw up reading this, die

>> No.13402485

Fuck off back to pol

>> No.13402539

>40 y.o.
>Married 13 years.
>Still happy, although both our looks are faded but we are not delusional about staying looking young forever.
>We both are pretty fit and exercise regularly.
>3 kids under 12 so free time is limited and disposable income is mnimized.
>Wife makes $90k and works from home in financial services with great family benefits.

Comfy life. I get jelly looking at the 18 y.o. thots out there living high life, but I had my time in the sun. Financially prepared to retire at 50 with current plan / savings rate.

My goal is to keep on track financially, and raise non-insane children who contribute to society.

Misogyny is a cancer. A good woman is the best thing you can achieve in life. All those mail order trophy wives leave you in the end brehs. I have a 40 year old friend still single and pretending to be cool, but we all kind of feel sorry for him.

>> No.13402564

You're wrong. Being a REAL man means teaching your spawn to knock over liquor stores or father children with ghetto hood rats or some shit. Niggers are so fucked up and forever will be poor.

>> No.13402573

>good woman is the best thing that can happen to you

I ironically agree with this statement. It's just the odds are so stacked against you. A good woman tends to be the exception not the norm.

>> No.13402625

Seething white beta detected

Make us

>> No.13402662

Maybe you should return to reddit

>> No.13402672

I lucked out and met her at a bar while she was attending a bachelorette party. I don't deserve her.

Raised on a Minnesota farm, but tough / smart / educated as fuck and is just killing it in the financial world.

My kids all look much, much, much better than me and are tops of their respective classes in a large school. (and yes they are all mine - go fuck yourself).

Everything in my life is expendable next to her /family because with her at my side, even if I lost my money, employment, health, we would still recover and kick ass again.

A strong marriage is awesome. I can see why the progressive state wants to destroy it so badly.

>> No.13402682

Except looking for a good woman is considered misogyny. If you weren't a literal boomer you wouldn't be smugly espoousing your progressive position that women are actually okay because that's not what the battle is over at all. It's that stating you don't want an over fucked masculine woman is unacceptable bigotry.

>> No.13402763

I have no idea what you are saying or what you interpret my position. There are numerous posts on /biz/ that women are a meme / financial ruin ticket / etc. OR that fuck em and chuck em are /biz/ approved lifestyles. That is misogyny.

I had no delusions about my wife being a virgin, because neither was I. Yeah, those noseringed feminist cunts at Uni are fucking annoying, but hey we kind of deserve it don't we men?

Read the chapter on Witches in Carl Sagan's "Demon Haunted World" to see just how miserable life has been for women AT THE HANDS OF MEN in just that fucking time period alone.

If I was a woman I wouldn't fucking listen to a god damn word any guy said about being a virgin while he's off fucking everything with a heartbeat because he wants a "clean" woman later when he wants to get married. They've gone 100,000 years under the bootheel of men and now that they are allowed to roam the plain, they must be hated.

The arrogance of men is astounding.

>> No.13402764
File: 281 KB, 512x512, 1448225373918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you so defensive about your wife's kids?

>> No.13402784

based. i wish you and the family the best and a happy early retirement anon. don't pay attention to the poorfag zoomers here

>> No.13402811

Took the cuckold pill.

>> No.13402819
File: 571 KB, 1879x1384, 1516532054650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus I can smell the onions cum out of your farts from across the ocean. I guess it's good that men like you exists, more virgins for me to choose from.
>Women had it much worse
Yikes. Better stop reading feminist propaganda.

>> No.13402847

Women always can get a man over which they have absolute control. They never go for one, desiring one that's the brute you describe as the worst thing that happened to women.
How is this possible to reconcile?
Why do you lump the abusive "chads" with all the other, which is clearly seen by your conflation of the "virgin man" who somehow is able to rotate women on whim.

>> No.13402851

This absolutely has to be bait or it's the saddest coping cuck post i have ever seen. As for virginity both me and my wife have only ever had sex with each other. Nice to know she moaned in pleasure as she let some other man press her down and slide in and out.

>> No.13402887
File: 27 KB, 400x400, dworkin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be Dworkin
>Date rebellious, individualistic anarchist
>he's exciting, fun and doesn't give a shit
>fall in love with him
>he beats the shit out of you because he doesn't give a fuck
>dedicate your whole life to deriding men as a whole group
feminism in a nutshell, deriding the beta males for things Chad did, while incessantly giving him a free pass

>> No.13402903

I was married for two years before it fell apart. I lost my job and she got a dui. Everything went downhill after that. She started working 100 hours per week and wouldn't tell me what she wanted. I needed a new career but didn't want to move because of her job. Asked her to go to counseling and first she said yes but then I got the papers a few days later. I really don't want to recover because I've always hated thots and seriously doubt I can find another decent woman at my age. Just want to make it with crypto and be alone forever/

>> No.13402909

based and whitepilled

>> No.13403007

Add bonsai hobby so you can pass it down to your posterity and you will be at the pinnacle of red pilled

>> No.13403024

That's what she'd have you believe. Women are the ultimate shapeshifters.

>> No.13403048

>tfw have dated girls like this and got them to fuck after a couple of dates

And it’s funny because all of them have said it was a one time thing and can’t happen again, but then it always happens again, and again and again

All women are whores

>> No.13403095

could you give me some source on that?
i keep getting destroyed when debating its gender because i don't have any proof

>> No.13403110

More likely that you simply conned a nice girl into doing something she didn't want to do.

>> No.13403126

no, other anon is right. if she isn't fucking, then she has no sex drive and this is not someone you want to be with long term. women have sex when they want to, men have sex when they can.

>> No.13403158

>all men are equally sexually attractive
>All women are completely incapable of controlling themselves if they see an attractive man, especially if their goal is long term.

>> No.13403167

>women have sex when they want to
>men have sex when they can
Probably the most betacuck thing one could say

>> No.13403174
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bona fide cuck

>> No.13403192

That's a statement about the population, not what you do. Dojn't understand how can you mix those two.
Are all your "impartial opinions" just justifications for being able what you want to do? If yes, kys.

>> No.13403224
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heh got em

>> No.13403240
File: 2 KB, 225x225, 5DD14995-8BBA-4DED-9EAD-F8B5D178498F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you come here?

>> No.13403253

oh yeah, I guess your right. men are the gatekeepers huh? don't be retarded. of course we have sex when we want too when we have willing partners, cause they're open to that. I'm talking about the general dynamic between men and women though.
also, fags who talk beta/alpha are always the most betacuck. it's part of their inferiority complex. the rest of us don't get hung up on that kind of shit anon.

>> No.13403274

i just want a meat hole i can stick my cock into anytime i feel like it. is it too much to ask

>> No.13403287

6years, still happy.
Go for it

>> No.13403445

I don't understand how you're worried about hotter women if you literally can't get them.
Hot women exist everywhere, doesn't mean they'd bat an eye at you.

>> No.13403455

I was dating the hottest girl in college and still ended up cheating. This happens ALWAYS. Its programmed into our brains.

>> No.13403466

You're on pol. Happas are universally the most insecure human breed.

>> No.13403500

You speak with conviction and you've got an interesting outlook. Do what you want man, dont worry what the people on here say.

>> No.13403533

>Its programmed into our brains.
It's just you. There are clearly swaths of men who are able to control themselves quite well.

>> No.13403543

Another schizophrenic graced biz. Oh joy.

>> No.13403545

The absolute state of cuck, he described his wife as "tough / smart / educated as fuck", aka the alpha of the family and a feminist ideal
With this mentality, your marriage is a toast and your little plan to retire at 50 will turn into a nightmare, NO WOMAN will ever be attracted to a feminist talking point parody of a man

>> No.13403560

>I know this because my only experience with hapas is a community on reddit and /pol/ threads talking about Elliot Rodger and some funny looking hapas that went to prison

>> No.13403580

Literal inbred paki

>> No.13403594

It's true that I've only seen anecdotes for this but why would happas be singled out in this regard if there weren't a morsel of truth behind it? Look at the asianmasculinity subreddit. Oof.

>> No.13403601

So women are supposed to be frail damsels in distress to be /biz/ approved?

I guarantee every one of the cuck posters is an incel LARP'ing what they believe a true woman to be is.

Its funny how /biz/ alphas think the same way as the fucking Taliban that a proper woman is to be barefoot and pregnant in a kitchen and everyone else is a cuck.

>> No.13403645
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Spoken like a true cuck. My wife is ruthless to weak people, literally a descendant of vikings, and makes bank with her masters degree from a supremely legit university. It's called picking the cream of the crop, keep telling yourself that the rotten apples on the ground under the tree are the real prizes.

>> No.13403657

Posting and posting in his seething cope
The boomer cannot hear the bull horn;
Dignity falls apart; the cuckold cannot hold;
Mere neoliberalism is loosed upon the world.

>> No.13403676

women and men are both the happiest when women cultivate their femininity, not trying to become female version of a tough life male warrior
DYOR on red pill material that spawned between 2010 and now, you have a lot of reading to do to unfuck your brain
>but hey we kind of deserve it don't we men?
absolutely NPC'd into self hate for doing nothing wrong, but exist, work hard and provide protection to women for centuries

>> No.13403687

There's a reason women convert to Islam at rates many fold higher than men.

>> No.13403699

Are you like a sidekick to her? Following her profound wisdom, is future a female in your world?

>> No.13403710

Statistically the taliban are far less cucks than you are. The reality is that past 3 previous sexual partners women have zero pair bonding ability, their marriages are more likely to fail than succeed and they are more likely to cheat than not. Combine that with your other risk factor of a wife who works and likely earns more than you and ultimately the basic odds are that your wife has had sex with someone else. Obviously she has in the past but even post marriage. Likely some work party and some stronger man (who doesn't prostrate himself for forgiveness because in harder times of the past women had to stay at home) brought her a few too many drinks and she found herself drunkenly squirting all over him as he pushed deeper than anyone has been before.

>> No.13403711

Women cultivate their femininity when there are men worthy for them to do so.

>> No.13403729

>the happiness metric
Why do traditionalists unironically think this makes them win arguments. Holy fuck theyre so stupid

>> No.13403738

The entire reason /biz/ makes money every year is entirely because women in Western / East Asian societies are unchained from animal style reproductive cycles.

What do you think of your stock portfolio if we somehow implemented a Taliban style martial ethos on society? Guarantee the stock market would crash epically and never recover.

There is a cure for poverty, and it works in every society, race or religion it has ever been tried on. Its called the empowerment of women. EVERY society that has universal suffrage, ended child bride forced marriage and allows women the choice of who they want to marry and how many children they want, is orders of magnitude more wealthy than the others.

The downside for you is that women are now free to actually choose their mates, which for bald Wall St. Incels like you, means that you now actually have to shower, brush their teeth, exercise to get a woman.

Its much easier to just call everybody a cuck and wish-think a new society will form where women are bartered like stock animals.

Keep dreaming fat ass. Utopia is not just a Leftist fantasy.

>> No.13403759

deluded roastie

>> No.13403762


Very true. Once you have a solid woman that loves you, it's the easiest time to find a new woman.

Human psychology is a sad thing.

>> No.13403768
File: 74 KB, 577x1024, 7F0D6A5E-D615-4CE0-BF34-994312CC2ED6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>empowering women

>> No.13403777


If I force it my wife will have sex with me, but she's clearly not into it. Then it's not any fun.

I'd rather not have sex then do it with her when she is unwilling.

>> No.13403783

I mention and list reasons why I think my wife is awesome and you instantly jump to your subconscious insecurities of that somehow resulting in a scenario of the man being a sidekick and a follower. Through text alone you come across as background performer lacking confidence. You need a broke dumb wife in order to feel like a husband? Ooof

>> No.13403795

Its true, societies that give women rights thrive economically because men need to improve themselves significantly. Unfortunately this increased competition means men care less about such a society, and therefore there will be no one to protect it once its being invaded by a society in which the men own women as property. Case in point: Europe

>> No.13403801


Dude let me clue you in on a big thing:

When women don't use the pill it's because they WANT TO GET PREGNANT. And that know it's only a matter of time before you get frustrated using condoms and just go for the creampie.

That might say "oh i don't like how it changes my body, etc."

Lies. They want a baby and are very aware how weak men are.

>> No.13403802

Ah he's dipped into a Steven Pinker lecture and is now a philosophical mind to be contended with. The emancipation of women was largely the result of automation rendering it such that it was no longer necessary they be doing jobs at home, that automation was the start of an enormous change in industry that inproved economies. That was not the result of women being "free". Beyond that they were now free to have fewer children, well now we're being told that that in fact is an enormous financial issue! Requiring as millions of non-white immigrants to resolve so by that metric the actions of women have been a permanent catastrophe on the west. The GDP of a nation follows IQ more than any other single metric, so we're looking at a permanent, terrible financial downturn.

But watch a couple of Jordan Peterson videos and try and scramble a response together.

>> No.13403812
File: 42 KB, 334x506, cheers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you get married you're fucking stupid

>> No.13403817

>bald Wall St. Incels
This incel thing has gone out of control. Wall street traders are actually the opposite of an incel in every way.
Again, the incels get shat on for something they never would even think is possible.

Also, correlation doesn't equal causation. Good economic times allow society to loosen up the morals around women.

>> No.13403837

Your assumptions are wrong. I make more money than my wife, am 6'-2", fit as a fiddle and speak 3 languages fluently. All her friends comment on me being a prize catch for her.

If she's cheating on me, she would just up and leave me because she comes from a family with very large resources and any alimony she got from me in the divorce would be far less than the resources she would get for the asking from her parents / siblings. Plus, she knows full well what divorce does to children and won't do it for that reason alone.

Its hard to imagine for a wall st fag like yourself, but not every woman wants to get fucked by a Ford Mustang driving sunglass forehead parked Rollo Tomassi douche.

The fact that you consider the Taliban an improvement on life shows just how fucked you are. Not a single one of you Wall St fags would last a week on the streets of Kabul. Sure that 9 year old child bride ONLY has one sexual partner in Afghanistan hence your stats on cuckdom, but that poor girl has endured a lifetime of horrific sexual abuse and misery too ghastly to even fathom here. Go to hell fucker. You DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT.

Rollo Tomassi's 24/7 sunglass wearing ass may sell that desired outcome to you to hock books, but as someone who has actually served in Afghanistan, I can tell you those societies are fucking MISERABLE as hell and level of child rape there is Dante's inferno levels of evil.

>> No.13403850

Go invest your shitcoins and long the Pakistan and Congolese stock markets. Do it pussy. Practice what you preach.

>> No.13403859


I know a 50 year old who has a different GF every few months. And the women are all in their 20's.

It's not cool. It's sad.

>> No.13403865

The wealth of the Western countries was built on a traditional society basis, which is now going away, women 'empowerment' only leads to the ruling class getting richer, less children born, and the need for human import. The 'Taliban' is coming to your home town and is being welcomed by women because (you) with your soft rhetoric are becoming obsolete

>> No.13403871

Are you huwhite?

>> No.13403879

>he thinks third world women aren't ruthless themselves
They just can't express it because they are cloistered

>> No.13403886

What a load of shit. Women have less children now because modernity has that effect on people. Iran is not a automated society but even their birthrate is falling precipitosly as it becomes more modern.

Any woman who says they can't have more children because of money is just telling you a lie because she doesn't want to have more children.

I agree a woman who forgoes children to advance some shitty career is wasting her life, but what do we do about it? Rape her?

Its the price of freedom guys.

>> No.13403907

deluded roastie with a side of dick cheese.

>> No.13403915
File: 118 KB, 1024x768, 1539283870775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been married 7 years next month. 2 kids. I met my wife when we were both 18 and virgins. I married her because she wasn't a degenerate and she had aspirations to have kids and be a mother. Its what I was looking for, and it has worked out incredibly well. We have many similar opinions and tastes on things, there is very little conflict or argument between us. Only thing I can report is somehow I've developed an attraction to her as she's gotten chunkier with kids. She's around pic_related and I can't explain why, but I like it.

Its not for everyone though. It all depends on what you want out of life. I've always known since I was young that I wanted to raise a family like the one I grew up in, and so I'm doing it. Many intentionally stay away from it for a couple of reasons - either they don't want kids and families out of life, or they absolutely don't trust women. I don't really judge them for the 1st thing, and I certainly can't blame them for the 2nd. Vulnerability is guaranteed with a woman, and even good judges of character can be deceived by women.

It's a risk some people are willing to take and which some aren't. Really the only people I have a problem with are people who don't really want to get married, or shouldn't get married, who do anyway. They're the vast majority of people who talk about how unpleasant and unhappy marriage is, and the cause of most divorces, remarriages, and 2nd, 3rd, 4th onward divorces as well. They're like someone who doesn't like seafood, but they agree anyway to go to dinner with everyone at Red Lobster and willingly order seafood. Then they spend the rest of the dinner complaining that seafood doesn't taste good and asking why you didn't go somewhere else for dinner.

Oh, also it's a myth that you stop having sex. My wife and I fuck about 4 days per week on average when she's not on the rag.

>> No.13403931
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We live in a world where a US soldier who served is being reduced to a reddit tier compassionate soi boy spewing feminist talking points

>> No.13403943

Freedom and democracy can suck my dick.

>> No.13403990
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I see what you are doing anon. :^)
Don't let her get too fat, tho. My mother already has all sorts of health problems from the mid 40s and on.

>> No.13403991

> All her friends comment on me being a prize catch for her.
Oh how sweet of them!

> my wife wont cheat im the breadwinner
> she would break up with me if she did as she'd be better off financially!
Choose a line cuckboomer! This panic posting is humiliating even for you!

>> No.13403998
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of course and nothing to do with a targeted propaganda

>> No.13404003

> Iran is not a automated society
Ummm. Don't apply your head canon attitude to things outside your wife's faithfulness. People in iran have washing machines and cars believe it or not!

>> No.13404008

>Happily Married.
>3 smart beautiful children.
>Financially secure and free.
>Respected by my neighbors.

I know in the slavic hellhole who you call home a REAL man becomes some evil Oligarch who lies, cheats and steals through life. But here in America, my life is considered respectful and successful. I am sorry you were raised in such a dump.

>> No.13404023

So why is their birthrate falling? Is it National Geographic? There is not a single Jew in all of Iran to blame toughguy.

>> No.13404028

Good for you, but you are advertising a failure, the world you are creating right now with your mentality will be a lot worse for your children than it is now

>> No.13404047

Yeah, I'm not looking to make my wife and my kids' mother some waddling gastropod, but I didn't realize I liked this until she got chunky.

>> No.13404054

About to turn 3 years.
We dated since we were in high school, so about 12+ years of knowing each other.
I'm very happy with my life. We have a baby and another one coming soon.

Just dont get yourself a THOT and you are set for life.

>> No.13404056

What a load of shit. Europe was extremely traditional for most of the middle ages. The greatest material wealth gain in Europe was AFTER the second world war where America guaranteed war-free international commerce.

Rationalism and universal suffrage also took root more firmly.

Taliban had nothing to do with it.

>> No.13404066

>the only people I have a problem with are people who don't really want to get married, or shouldn't get married, who do anyway.
Most women initiate divorce proceedings. The reason they initiate divorces is because they are in an unhappy marriage, not because they didn't want to get married in the first place. There is a difference there. "I never really wanted to get married" is peak post-marriage-collapse rationalization.
I agree that boomer-anon sounds like a fag that's read too much Howard Zinn but you can't fault him for trying to raise a normal family.

>> No.13404116

Because automation leads society no longer requiring women to stay at home. They get careers and other responsibilities and the importance of children drops. Amazing irrelevant point your boozed mind produced there.

There is no evidence that emancipation of women has a positive economic effect, quite the opposite with the resultant effects on birthrates, the poor politics women vote for and the correlated disconnect of productivity and income. All the proposed economic benefits clearly came from automation that led to women's freedom.

Stop bending yourself over for good boy points and listening pig headedly to pop tier social scientists. The best thing about your position is that the "play hard and love hard!" boomer attitude will mark you down eternally as losers of the most pathetic kind no matter who wins. If islam manages to tear apart the west you'll be remembered as disgusting hedonists who got what was coming to them and if whites manage to reconvene on moral principles and rebuild the west you'll still be remembered as pathetic warnings of what men can fall to in weakness.

>> No.13404147

Advertising what world? That women are sentient creatures with inalienable rights to choose who they want to marry?

Yeah, I'm sorry you failed in the competitive mating market man. But that doesn't mean the world is fucked.

Take it from this boomer, that you have no idea how good you have it right now, and how much better the world is becoming. My parents paid 14.5% interest on their home loan in the eighties.

You: "Waaaaaah, the girl I liked in high school went for the guy who was fitter, more interesting, charismatic than I was. Waaaaah. Burn it all down. Burn it all down."


>> No.13404196

> how much better the world is becoming
Meanwhile rates of depression and suicide climb to new highs year after year without faltering. Divorce rates and single parents rise every year.

My city has an active mass arab rape gang with a police force who help enforce it and instead clamp down on dissent.

Ah, the boomer paradise. It's almost like unparalleled selfishness, unexamined morality and incredibly short mental horizons and curiosity has led to one generation destroying the work of thousands of years of ancestors. Beyond shameful but the mind that does that also doesn't realise it. Ignorance is bliss is the boomer mantra after all.

>> No.13404203
File: 113 KB, 781x904, list.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are right. No evidence having equal rights for women creates societal wealth. None at all. Its all a mystery. Pic related.

>> No.13404207

God i didn't believe the dim boomer meme until this thread. Jesus christ.

>> No.13404213

based and swedishpilled

>> No.13404228

I'm aware most people don't realize they shouldn't have gotten married until it ends, but in most cases it's people who were unsuited for it in the first place, and/or people who married unsuitable people either by being tricked or being bad judges of character.

Take a friend of mine for example. He started dating a roastie around age 30. She was like a walking meme. She was a feminist, a degenerate club girl who had fucked an incredible number of men who was looking to "settle down" i.e. becoming increasingly aware she was about to hit the wall and nobody at the club would want to stick it in her beef curtains anymore.

My friend is a terrible judge of character, and every time he gets some pussy he goes from being a fairly independent/individualistic sort of guy to being a complete and absolute pussy who is blind to everything wrong with the woman. He had his dad telling him don't marry this girl. He had me and my brother telling him not to marry her, he had his mom, sister, and other friends telling him not to marry her, or that he should think about it a little more before making the decision (the polite way of saying you shouldn't marry her) and he got pretty defensive about it with everyone, felt attacked, didn't know why so many friends and family were against "the love of his life". He got married, and they made it 5 months before the divorce. He got off the hook easy, they just split and went their separate ways without losing or dividing up assets because they didn't really have anything jointly.

In the aftermath I asked him why he ever got married in the first place. He knows he's not a good judge of women, he doesn't want kids or a family, he's not really marriage material just as his wife was not. His answer was that he didn't really know, and in hindsight he realizes he never should have gotten married. Yet he did. Does not compute for me.

>> No.13404236

I am sorry you are British. Your BBC is like the world leading apologist for Islamism.

But every year you vote for the same politicians for more of the same because "muh bennies". Every fucking year. Do something about it shit-teeth.

>> No.13404237

You seriously think that chart demonstrates a correlation between women's freedom and GDP? Then why is china at the top and sweden at the bottom?

High IQ races lead to better politics, leading to better economies and better technology. Hence europe initiating the industrial revolution and it's consequent automation that freed women. Of course nations with better economies are therefore likely to also have freer women. Cause and effect you unforgivable brainlet. Every post is like groundhog day.

>> No.13404251

Not Swedish. British. But you'll find the same story in every western nation. Boomers will be remembered as the most pathetic group of humans to have ever squandered and denied all that is good.

>> No.13404300

Do you know why left wing, xenophile governments keep being voted in. Is there a 50% of the population you adore who are by nature inclined to outgroups and left wing communal politics? Did new labour initiated the mass replacement politics and who were the generation that saw them voted in repeatedly?

Once again the laziness of the boomer mind is astounding. Absolutely zero curiousity or energy devoted to really examining the world.

>> No.13404316

Also "islamism".

Could you be any more of a spoon fed cuck? Go read the qu'ran and get back to me on the points of difference between supposed islamism and islam.

>> No.13404327

The jury is still out on whats causing the suicide epidemic, but my guess its almost entirely related to smart phones and social media. Young kids don't talk to each other as much as before, and coming full circle to the OP, they are provably not having as much sex as previous generations. Who knows?

But the most sexually liberal and promiscuous generation ever ('68ers) had relatively low suicide numbers.

Causationj / correlation aside for the points above, but the science is clear that religious, married couples who marry young are the LEAST likely suicidal group in the stat pile.

Find another reason to hate marriage and women desu. Suicide rates is not it.

>> No.13404328

sounds like a terrible life

>> No.13404355

Islamism is the common term for political Islam. I didn't make it up. You'll find no Islam love here. I've spent enough time in Islamic shitholes to have made up my mind on it. Why do you keep funding and supporting the BBC would be my question bonger?

>> No.13404407

I'm not lazy. The person most singularly responsible for Britain turning into Pakistan is Tony Blair and Andrew Neather who purposely set out to change Britain forever demographically.

The labor party in 1997 won 64% of the vote which means statistically likely YOUR dumb limey ass, and all your shit-toothed relatives voted for him repeatedly. Good job. Bet your smug all felt all good about yourself then, because fuck the Tories right?

THen you went back to watching your 0-0 soccer game thrillers for 15 years and woke up and your country was a pig ignorant Islamic shithole.

Good job! First rate effort mate.

>> No.13404411

Using a smart phone doesn't make you kill yourself. You could say people talking less does but again 'cause and effect' - why was there a demand for smart phones and a wish to pull away from face to face talking. I assume you haven't despite owning a devil's slab.

It's because you've left a rotten society with no framework of meaning and no cultural foundation beyond elevation of cowardice and self-effacement.

Your boomer generation didn't have high suicide rates because you were still operating under the all surrounding and stabilising culture left for you. You had security of your future, cultural pride and traditions. Sure you sold the gold reserves of all of these in order to party and funnel coke into your brain but it was still there as the world you lived on. Go read Charles Taylor 'The Ethics of Authenticity' if you want actual philosophy. Bit harder than Steven Pinker.

>> No.13404422

"Political islam", as said maybe read the book before passing patently stupid opinions like this.

>> No.13404458

I don't know why you have such a problem with Politcal Islam and Islamism. Is it a euphamism? Doesn't seem to be to me.

>> No.13404464

No, you are lazy. As for my parents they voted conservative consistently. Including my mother because despite female political inclinations she was a stay at home mother with a husband who earned more than enough so she wasn't out letting other men pump her like your wife. With a strong male figure like that in her life she was sure to always vote accordingly.

Kind of like how your great free women are turning to islam in droves, almost like their political opinions are trivial and based on nothing but sex partner desire.

>> No.13404489

Islam is inherently political. The book explicitly lays out several times the political structure of muslims and the nations they live in. Other forms of governance are gross affronts to allah and should be punished. There is no distinction between islam and "islamism". All islam has direct political aspirations. "Islamists" have no added beliefs than normal muslims. It's purely a term to create a false distinction. Read the qu'ran.

>> No.13404518

>Read the qu'ran
There's an islam for every country that practice it. The book means nothing. It's just a rallying point around the culture of the people.

>> No.13404527

Big <3 to you
You will unironically make it.

>> No.13404535

Provably there are plenty of places in the world where society is improving and people are happy. Move out of your shithole before its too late man.

The world is alive and well.

And if you think 70's and 80's America was all sunshine and rainbows you have no idea what you are talking about. You've never experienced crime.

I do feel bad for millenials in many ways. I never had hellicopter parents, or transgender queer theory classes in kindergarten.

The Left played a much better long game than the right and their grip on the education and corporate world is near complete.

I did not have to deal with that, and I am sorry for you.

>> No.13404549

Jesus fuck dude. You just finished an Islam course in college. We get it. Nobody is arguing with you. Islam, Islamism, Lawfare, Taqqya, etc. etc.

Move on brother.

>> No.13404573

Funny because the book explicitly denies that and all muslims believe the book is the unaltered direct word of allah. You don't need more premises than that. Muslims progress to further adoption of all islamic beliefs throughout their lives. There also really isn't much variation of islamic practice nation to nation on what the quran actually orders. People like to point out some women have to wear burqas, others not. Well guess what, the qu'ran doesn't order muslims to wear burqas.

>> No.13404579

Im 27 so, no i didn't. However unlike the boomer i like to be informed.

>> No.13404583

Your liberated women voted this in

>> No.13404585

I'm planning to marry my gf of 2y in a non distant future.
She is honest, pure, intelligent, traditional and takes good care of herself (is hot as hell).
I have never seen such a woman before and holy shit, I've seen and dated a lot of different females.
Just wanted to share with you.

>> No.13404592

>Funny because the book explicitly denies that
Doesn't matter. Cultural lenses through which people see the book are unalterably variable across nations. That's a more robust constant than some written text.

>> No.13404595

Our whole generation of zoomer white kids is so fucked and there's nothing anyone can do about it anymore lol

>> No.13404610

Which nations? Because it's not the US certainly, not here, france, sweden, japan etc etc. As for crime as said we have rape gangs, rape epidemic, a shooting every week despite guns being banned. I have to leave my house in the middle of the night at least once a month to shout away either homeless on spice or the local black drug dealers who race around blasting music at 3am.

>> No.13404624

No, again not true. Islam never had the gnostic or reformist philosophy that christianity did because of two absolute central tenants: it is the direct unchanged word of god and it is god's last message. That directly precludes revision or interpretation and hence islam never followed the changes of most religions. Once again, why islam is islam everywhere and all times unlike all other faiths.

>> No.13404667


Lots of nice places in America.

Austin, Nashville, Irvine just to name 3 I've lived in. Yeah they are a little pricey but cheap compared to Britain. Rifle, Colorado is a gorgeous city in the mountains with a booming local economy. Stop being so defeatist.

You have a British passport. Apply to live in Australia, Canada, New Zealand. PLenty of nice places in those country if you do your homework.

Germany is nice in many places.

Stop being lazy and make changes in your life.

>> No.13404681

You didn't get what I said. The books means very little, especially when the religion was adopted when most of the population couldn't read it. Religion serves culture, not the opposite, and the culture is different everywhere.

>> No.13404691

The crazy part is that the Taliban guy is by default a lot more based than you, think about it, a sandal wearing sandnigger has a better understanding of woman nature than a proud American living in the richest country in the world

>> No.13404701

> nice in places
We're talking national actions and trends. Don't splurt out irrelevant isolated places. It's like saying theirs no economic downturn if i just look at the loan sharks hoousehold.

Of course i can run to safer areas, keep running. The boomer cowardice manifest in his practical advice. Short sighted and self-serving.

>> No.13404721

Repeatedly raping a 9 year old girl cousin is not based.

Its not a superior understanding of women.

Its savage.

Sort yourself out desu. Its not too late.

>> No.13404757

But it doesn't. For a long time christianity was only in latin read by monks yet we still had aquinas and others who led vast movements and deeply considered what was meant, what was relevant about christian texts. Islam never had that, still doesn't. You also keep idly grasping at some assertion that culture is more important despite already stating how that cannot happen in islam. Once again we have historical and present evidence of the recalcitrance of islam to variation. Qu'ranic law is more or less uniformly held up in all islamic countries. There is basically no variation on these points compared to all other religions. The only given points are always things the qu'ran itself never demanded. Sometimes its the hadiths but usually its just some irrelevant item of arab culture than differs.

>> No.13404777

How is Aquinas relevant? I'm talking about a bunch of peasants interpreting the religion. The kind of peasants that constitutes 95% of the population.

>> No.13404778

Judging by her tools and PPE I'm harbouring doubts about her credentials as a miner.

I have a gf, long term with kid so effectively married. I'm fairly happy. Still gave problems, but they're different problems to when I was single.

>> No.13404793

Ok. Lets talk national actions and trends


Since you probably only ever read 40 character tweets at most, and long form arguments against your "feelings" are probably too much for your snowflake millenial ass, I'll summarize it for you.

"But if we are going to look backward, let’s look back even farther. The belief that the remorseless efficiency of capitalist production will lead to mass unemployment and consign ordinary workers to lives of misery is older than the word “capitalism” itself. It is an ancient theme in science fiction and loomed large in the mind of Karl Marx. As Star Trek fans and etymology nerds know, the word “sabotage” comes from the French word “sabot,” a kind of simple wooden shoe that workers used to destroy machinery used to automate their work. The end of work has been upon us for a very long time, but it never quite gets here.

What’s happened instead is that our work has become easier, our lives more prosperous and comfortable, and the material downsides of economic setbacks less and less catastrophic. (There are hungry and homeless Americans, but not for economic reasons.) There’s more to life than having a roof over one’s head and food on the table, true, but that is a sentiment best enjoyed indoors with a full belly. We don’t officially have that 20-hour work week they were dreaming of in the 1960s, but the average American probably spends more of his “work” time amusing himself than he did in 1965. Those steelworkers in Pittsburgh didn’t spend a lot of time on Facebook."

Grow up and stop smoking pot. Lots of good women out there who will make you happy and not be some anime fuck pillow you THINK you want.

>> No.13404831

>Lots of good women out there
Is this why the divorce rates are so humongous?

>> No.13404840

This guy is right. That other anon is literally getting played by his wife to have a child sooner than later.

>> No.13404853

Because the priest/nobility class inform the peasants of how to live. The mosque and imam have always been the centre of the community. Now sure genes are more important than culture or religion ultimately and affect behaviour more than either. So in circumstances of wildly different genomes you would expect islam to be different, but in reality the religion is so fixed that you just don't see adoption in populations who cannot live as it demands. You instead see civil war.

>> No.13404892

Is he wrong?

>> No.13404895

Jesus christ are you literally incapable of giving relevant responses? Unemployment is down? Amazing. Material ownership is better? Amazing. Let's call it a day. Or rather should we keep talking about what we were talking about? Quality of life and culture. People are killing themselves at grossly worse rates than people in 1500 despite owning more shoes. Our nations are facing permanent demographic destruction despite iphone 10 being out. Populations are more politically divided than any time in decades with levels of on street political violence unseen since the 1930s.

You need to branch out from humanist society talking points to keep up.

>> No.13404911

>Because the priest/nobility class inform the peasants of how to live
It definitely doesn't work like that. The bottom rung are more independent as a group that you possibly imagine. I also find your lack of treating the lower classes in a serious manner as quite detestable.

>> No.13404914

40% of 1 billion is still a lot of women desu.

Improve yourself so you win the good ones.

>> No.13404915

what a bad idea.

>> No.13404916

>posting Arnie in a marriage thread

Love the guy but he's not exactly a great example in this situation

>> No.13404929

>I can't go fuck girls

Well, technically....

>> No.13404956

What bottom tier false point reaching.
> "why don't you care about the working class!"
Incredible. Yes it does work like that. Religious centres have always been the core of the community and shaped all life structure, traditions and the mental world people occupied. It even has more of a direct effect as it informs the law and in europe the execution rate of violent criminals helped change the genome of europeans to increase in IQ and reduce frequency of alleles for short term gratification and aggression. There is not a part of a population not historically driven by the religion active there.

>> No.13404970

One has a much more limited pool of women one can test for consideration This is due to having time and geographical constraints. The vast majority is either unsuitable or unavailable. What's worse, this usually comes about after some level of commitment was done.
The best route for the typical male is to avoid this in contemporary times - unless you're upper-middle class (and raised in a specific way) and up.

>> No.13405016

You: Name a nice place to live
Me: Here are some such places I have personally lived:
You: Nah man. Give me broad economic trends, enough of your real life anecdotal experiences.
Me: Here are some specific examples of broad economic improvements in the 330 million population of USA.
You: Nah man. Lets talk about suicide rates.
Me: No one knows for sure, but social media plays a big part. In any event, lifelong marriage is surely a good plan for minimizing suicide rates.
You: Nah man, life in the 1500's when bubonic plaque killed 1/3 of Europe was a paradise because we could rape and enslave women man. Modernity is a cancer breh.
Me: Mere human words cannot be used to counteract such stupidity.
You: Political violence today is the worst EVER!!!!!!!!!
Me: (steam coming from my ears)

Dude, have you even read a history book? Do you realize that when you say poitical violence is the worst since the 1930's you clearly have no idea what you are saying and just shitposting? Do you know about the race riots of the 60's? The 70's? Vietnam demonstrations? Kent massacre? Stonewall riots? The brownshirts of Germany? The Stalinist terror which killed millions?

To say that the yellow vest riots in France or the London riot where some niggers stole some TV's is teh WORST EVAH is to be ignorant of history beyond redemption.

Sort yourself out desu. Its not too late.

>> No.13405019

It's an easy interpretation of what you're saying
>priests say something, the pesants listen uncritically
Can one infantilize the lower classes more?
>core of the community
The core of the community isn't the community. The culture of the peoples is much more important in shaping societal behaviour than religion. All decorative bullshit like going to a church of any kind is pointless in comparison

>> No.13405044

>The brownshirts of Germany
>compared in the same sentence to weak vietnam boomer demonstrations
Boomers are out of sync with reality

>> No.13405045

>Women don't throw themselves on my windshield.
>Its too inconvenient to seek good women out.
>Burn it all down man.

Jesus Christ man. Your parents did an awful job.

>> No.13405067

This a boomer version of 'you gotta hit the bricks to find a job', while personal improvement is encouraged, there's an uglification of women phenomena, accelerating the extinction of feminine women, look it up, you are ignorant in your own safe bubble world, lingering on your past success

>> No.13405068

Send your post to the idiot saying we have never seen political violence in the past century like today.

>> No.13405094

Jobs throw themselves on your windshield too man. You have to APPLY to get a job man.

Saying that women are becoming more ugly is so bullshit. Look at old pictures. GIrls in my high school were way uglier than girls in my kids school. Its one example, but not even close to compare the two.

>> No.13405101

Except she is the one insisting on condoms not me. Her concerns about taking some Jewish birth control pill are legitimate.

>> No.13405105

There is a noticeable increase in political violence year-on-year since a couple of decades, especially after 9/11 years of national unity. This is also clearly visible in political discussions.
You'd have to be willfully ignorant to not see it.

>> No.13405109

I hate this fucking roastie and all twitch streaming e thots

That said i don’t know if i’d rather them or their donators get got first

>> No.13405123

>there's an uglification of women phenomena
The main problem today is ubiquity of porn, not uglification of women. Men don't approach women that they culturally always anticipated.

>> No.13405131

A fellow Link holder, exquisite taste Marine.

>> No.13405151

If that is your level of comprehension then your laziness is at a profoundly fundamental level. You can't follow a thing.

>> No.13405158

Thats not what he said. He said political violence since the 30's.

Yes there is tribalism in America, but thats really a product of affluence and lack of outside threats. If China nuked Los Angeles, we'd buddy up real fast. Remember there used to be Democrats after the second WW who actually professed to LIKE america during the Cold War.

History never stops.

>> No.13405170

>History started in 2001
>Boomers are dumb


>> No.13405177

You're laughably delusional if you think this shortage of non degenerate partners applies only to wome. Take a good hard look at your male peers.
>manchildren playing videogames
>porn addicted sex fiends
>drunks or druggies
>consumerist whores for latest tech fads or sneakers
if you are none of the above congratulations. You are in the stark minority nowadays so yes you do need to improve and get lucky to find a similar wholesome girl who also gets your dick hard.

>> No.13405205

Since 1930 you absolute idiot. Are you literate or just so frazzled you can barely read?

>> No.13405217

this is the same thing my gf of 7 yrs does.
Submitting to it is literal cuck behavior and I'm honestly going to leave her once I find a better job and can afford rent in this shit city on my own.

>> No.13405219

Its pretty damn accurate actually.

Your just a salty Brit who's too lazy to make changes in his life and thinks the whole world is just as shitty as his Birmingham suburb.

>> No.13405232

2019 - 1930 = 81 years.

Pretty close to a century desu.

I'm sorry again Birmingham is such a dump.

>> No.13405240

No it wasn't. As per usual the boomer can't comprehend an argument that isn't about money so fabricated it to always be about that despite being told numerous times he was just making irrelevant points. Also i don't live in Birmingham or anywhere close, think on the significance of that.

>> No.13405244
File: 75 KB, 627x880, charlie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know a 50 year old who has a different GF every few months. And the women are all in their 20's.
>It's not cool. It's sad.

Yeah right...

>> No.13405269

it's not cuck behavior. Neither of us trust this kike promoted white genocide. I'll get her pregnant when we're ready and afterwards get a vacectomy. Problem solved

>> No.13405278

No. Comprehension once again. You conflated the communist vs fascist street violence with vietnam anti war protestors. Got called out on it. Responded irrelevantly to him again. I agreed that the communist vs nazi violence was the last time we saw what's happening today with blm, muslim gangs, whites vs comminists.

>> No.13405281

Call out a different woman's name during sex. That usually livens things up for a while

>> No.13405314

Surprise finger up the arse

>> No.13405357

not married but have had a gf for like 1.5 yrs now and its ok

Its like having a friend who you can have sex with thats a girl for a long time but you cant have sex with other girls or try and talk to other girls because then you lose what you already have

im starting to get back into the gym and shit and can already tell you that in a year or two from now if btc goes to 100k or some shit and I become rich and fit as fuck my gf better get with the program hehe

In all honesty though its not bad, but you do get lots of temptations and the more attractive you are the more temptations you get because girls are slootbags if they want something srs

there is a reason girls and guys both seem to get fat when they start dating srsly and stuff

>> No.13405363

God you are so ignorant.

There were almost weekly terrorist bombings in the US in the 70's. Crime was out of control.

Stalin and Hitler did commit political violence on a larger scale, all the more reason you're such an idiot for saying that BLM (!) is worse than that.

Where in the world right now is there political violence worse than the Brownshirt / Stalinist terror? Name one.

>> No.13405390

Well how about in my city where arab gangs routinely harass and rape white women, or the police assisted rape gangs with avowed political motivations. We also have antifa marches whenever there's a vaguely right wing meeting. I've been to a few being politically active and often there are outright skirmishes. As for bombs we had a couple of arrests last year for bomb making.

>> No.13405403

The US never experienced any major political violence in modern times. Comparing it to Europe is completely unwarranted - to Russia is just laughable.

>> No.13405408

I overcame all that thanks to the good people on the internet, no video games, muscular, successful, living with hot gf, and I feel like it's my obligation to give my knowledge back to society, the boomer in this thread is working against it with his 'it ain't bad' comical posts, just because he saw some thots in his daughter's school (with zero knowledge of the sex dynamics in that school)

>> No.13405420

Uh but muh weathermen

>> No.13405460

Lmao I hope women are married off to exclusively well-mannered fat ugly bastards in the future.

>> No.13405470

Maybe just ignore the boomer. They will die off soon and be forever known as the most degenerate blue pilled normie generation to have ever lived.

>> No.13405534

Who says you can't live with you girlfriend or work out or be successful? Sounds like you are having a good life and nobody begrudges you that.

Its all the bottom feeders here who want the rest of the world to be as miserable as he is because he voted for Labor for 20 years who turned his country into Pakistan because he wanted socialism and free shit. Nothing is free in this world, eh you dirty millenial? Learned that good and hard didn't you.

I could give a shit about sex dynamics. I am disagreeing that girls today are UGLIER than girls from 1 hundred years ago. Thats all I said and what the sour puss Brit was bitching about.

>> No.13405596

All the more reason the stupid limey shouldn't have said that political violence in teh worse EVAH!

>> No.13405614

>I could give a shit about sex dynamics
So you don't give a shit about properly assessing the situation. Thanks for making that clear.

>> No.13405629

What fucking situation? That women are property? That girls are uglier today than 1 hundred years ago? Enlighten us with your wisdom or explain the situation.

>> No.13405669

>family sticks together
Why would all these asians care what an old white guy has to say? They will stick together. You won't be a part of that.

>> No.13405675

>if I selected their spouses for them.

Wow...........nice intrusiveness anon.
Do you know what boundaries are?

>> No.13405688

Never said that actually. I said it's at its worst western levels of political division since the 30s. I also spoke generally as there are pockets in areas, such as miners vs thatcher in the UK but we're talking national trends, international really.

>> No.13405704

Currynigger getting half a rupee per post detected.

>> No.13405712

>Misogyny is a cancer. A good woman is the best thing you can achieve in life.
Implying that a woman benefiting your life is what makes her "good". That is misogyny.

>> No.13405728

Hey nutcase, here's a tough one for ya, do you understand that giving the women un ultimate freedom, the one you are advocating here, means your daughter is also free to choose to marry a proverbal Taliban guy and also to vote in favour of policies, which brings more of them in your country?

>> No.13405734

It doesn't just apply to women. There are definitely some degenerate men out there, but to reduce the whole issue to "men just need to man up" is pretty asinine. All of those vices you mentioned are just coping mechanisms.

>> No.13405749

Video games aren't a vice and plenty of guys who do those things get laid all the time. It's all about looks.

>> No.13405776

I have to disagree, escapism leads to men checking out of society, been there, never again

>> No.13405796

Maybe not a true vice, but they are kind of a waste of time. Playing video games isn't even on par with say, playing a round of golf with your buddies or some other hobby you can enjoy with friends. It's just a straight up escape, like watching a stupid TV show that you know is stupid but it takes your mind of your 9-5 grind for a bit.

>> No.13405856

>she had aspirations to have kids and be a mother.

That's how you know someone is worthless. When they have no skills to offer society, so "being a parent" is their goal and achievement in life.
It's pretty sad.

>> No.13405861

It's a mild vice in the sense that it's not productive. However in a world where everyone gets black out drunk or wired on coke each weekend, fucks and cheats repeatedly or eats fast food then it's not the major worry.

>> No.13405873

I can literally see the nose pressing through my screen.

>> No.13405904

You're thinking of men. Women are supposed to create a family, men are supposed to achieve to attract the best genetically sound woman to create his family while he achieves more.

>> No.13405908

Child-free agenda at work

>> No.13405913


I can literally see the useless fat cow that you married, who has nothing to offer.

>> No.13405935

>You're thinking of men. Women are supposed to create a family, men are supposed to achieve to attract the best genetically sound woman to create his family while he achieves more.

Wow........in one sentence, you managed to communicate that both you, and the girl you marry, are both special snowflakes.

>> No.13405940

Im not him and my wife works. However i wish she didnt want to and had been indoctrination free and healthily self-identifying with her sex to the extent that all she wanted in life was to be a mother and a wife. There is no higher or more praiseworthy ideal.

>> No.13405948

I honestly can't tell if you are a bitter woman, a jew or just unhinged.

>> No.13405971

You're in the position of accepting a bad lot as long as you're not in the bottom. It's like training for a race half assed just so you aren't the guy who finishes last. Sorry to break it to you but that is a bitch attitude. Don't accept mediocrity. Always try to be the best. I know it's hard. Everyone here does. But change your perspective. Instead imagine this is a world where drugs and alcohol don't exist. So now wasting time on a video game is the worst thing you could do. Would you still think it's acceptable?

>> No.13405988

Hello Schlomo. Oy Vey white people are reproducing... oh no oh no no no

>> No.13406019

I have crohns and am forced to spend months a year out of work and ill. I still lift and exercise despite it being much harder and i lose it all every few months. Im not winning any races.

>> No.13406062

But you would never win. So even taking part is admirable in itself. Giving up on finding the girl of your dreams because it's hard and settling for escapism is cowardly.

>> No.13406066

Plenty of people play video games almost exclusively with friends.

Anyways that's not really my point, Everytime someone comes out as very anti-video game it's either because "well women don't like it" or it's some right-wing "you can't play video games when the future of DA VOLK is at hand." Video games are pretty much accepted to be something all guys, from the hopelessly nerdy to the Chaddiest, have in their lives, as constant challenge with no risk involved, while maybe escapist, is still required for the male psyche. It's really the same niche that sports are in.

Society needs to give me a reason to check in, first.

>> No.13406086

Im married, im just talking about videogames. Sure I'd dump it if i could reliably get out and progress but im absolutely fucked up repeatedly out of my control. It's not the worst vice.

>> No.13406092

>just doing something because it's accepted
>just watch porn every day goy. Everyone does it
>gays are normal now goy. Accept them
>trannies are normal now goy.

>Society needs to give me a reason to check in, first.
No anon. You need to be the one who initiates life changing events.

>> No.13406099

Unfuck yourself then. Do something else in that time.

>> No.13406189

I can't. My primary symptom is fatigue from starvation and its in a wholly different sense to normal tiredness. It's like a total absence of motivation, all energy gone from the body. I'd stay in bed and stare at the walls if it weren't for shitposting on 4chan or playing games. When it's not acting up im a doctor, i lift, i have a kid coming, but as said at least 2 months a year im out of life.

>> No.13406199

Boomer-tier mindset. Major change can't be initiated by you unless you have millions of dollars to just throw around. Even if you are working on something over a long-term there's no reason you shouldn't be able to fit in a little leisure every once in a while. Working every hour of every day is an Anglo fantasy and if we really believed in it we wouldn't have time for gym or much of anything else because our bosses would be using It to justify keeping us in our wagecages 12 hours a day 7 days a week.

>> No.13406297
File: 207 KB, 503x656, 1554312328690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A woman raising a family and a man doing well in his career is "special snowflake" status
Are you black?

>> No.13406331
File: 49 KB, 835x773, 1555894558715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

married 18 months
happiest ever

>> No.13406650
