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13390758 No.13390758 [Reply] [Original]

Is writing self-help books the easiest way to get rich?

>> No.13391013
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it's definitely steady income for your average twitter celeb, combine that with shilling nootropics and you're good

>> No.13391243

Sorry Tyrone but you have to know how to write fluently to make it pay.

>> No.13391534

This bitch got btfo by Zizek

>> No.13391668

Not sure i agree.

In summary the debate was:
Clean your room.
There are bigger problems.
But the solution is still to clean your room.

Zizek indeed is a blabbering heavyweight intellectually. But as stated himself; he is a pessimist that is good at identifying problems without offering solutions, since the problems are so problematic.

Jordan's message atleast gives some 'hope'.

>> No.13391879

nothing about what jordan peterson is doing is easy. he has to travel constantly, is permanently jetlagged, gives many lengthy and exhausting talks, he writes all the time, deals with retards daily, etc