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13387352 No.13387352 [Reply] [Original]

Will he help crypto investors?

>> No.13387376

Probably the opposite. The more democrats touch stuff, the worse things get.

>> No.13387378

“Clear guidelines” sounds good in theory, but in practice it translates to “more regulation.” Once bureaucrats like the SEC get their hands on crypto in the coming decade, things will change drastically I’m sure

>> No.13387379

he'll be completely irrelevant in a year. why would that help crypto kids?

>> No.13387383
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The only thing he'll help is himself and his political buddies to your gains

>> No.13387385

>Will he help crypto investors?
simply by talking about it and bringing it to a larger audience, yes. pretty much everything about yang is good for crypto.

>> No.13387857

No because he won't get elected
Even if he did, you won't get UBI
Even if you do, it won't be sustainable because he is pro immigration

>> No.13387871
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>he's pro immigration too

Holy frickin' heck just how stupid is this goof

>> No.13387948
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>not choosing the superior candidate who's currently co-sponsoring a legislation that would be a godsend to crypto (token taxonomy act) whether she gets the nomination or not

>> No.13387980

I'm just going to vote for Rand or Trump