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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13384947 No.13384947 [Reply] [Original]

What I've learned on /biz/ is...

The most valuable thing you can buy is more time, and that wealth is found by making dollars, not pinching pennies.

Post your revelations below.

>> No.13384960

biz gave me an asian fetish.

>> No.13384995
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i made it thanks to biz
first i thought about sucking dick for 2% but then i thought wait a min...im not gay


i started buying aidsblood from heroin addicts (buy low, they are desperate for cash lmao) and sell it as a chemical weapon on darknet

other biz im running is selling miracle slimming capsules made from tapeworm eggs i extract from my feces. whales go crazy for it...of course never reveal the recipe to anyone ;)

thank me later

>> No.13385032
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>> No.13385041
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Crypto is vaporwave and the hype make you money, not the tech or the idea nor the fundamentals.
And also that /biz/ only what your money, not talk about actual financial strategies and advices

>> No.13385064
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Did you mention pinching pennies?

>> No.13385072

>t. buying bonds with negative interested rates

>> No.13385204
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f you snibby. get gay-BONED

>> No.13385364

3 things i have learned:

1) all coins are shitcoins
2)never get financial advice from /biz/
3)crypto is cancer

>> No.13385372

Giga IQ

>> No.13385396

I‘ve learned on biz that 98% of people are full of shit and should be put into concentration/forced labor camps or gulags. Also not trusting any of the ‚advice‘ here as one blind guy leads the next blind guy astray. Also made me enjoy it when i hear the news that x people have been killed by y. This place justified my hatred for children, faggots, women, niggers, jews, pajeets to the fullest. Y’all will just fucking die and suffer from your shit choices till you’re there and i‘am totally ok with that.

>> No.13385405

people buy aids blood?

>> No.13385410

its propably the most effective way to hurt someone....give them aids

>> No.13385432

No matter how high you bought, just wait another 1-3 years and you are back in the game with profit.

Crypto will see another ATH without questions.

>> No.13385453

Is this actually illegal?
If yes, what would be the accuse? Terrorism?

>> No.13385482

its even illegal to give aids to someone by having unprotectected intercourse if you are aware of your diagnose

but no. not terrorism, unless you organize something on a large scale, like mass-infecting people or smth

>> No.13385506

>Knowingly exposing others to HIV will no longer be a felony in California
>STDs in L.A. County are skyrocketing. Officials think racism and stigma may be to blame

Google these two headline.

>> No.13385508

its most likely just malicious intent when speaking in legal terms

>> No.13385514

you cant learn shit here

>> No.13385525

If you can't learn shit here, I'm sorry for you.

>> No.13385534

What I've learned?
1. Hype > Fundamentals for every market out there, be it stocks, crypto or labor markets

2. Being able to spot an opportunity AND the balls and skills to capitalize on it is everything. If you can't do that, you won't be able to succeed, with shitcoins or a real life business. I started my first Amazon business with $500.

3. Plan, discipline and conscientious effort is how you get ahead. Actions and results amplify over time, returns compound.

4. I'm not the smartest person in my niche so its important to seek out genuine advice. Mentorship is important

5. Nothing is a sure thing. Vast majority of things in life move on a probability scale.

>> No.13385703


>> No.13385763

> I'm not the smartest person in my niche so its important to seek out genuine advice.
How? Most people in crypto just want to see you lose your life savings. Where do you seek genuine advice?

>> No.13385777

not that guy but trust me...never trust anyone online

when you seek advice - deal with face to face relations only

>> No.13385803

In crypto thats only people actively working on projects. People who (at least) have shit on their github, preferably shit that works. Basically experts in their knowledge area. Which obviously should tell you 99% of posts on /biz can be discarded.

>> No.13385820

>trust me...never trust anyone online

>> No.13385824

I've learned that it's not worth wasting 10 hours a day staring at cryptos
Instead it's better to spend 7 hours a day on work I enjoy doing for a reliable and sustainable income

>> No.13385826
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>> No.13385877

lmao people's advice irl is usually just as scammy and awful. everyone wants you to fail because most see things as zero sum and you're just more competition.

>> No.13385930

yeah but irl you can atleast have some control through reading them and having an emotional bond or w/e but online you are constantly spammed and everyone is a blankface

>> No.13386004

Investing is a way to freedom but it enslaves you if you give it too much time
The vast majority of threads concerning any particular investment are manipulation

>> No.13386020

do opposite of /biz/ and profit

>> No.13386119

/biz/ redpilled me on the oracle problem. Also it taught me not to be a bitch. Although I find myself reflecting a lot more. To the point that I am not fully present in conversations and seem “spaced out”.

>> No.13386140

I've always helped people and tried to look at the good side. People are just cunts though so I've stopped as people just take advantage of my good nature. Wish mommy brought me up to be an asshole but somethings you just have to learn yourself.

>> No.13386154

The final redpill is that nothing of value was lost during your daydreaming in conversations.

>> No.13386160


That coming here in the first place was a mistake

>> No.13386212
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And when I least suspect it, I am redpilled again. Based af desu

>> No.13386284

Sure Knight is that you?

>> No.13386312

Dont talk about your holdings. Most people cant handle this situation. Even your friends, gf or family can be dangerous.

>> No.13386332


What happens in The Great Jew Games stays in The Great Jew Games...