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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 5 KB, 275x183, uber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13384586 No.13384586 [Reply] [Original]

what the fuck makes uber a $120B company?
how is that piece of shit worth 5x spotify aka the de facto platform for all music streaming? something everyone uses 24/7.

is this a big meme? red pill me on why uber is so high

>> No.13384600

>he doesn't know about boomers and money

>> No.13384716

Welcome to the bubble

>> No.13384736

Idk I know nothing about it but Uber is seriously the best thing that ever happened to my drunken life. I fucking hate cabs and Uber is practically available everywhere and will take my drunken ass all the way to my house in the boonies so I gotta respect it

>> No.13384825

Because they offer an extremely valuable service, they've developed a world renown brand, and the template of their business can be applied to revolutionize many industries surrounding unskilled and semiskilled labor.

>> No.13384850

Furthermore, music is a digital good that can be copied ad infinitum and distributed for free. Automotive Transportation is a needed service for a majority of the population. Uber also has a foot in for first mover advtantage in the self-drivng car service industry which will be an enormous one.

>> No.13384897

Transportation is more important than music and who tf uses spotify besides the hipster equivalent of soundcloud rappers

>> No.13384931

the stock market is just one big scam to take money from the USA and give it directly to jews. Is the head of google a jew or facebook or goldman sachs does the president of usa wear a beanie and go to the wailing wall? Is the head of uber and all the vc jews. It doesnt matter if jews lose money they are handed it for free from the near infinite sums stolen from americans. uber is backed by the same vc with former federal reserev jobs? Amazing people still dont understand the stock market robs them always and gives the wealth to jews and jewish obedients

>> No.13384942

they are the automation of taxis

>> No.13384946

Spotify can suck my cock.
Music is free, kek

>> No.13385225

Time to grow up, develop a real world view, and stop going on pol.

>> No.13385475

Redpill is just that Uber is just a big taxi company. Slightly different structure than most towns and cities but overall, it's the same.

>> No.13385554

>>doesn't know about UBER Freight

>> No.13385589

Uber will use chainlink, let that sink in.

>> No.13385667

Holy shit, this is going to be big

>> No.13385758


>> No.13385913

this https://chain.link/?
why is that important and whats its implications?

and big taxi companies are 120B?
arent ubers selfdriving department relatively small? will they be among the first to use self driving cars commercially?

>> No.13386146
File: 196 KB, 2048x524, IMG_20190414_172329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bank ponzi schemes

>> No.13386238

Self-driving cars are going to kill off uber.

>> No.13386412

>not everyone can afford a car
otherwise yes

>> No.13386580

except spotify isn't the de facto platform for all music streaming
youtube, apple music, amazon prime etc

>> No.13386635

uber isn't worth shit
really nothing is stopping a big company from aping their business model and cutting fees by 90% and passing those savings on to the consumer, thus making their new service better value

>> No.13386640

it's hype. their business model as it currently exists is unsustainable and they're throwing their money away on coupons and fucking sign-on bonuses that they don't ever expect new drivers to be able to make back for the company. Uber and Lyft are warring and the first one to lose their investment capital (which is subsidizing their sign-on bonuses and low fares) will lose and the other one will promptly jack up fares which will be needed if they want to reach profitability. just IMO. This is a business that *could* be run lean as fuck and make a decent profit taking a small margin of fares (really all it needs to do is connect drivers and passengers - that is it), but instead they're doing all of this crazy bullshit