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13384459 No.13384459 [Reply] [Original]

>be out with office folks after work
>be with office girl I fucked
>be with beta who is 'friends' with girl
>beta being a faggot the whole night, spills drink on my backpack
>now drunk
>girl leaves later
>beta says girl tells him everything
>beta accuses me of raping girl
>grab beta by shirt, ready to beat his ass
>friend gets between us, beta backs down
>have to go back in office Monday

wat do

>> No.13384572

not even a fake and gay? cmon biz what the fuck do I do about this

>> No.13384576

Send email to HR, where you tell them about rape allegation. Don't say which college, and say it was after work. This is all a defence against him complaining about you.

And btw, only go out with colleagues you actually like. Even then it's good to watch out. Like I really like drugs and even tho when I went out with 2 colleagues to drink and they started snorting coke I turned them down saying I don't have anything against it but no thx. Still did a few lines from my own in secret. No need for them to know about my illegal habits kek

>> No.13384666

>raped a girl
>didn't rape the beta guy too

>> No.13384667


Thanks for the actual reply. I talked to the girl about it, she said she never said that and was upset that he said that to me. But who knows what she said.

So you're thinking HR immediately? I'd like to talk to him first if I can avoid making this a thing.

>> No.13384693

Don’t go to hr first lmao. Just pretend nothing happened it will fizzle out.

>> No.13384696
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stop trying to shit on the betas parade maybe? bet he does all the work and you sit around and reep all the rewards. fucking lazy ass chads getting everything handed to them on a silver platter AAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.13384731

The seriousness of what happened is now dawning on me. I can't lose this job. Fuck.

>> No.13384765

Can't having sex with a coworker get you in trouble? might not be smart to tell HR about. I'd talk with the beta and "apologize" for getting violent. Explain to him calmly that you talked to the girl and she said the beta had misunderstood what she told him.

>> No.13384771

I honestly fail to see why you would be fired. Are your co-workers snitches or something? And even if they did snitch you didn't beat him up and he accused you of rape. Have you been in trouble for shit before and are you a bad worker? If not I wouldn't worry.

>> No.13384787

>Can't having sex with a coworker get you in trouble?
This. Don't shit where you eat faggots. Can't stress this enough. If you want to get your dick wet, do to to someone not in your own damn work environment.

>> No.13384791

Okay, whoever makes these has a PhD in psychology. That is the ultimate representation of that emotion through colour, my autism sense goes mental when I see it

>> No.13384802

best advice in thread.

next time dont sleep with coworkers op you moron. just use tinder and dont sabotage your career you sub 100 iq retard.

>> No.13384803


Some of my coworkers are in relationships, some of whom are married. I do need to speak with him.


My friends there aren't snitches but this guy is weird; I don't know what he'll do. I'm good at what I do and have signaled that I'm actively trying to advance in the company.

I'll talk to him first before making this a thing.

>> No.13384837

Based on your account the dude instigated AND is fretting about an outside relationship with a female coworker (whom he likes and if he mentions that you're sleeping with her she will be fired too potentially) AND he was drunk and he accused you of rape. That sort of drama will put his own job on the line. I seriously doubt the dude will say anything because it's really not in his interest at all. If you can get in touch with him with a phone call even better but honestly I see no reason why any of your managers would find out.

>> No.13384861


fair enough. it happened early on when we were training.

>> No.13384862

Slow down there, Satan.

>> No.13384869


thanks broseph

>> No.13384884

Rape the HR. Then e-mail them, and tell your boss that you're gay. At the end of your turn, fuck the beta and impregnate him.

>> No.13384898
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also this

>> No.13384911

Mr. Shekelberg is not going to be happy when he hears of this incident.

>> No.13384970

Perhaps you should make sure the girl isn't actually telling people you raped her behind your back.

>> No.13384975

I'm gay and I hold chainlink

>> No.13384979

If you want to destroy the beta then ignore them and have sex with the girl again. Don't worry she will tell him about it!

>> No.13385007

Going to HR with this would not be wise, OP. What would you tell them? You're accused of rapping a colleague? Laughable and you will probably be fired.

That being said, you took you coworkers fuck up of accusing you of rape and you fucked it up even more by getting physical and it'll be hard to unfuck this mess. Honestly your best approach might be to pretend it never happened.

Things you should and should not do moving forward:
-do not be friends with the beta in your story. You're done with him.
-no more work happy hours for you. You need to segregate this from your life
probably reduce your drinking.
-and for christ sake don't sleep with your coworkers

>> No.13385511

Dude, chill the fuck out. If the beta starts shit with HR, the girl is on your side and can testify against him since he was spreading rumors about her sex life and making her feel uncomfortable, as stated in your previous post. Not only that, he used this as an excuse to threaten you. This makes HIM look bad, not you. The girl is on your side so you're golden.
Also, work "friends" are not your friends faggot.

>> No.13385574

Underrated post