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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 13 KB, 1205x246, old_fag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13382545 No.13382545 [Reply] [Original]

2013 crypto fag here. I've made it, AMA faggots.

>> No.13382559

how much is "making it"

>> No.13382566
File: 180 KB, 1252x1333, bear_is_over_jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, pic related.

>> No.13382569

enough to not worry about money, realistically, ever.

>> No.13382616

welfare queens don't worry about money either anon. That's no kind of answer.

>> No.13382625

So can you send me 1 BTC and not care about it?

>> No.13382633

what are u sayin?

>> No.13382647

that's not how this game works, I waited years, you can too.
kek, it's subjective you absolute faggot. I live a very happy life and don't have to worry about money because of crypto, that's making it, to me. I don't need to validate or justify shit to you plebs, I'm just here to help you faggots out. take it or leave it.
look at the damn file name ffs

>> No.13382670

What's one piece of advice you'd give to someone with less than 5k in crypto?

>> No.13382671

>help out
>has yet to offer any help

Good work. If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go to sleep now in my 2.5 million dollar home in Cali now. Got a busy day of doing jack shit tomorrow. Keep e-flexing on NEETS though my dude... hahahahaha

>> No.13382702

your iq is a bit low, if I answered your question of "how much monies you got kekkek"- how is that helpful? go play with the normans. ask a semi constructive question, and I might answer.

I mean, there's a fuck ton of variables to that question. Mainly, roughly when did you enter the market? and can you ABSOLUTELY go without that 5k for potentially the next 6+ months?

>> No.13382732


I entered just before you did, October/November 2013 but:

1) I didn't buy much (8btc or so)
2) I didn't follow the market and so got in no 16/17 alts
3) I fucked up big time last year and lost everything

I bought back in and played things well in the last 8 months, though, so I will do OK.

> Question:

How did you fare in the last bull and crash? Tell us a brief summary of your moves between 2013 and now?

>> No.13382736

Some questions for you
1) Did you just buy BTC or also Altcoins. If you bought altcoins, what % of your portfolio were they?
2) Did you actively trade or just invested at good times and hold?
3) Did you sell the top in 2017/2018?
4) Did you only buy 1BTC back in the days? How did you increase your 1BTC to much more (aka. making it - 1 BTC isn't making it, atleast for me)
5) Do you truly think the bottom is in for now, and if so, when do you expect the next ATH for BTC?

>> No.13382743

dont listen to the faggots op. whatt alts give you antshare vibes?

>> No.13382838

Keep thread alive - I will answer shortly.

>> No.13382860

When will btc wipe out the fiat ponzi and banks die

>> No.13382941

what are you invested in right now?
any trading tips?

>> No.13382955

op answer

>> No.13382975

> How did you fare in the last bull and crash? Tell us a brief summary of your moves between 2013 and now?

basically, I heard about crypto in 2011/12, bought and sold all along the 2014 runup and rundown, I made some money, not a lot, but let it sit until the more recent runup. It's pretty easy to spot an overbought market now. When you see 4chins/biz post count starting to sky rocket, and the blatant euphoria threads on reddit, "my dad bought bitcoin" - fucking sell very soon. Wait 1.5-2.5 years for the next bottom, rinse repeat.

I don't fuck with alts too much, I've had some bad experiences, and honestly don't feel like shilling, that's not why I'm here.

It depends on when the next financial collapse occurs. I think as more and more financial collapses happen over the decades, the more and more people will crawl into crypto. We're pre-2000 era for the internet right now, so it could be another 1-5 years before a recession occurs. even then, unless it's some great depression type shit, only a certain % of people will flee into crypto. Probably the collapse after that will be the true bank apocalypse. I'd say in the next 5-15 years banks will eat dirt.

not shilling, it's not why I'm here. See above for trading tips, play position trades, wait months or years before trading!

>> No.13383000

think bitcoin will retest lower 5K before another leg up?

>> No.13383004

Roughly how much btc do you have now then op and if I have 1 btc what is your advice for me in the future

>> No.13383013



>> No.13383104
File: 210 KB, 600x600, hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's a more than fair chance it might. See pic related, we might be in the first bubble, but as volume keeps increasing, it's pushing me to lean towards bubble 2.
irrelevant epeen comparison and not following opsec. as for your 1 btc, sell when btc hits 55-80k, profit. it's really this simple, but will you stick to it? Probably not.
kek, shitcoins everywhere, everywhere I say.

>> No.13383110



>> No.13383117

People have predicted it will go to 130k you dont think it will reach that high?

>> No.13383167

or maybe it's not. :)
it could. but, trying to time the absolute top is a bad idea. find an exit with a hefty profit, dont enter back in until at least 1 year later, maybe 1.5+

>> No.13383182

Good point, ty anon

>> No.13383200


so how many millions do you actually have? i'd expect mid 7 figures minimum if you think you've "made it"

>> No.13383215

no problem, that's the range I would start averaging out of the market, if it hits 100k, fucking sell and dont look back until 1.5yrs+ later.
ffs, you plebs and your tiny brains. You don't need fucking 10 billion dollars to have made it. this peasantry "how much monies you got" attitude is going to fuck you over in the long run.

>> No.13383248

ok, so you have made less than i have, and don't realize that your experiences are irrelevant in todays crypto world either. nice pity party this thread is.

>> No.13383319
File: 262 KB, 2190x1080, Screenshot_20190420-201855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha noice try m8.

2012 Crypto FAG here

>> No.13383330

Are you the guy with the same name as a washing machine brand?

>> No.13383332

Left the west soon as I made it, would never go back.

I donate to a few far right groups and haven't seen a shitskin in a few years now.

>> No.13383358
File: 39 KB, 819x942, AMA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow I must be rich now right, r-r-r-right guys?

>> No.13383361

get shrekt scrub, lol. So many scams in this space, it's amazing.
this is funny, actually, because my IGN is something related to the kitchen, and my real name is related to RV trailers. Very close guess though! kek. almost creepy, almost. get out of my cyberwebs you h33ckers.
hey same here man, fuck the west, greedy bundacunts if you ask me and I was born there. wait, am I greedy cunt?

>> No.13383391

Dis you sodl or hodl ya BSVs?

>> No.13383393

This, I have no clue how much money I have it's probably 9/10 figures.

My expenses are around $2 - 4k a month.

I collect pokemon cards, 1st gen computer parts and send money to causes I believe in anonymously (Far Right Activists, layed off factory workers and veterans)

>> No.13383396

Are you in contact with other anon whales?

>> No.13383408

I personally think we will be testing the 3.8k\4k range, that would JUST all the bulls and then a consistent climb to comfy prices.

Then a bullrun late next year

>> No.13383443

Desu what do you think of link?

>> No.13383449
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>> No.13383488

But instead of making a useful post you jerk off in someone else's thread? Go shill your poorfag pageet bags somewhere else.

>> No.13383494

I've put all my savings into eth assuming that when btc swings up again, eth will go with it.

Stupid move? Should I convert to btc when/if the price dips?

>> No.13383504
File: 30 KB, 640x640, relevant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just ignore him, pic very related.

>> No.13383527

> Made it
Uses coinmarketcap to do charting. FK off earlyfag. U got lucky

>> No.13383620

10 figures? So a billionaire, basically? I don't believe you

>> No.13383644

Anon pls what do you think about link?

>> No.13383659

I dont want your btc but i do want a foil charizard ples

>> No.13383667

it's the meme of 4chan, basically.
I knew a guy who had 150k in crypto back in 2013. I sold him my husky because the dog was straight crazy and I was 18 in an apartment. I asked him about it a while ago, but he said he lost the keys. I think he was just covering his ass because he's probably sitting on millions, possibly tens/hundreds.
you are correct, when btc moves up, so will eth.
don't make short term trades, position trade over months/years. DCA into a good number and keep to it until there's clearly another runup.

>> No.13383673

why is someone from 2013 who bought half of a bitcoin trying to act like some oldfag that made it lmao

>> No.13383677

May I have 1 btc please

>> No.13383679

At what cost anon?

>> No.13383685

I'm trying to help you ungrateful fucks. old habits die hard I guess, never change 4chan. just about done with this thread, might check back in 6-8 months.

>> No.13383696


>> No.13383724

I know you're not too keen on alts, but do you think there's a project out there (or will be) that might usurp, or potentially rival BTC? I'm not necessarily talking about ETH or other top coins

>> No.13383878

I bought $750 worth of BTC last week and have like 3k TRON tokens. I don't know what to do or where to find good info. Any suggestions on where I can increase my knowledge or what moves I should make? I currently make like 3k/month USD but I am returning to school in August so will only be PT working then.

>> No.13383892

>guy bought in 2013
>got lucky and made it
>/biz/lets suck his dick as if he knows shit
fucking typical lmao, you fags are so desperate

>> No.13383910

what makes you think that his opinion is worth shit? dyor retard

>> No.13383922

Of course I am desperate, being a wagie fucking blows

>> No.13383979

Fellow oldcoiner here. Bought my first bidcorn for 80 bucks on coinbase. If I had more money as a broke college student, I would have bought more. About 10 btc now with cost basis around 450. Initial was about 5.5k.

>> No.13383987

I've sold some as well. I got up to 15 BTC during the last run up, but sold to cover my ass.

>> No.13384016

you haven't said anything intelligent or useful. i bought in 2014 but i don't go giving out financial advice bcz i honestly don't know shit about the future of criptoe.

>> No.13384036

Okay, so what's the next few projects on your radar?

How are you a BTC maximalist or do you believe in ETH?

What's your opinion on DAOs?

Are you interested in real world useage, past speculative holding?

>> No.13384044

jesus christ this board is fucking hopeless

>> No.13384123

Did I miss something?

>> No.13384310

Well, that was pathetic.

>> No.13384317

hes not into shitcoins retard

>> No.13384634

Shill some bags OP, let's stop beating around the bush

>> No.13384695

I believe a lot of projects show promise, not going to mention specifics, but btc obviously has first movers advantage.
I just dont like shilling, this shit is all speculative as fuck. The fact you can repeatedly make 3 or 4 times your money is insane compared to traditional markets. Alts have their place, and sure you make 30 or even 50x your money, but it's a fucking shot in the dark imo. Most alts swell up with btc, do with that what you will.
as mcdickfee has said, bitcoin/blockchain is quite literally one of the most important technical discoveries since agriculture. btc has first mover, which is huge, and it's essentially digital gold. I think btc (and crypto) will be around for a very long time. the likely hood of btc being dethroned any time soon, is almost nil, imo. but who fucking knows, really.
well, for one, fuck student loans in the US, good luck clawing your way out of that interest on a 50k-150k loan. You'll be slaving off that interest for decades. assuming you don't make it, or move out of the fuck usa.
thanks for the input

>> No.13384730

You don't actually still support btc do you? Fucking coin is hijacked and artificially limited to get people on a layer two banking network.

I mean I still hold btc, but I don't think its got much of a future for actual adoption. Shit is just an exchange coin anymore.

>> No.13384738

>2.5 million dollar home in Cali
So a trailer?

>> No.13384753

This, lol. Guy is larping. I have similar buys as well and fucking sold before the bull run

>> No.13384833

nice, what do you think could make btc reach another ath? will first mover just pump it for fomo psy and mass hysteria like in the last cycle, just to repeat it over and over for as long as that works? or is there any other reason the masses should drive the price of bitcoin up again?
also do you think BCH or another project has better potential for mass adaption than BTC?
What is your opinion on Blockstream and LN?

>> No.13384886

How much more pump does BAT have in it?

>> No.13384914

I made some good money with antshares and verge.

I'm getting the same vibes with Colx and have bought a few million. Make of this what you want.

>> No.13384953

where Do you see eth going next bull run?

>> No.13384969

Are you still in the game?
How much do you spend on a monthly base, on average?
Do you have any investments beside crypto?
How did that money changed you?
How is your lifestyle in general? What do you do for fun? Where do you live?
When moon?

>> No.13385004

Ok, some practical questions:
-How long did you wait to cash out?
-What percentage of your Bitcoin stack have you kept?
-Were you able to avoid paying taxes? Why or why not?

Do you still find it fun to research new cryptocurrencies?

>> No.13385006

$2.5 mil gets you a spot next to the in n out dumpster

>> No.13385040

how many btc you own?
do you agree that bitcoin did most of the job already and it can't be stopped anymore? it doesn't need any states support to act as a universal measure of value, and if the price keeps rising, at one point it has to stay stable with high usage in different automated services

>> No.13385068

How often did you browse /biz/ before you'd made it? What drew you to this place?

>> No.13385106

Yes we all know we are in a bull market.... Duh
What we don't know is how parabolic the bull market chart is going to be...
When should we expect a new all time high
You seriously aren't implying that it will take more than a few months I hope.
By my superior and intelligent predictions we will reach a new all time high by September.

>> No.13385232

to put it simply, market cycles & the idea of a deflationary currency.

The normans will eventually realize that it's absolutely absurd they can't easily transact money on the weekends, or holidays because of "JEBUS". You shouldn't have to pay a monthly account fee charge for your bank account, or NSF fees, or ATM fees, or $25-$50 wire fees, or wait fucking days for money to Too much fuckery has been fucking people for decades. Banks have gotten WAY too greedy, and it's essentially why BTC was created, and the page is slowly turning.

We're basically 56k dial up right now. Remember how foreign paying bills online was? Or how it was a "scary" concept to order something off the internet? or am I showing my age? and it's been, what, 10 years or so? We've gone from actually pain painstakingly watching jpgs loading to fucking fiber in your fucking neighborhood which is 17,857 times faster. Crypto will have this same effect.

Adoption takes time, and crypto will eventually become way more accessible for the noobs. I'm rambling, been a crypto maximalist for far too long. But hey, I suppose it pays to believe in a technology that will shape our world for decades, or even many centuries.

fuck you, you get a short answer because I just tried way too hard at the above post. same thing that happened last time btc ran up.

>> No.13385247

>or wait fucking days for money to
>or waiting fucking days for money to clear.

>> No.13385284

biz is actually cancer, no sarcasm. you can filter through the catalog and it's basically shilling 98% of the time. The other 1% is basically just stupidity. There are a few gems here and there, and I have learned a thing or two off biz, but it's most manipulative utter bullshit. Not to sound like an inward sucking cock, but hopefully I provided some insight in this thread. I very VERY rarely post to this shit festering piece of the IP range.

>> No.13385286

>because of "JEBUS"
Weird way to spell "Jews", but okay.

>> No.13385350

I've been buying coins off the biz calls and I'm a green every time before the price shoots up, so no complains

>> No.13385373

why are people sending you moneys? can i have some?

>> No.13385429

Where do you hang out? Or have you left crypto forums? I'm pretty much done with biz now. This last wave of idex garbage was enough.

>> No.13385931

honestly, I don't really pay attention to it anymore, other than a btc/ cryptowat.ch on one screen zoomed out, viewing on the 3 day. it's really just echos, the bull market of btc is what you should really be paying attention to, not a whole lot else.

>> No.13386003

only have 1k to invest. spread across alts as that's my only way to make a profit despite the huge risk. should i just neck myself?

>> No.13386066

2012 oldfag here, first bought at $14 and mined with a 7970. Had enough for a house in 2017 but need more to fullfil pol based aspirations so patiently waiting for next bubble.
Moved from btc to bch and more recently all in on bsv. The mining subsidy for sha256 coins is running out and whichever coin can substitute that for fees will be king. Only bsv can do this as bch would require far more adoption to build up the fees and btc grinds to a halt when the fees rise as the 1mb block limit restrics its use.

>> No.13386159

>2012 oldfag here
How is it possible that you haven't made it? You must be an idiot
>more recently all in on bsv

>> No.13386210

>because of "JEBUS"
This is a very strong IQ below 120 indicator.

>> No.13386245

Lol. Larping /pol/ faggot confirmed. Kys

>> No.13386295

Could have sold the lot and bought just a house but then all I've got is a house. Need enough to diversify into assets to provide a reliable mutual income while still holding a good chunk of bitcoin for future growth.

>> No.13386317

If the banking system bans all interaction with the crypto ecosystem (a complete separation) and/or makes it illegal to use crypto as payment, then what?

>> No.13386367

But BAT plebs. Once normies start comparing this to Google and FB valuation.. It's gonna explode like nothing you have seen. 120k bag

>> No.13386376

Ok, i'll bite

1) what is your current impression of the market? (bitrock go up or down)
2) what is your current impression of market sentiment?
3) I assume you are a BTC maximalist, but are there any alts that you think may have a good future? To clarify, I'm not asking you to shill per se im just curious if you see any resemblance to early BTC in some of these new projects in terms of community perception, project goals, implementation etc...(mimble wimble for example, any thoughts?) Again, not looking for "will X coin moon" but i'm more referring to the sentiment of the early days and if there are any new coins/ideas that have captured the spirit of early BTC or have similar sentiments in the community
4) Buy and hold, or are you a trader? If so, do you use leverage?
5) Where do you get your information on crypto trends? Since you pre-date most of these scammy "crypto news" websites, are there any OG websites you use?
6) Where do you see crypto going in the future? limited to areas like payment transfers or full scale 4th industrial revolution? Any sector you see being heavily impacted in the future that's being ignored?

Thanks friendo, I tried not to ask questions that you've already answered, or at least tried to distinguish them but I apologize if I repeated any

>> No.13386401

Also, shit maybe someone hasn't asked this yet but...

any thoughts on the BTC v. BCH ideology?

>> No.13386458

That's what I already do, filter through the catalog for the rare thread with actually knowledgeable people posting in it (like yourself), while dismissing the other 90% of it as sheer noise. But I haven't found a different online forum with as much diversity of critical opinion on cryptocurrency as /biz/. Some individual coins have active discords with some very smart individuals, but nothing where somebody can tap into occasionally intelligent opinions on such a broad range of coins/crypto-related topics.

>> No.13386490

What is the only alt you can all in if you missed BTC and why is it XMR?

>> No.13386526


Kevin Svenson is that you?

>> No.13386659

>Could have sold the lot and bought just a house
That's what you should have done. Now you'll end up like Jihan.

>> No.13386729

did you pay tax?

>> No.13386750

moved it all into BSV? BSV is getting rekt and has a prolapse lol

>> No.13386783

>Nov 2013

lol retard bought the top of the 2013 bubble and only now has the balls to talk about it since he's finally in the clear

>> No.13386849

Fuck man, I would answer your questions, but I would need to sit down and write it out. I'll create a thread again tomorrow around the same time, show up and paste your questions and I'll try and get to it.
Maybe you should create something.

>> No.13386892

Hey dude/dudette thanks for this thread, you have given some great insight.

>> No.13386924

I would do it if I had tons of them from early on, friend

>> No.13387024

Alright, I'll look for it tomorrow

>> No.13387035

This is mostly rhetorical, but, NSA Devved SHA which is the underlying encryption method for a fuck ton of stuff, including btc.
> In b4 nerd sector of the gubberment created btc.
> Zeroday
You're welcome. Pay it forward when you can crypto-sage.
Ah fuck you caught me! You think people would really do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies??

>> No.13387112

>The mining subsidy for sha256 coins is running out
Checked, also most people don't realize that chains have to use either inflation or fees to incentivise miners to provide security, and Bitcoin is running out of inflation. Unless the price or fees rise massively, miners will start shutting down shop as they run in the red and the chain will eventually be opened up to 51% attacks. Might not happen the next halvening or even the halvening after that, but on a long enough time scale it's pretty much unavoidable.

While BSV's main idea of bigger blocks is fundamentally sound, then Creg has ruined it with 2GB blocks and his narcissistic behavior, which is why it'll never be taken seriously. The only way to maintain security in the long run without sacrificing decentralization is to separate the security and minting layers - PoW currency on a PoS platform. This is what 0xBitcoin is going to be in late 2019 after Ethereum implements Casper. It's currently at an $800k mcap, do with this information what you will.

>> No.13387113

>This is mostly rhetorical, but, NSA Devved SHA which is the underlying encryption method for a fuck ton of stuff, including btc.
Your reply is not even remotely an answer to my question:
>If the banking system bans all interaction with the crypto ecosystem (a complete separation) and/or makes it illegal to use crypto as payment, then what?

>> No.13387130

>Checked, also most people don't realize that chains have to use either inflation or fees to incentivise miners to provide security, and Bitcoin is running out of inflation. Unless the price or fees rise massively, miners will start shutting down shop as they run in the red and the chain will eventually be opened up to 51% attacks. Might not happen the next halvening or even the halvening after that, but on a long enough time scale it's pretty much unavoidable.
Bitcoin won't be fully mined until some time in the 22nd century. And even then miners will still have transaction fees to profit from.

>> No.13387166

It was a retarded attempt at a joke, and sort of have a double meaning. I think crypto would survive desu. It would go underground for sure, but eventually it would make a break for it, given optimal conditions.

>> No.13387247

Sure it won't be totally mined out, but do you think that a 1.5 BTC block reward will be valuable enough to justify hundreds of exahashes mining it? How about a 0.78 BTC block reward? Likewise, the 1 MB blocksize doesn't allow for all that many fees, unless every tx consistently costs dozens of dollars, which is rather unlikely.

>> No.13387277

Inefficient miners (you) will be shaken out. BTC hashrate could halve and still be ridiculously secure. There are probably too many as it is.

>> No.13387299

I am all in LINK with $150k.

Realistically, I might "need" (more like strongly want) $30k of that for a purchase in the next two months, otherwise I can leave it all there forever or let it go to zero.

Am I dumb?

>> No.13387341

>) I didn't buy much (8btc or so)
Same here, fuck it sucks to think about
How the hell do you think the bear is over already lmao, at least 1 more year

>> No.13387360

Don't you see that as a massive potential security gap though? Imagine if 80% of the miners are priced out, leaving only 20% of the former hashrate securing the chain. This means that what was formerly 21% of the total hashrate, which is now sitting idly by, can conduct a 51% attack on the chain. The likelihood of such an attack increases the more miners are competed out of the market.

>> No.13387401

Delusional faggot. I live in one of the richer western european countries, and the top 1% here have around 2 million net worth. Are you telling me the top 1% in one of the top countries in the world haven't made it? Lmao

Nice larp

>> No.13387640

I would say $10 million is "made it". Enough that you can buy a really nice house, a Tesla, pay for your kids' education (if somehow against all odds any of you autists actually end up losing your virginity), lots of nice vacations, and generally never really need to worry about money ever again

>> No.13387662

for me a million would be good enough. enough to set up some kind of passive income, get the fuck out of the city and not have to worry too much about work, but still incentivised to do something to force me to engage with the rest of the planet

>> No.13387762
File: 797 KB, 3072x3061, 1532996504935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you, white powderfag. horaley