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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13382481 No.13382481 [Reply] [Original]

Last night a whole new generation of BAT bagholders are born

>> No.13382536

I sold for 200% gain. GG

>> No.13382624

It's not even done pumping anon. It's gone from 30 cents to 38 cents in the span of a week.

>> No.13382641

biz in a nutshell:
- FUD good coins like BAT, BNB...
- ignore when some established coin is pumping
- actively shill pump and dumps like FTM, LTO, LIT

never trust /biz/

>> No.13383060

how do get free bats?

>> No.13383355

Been bagholding since i bought at 40 cents january 2018. Have my sell order at 41 cents so i finally get my money back from this PIECE before it dumps again. Like it already did a dozen times, i'm not getting fooled by this scam's pnd's again.

>> No.13383378

The ad system is not even up and running yet. Why did you expect it would increase in value before that?

>> No.13383633

If you go to coinbase and submit 7 buy orders in a row each for 33.1234 BAT, they will gift you 10,000 BAT after your 7th purchase clears. This can be repeated up to 3 times.

>> No.13383642
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Digits check out.

>> No.13383812
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Last call. Get on now or the train is leaving without you.

>> No.13383844

Yes plz /biz/ buy my 15 month old bags. My sell order is waiting at 41 cents.

>> No.13384303

so uh what's the deal with auto-contribute?

>> No.13384358

i just used the tipping function for the first time. sent how to basic a few BAT. waiting for dunkey to get authorized

>> No.13384381

this, my browser says i owe 29 bat to websites that havent even signed up

>> No.13384383


>> No.13384460

Congrats. I'm predicting your next investment will be a rope.

>> No.13384467

43 cents just happened.

Last chance to get this coin under 50 cents, anon.

>> No.13384472

g-guys I bought 5500 of these back when it was 9 cents and then kind of forgot about it. Why didn't I buy more? I genuinely want to fucking eat a bullet right now.

>> No.13384481

shit's about to dump, i'm out

>> No.13384495


You're using poor-person logic.

This coin is going to be over a dollar soon. Some people predict it hitting $75 at the peak of the next bullrun (this would correspond with it having 20% of internet ad market).

Let me ask you a question. If you had bought some eth at $1, would you now regret not buying more at $5? When it hit $1400 last year you would have...

>> No.13384524

this kind of speculation is how you can tell the token is significantly overvalued right now

>> No.13384542

>Some people predict it hitting $75
lol no way in hell will this be anywhere close to that

>> No.13384567
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>dumped my bags at $0.35
happy with my trade, hope it moons and you bagholders don't kill yourselves

>> No.13384583

how do we get our bats? nothing popped up as of yet

>> No.13384588

To the guys who don't think BAT can ever hit $75:

This coin's use-cases would make it the actual internet coin for consumers.
- Advertisers pay you in BAT to watch an ad
- Instathots & camgirls receive their tips in BAT
- Stores skip the middle-man and outright let you buy things with your earned BAT money
- Advertiser firms amass and keep stores of BAT for parsing out to viewers (the more it catches on the more coins get pulled from the markets to only be doled out in trickle over long time)

Most of the nay-sayers likely said the same thing about Btc in 2013 or Eth in 2016.

>> No.13384590

>- Advertisers pay you in BAT to watch an ad
no such ads exist. why?

>> No.13384689

And now you sold. I hope it was worth it.

>> No.13384764

There is always wild speculation for every coin. It doesnt mean anything. This coin is theoretically more valuable then just about any of the other shit in the market even in it's current state yet it is no where close to #1. Why is that?

>> No.13384799

Who the fuck is saying 75 dollars?

>> No.13384854
File: 20 KB, 301x285, BAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amen. The good news is, once you realize this stuff, you can play /biz/ like a fiddle.

/biz/ is kind of a game, and high IQ anons have already figured out which cryptocurrencies are legitimate and aren't vaporware bullshit shitcoins. Once you've been here long enough and you understand how /biz/ works, it's like having the answers in the back of the book. Making money becomes easier. I never would have known about BAT without /biz/, but I also had to do my own research and learn more about it on my own. If I was an idiot I probably would have sold/fallen for /biz/'s retarded FUD a while ago.

>> No.13384857
File: 53 KB, 333x333, 1555531112398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BAT cant go over a dollar

>> No.13384876

We've all read the white paper, anon. But do you really think Eich's big brain can't find a way around that limitation? BAT will be $10 EOY.

>> No.13384878
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My dick will be diamonds when/if we ever get to truly test this meme again.

>> No.13386121
File: 46 KB, 569x760, 4A6365CF-9B21-4EC7-BC4E-718A6E1DA675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wat do u mean froggo