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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13380837 No.13380837 [Reply] [Original]

how badly is this site fucking me up mentally?

>> No.13380844
File: 136 KB, 1274x370, 1499489085648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a really popular misconception, it's not the site that's fucking you up.

>> No.13380851
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It's you.

>> No.13380873

it's possible to view this site in all its glory and not get TOO fucked up. you just have to view posts with an objective mind and make sure you have real-world experience to refer back to
I spend hours on end on this site pretty often and I'm pretty happy. but I don't hold the fatalistic views that many of the people on here have.

>> No.13380879

A lot. It’s not real. No humans post here. It’s literally just us hate bots.

Also, this whole site is written in Japanese when you’re not looking at the screen.

>> No.13380890

i dont know man
everyone else goes on facebook or twitter
boomers included - they're more glued to that shit than anyone
everyone is on social media
it's VASTLY inferior to just hanging out with people in real life
but who has those people? everyone's too busy at work or whatever. but they're always a click away on some shitty social media website
personally i like shitposting

>> No.13380903

People are generally fairly impressionable, definitely more than we'd like to admit. As such the company we keep does have a larger impact on our lives than we often realize. If your goal is to waste time until you die, then your in good hands. If your goal is to be "successful" e.g. accrue large sums of money, create a healthy family, make the world a better place, etc. then you could find better peers to be influenced by.

>> No.13380933

True, most of my normie friends are obsessed with Instagram. They spend all day feeding the algorithm with likes, getting nothing out of it. At least here I can shitpost and learn something.

>> No.13380968
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>You don't REALLY want it.
The sad thing is, there was a time when I did want it. But that was many years ago. I've been hurt in way too many ways by too many different people. Marriage and kids are for people that had great parents that always put their children first. Parents that are good with money and will think about their kids needs before their own. When the kids get old enough to go to college, guess what? Their parents saved up a nice chunk of money for them so they don't have the burden of student debt. Sure, they could've bought stupid Boomer things like Corvettes, expensive clothing, etc the list goes on, but no. They were smart enough to realize that people, not possessions are what really matters. Then the kids will go off, have healthy relationships, and get married to a nice guy or girl and have children of their own. Lots of people in our generation weren't lucky enough to have this kind of upbringing. I blame the Boomers for fucking up this cycle.

>> No.13380977

It's making you stronger, you fucking faggot.

>> No.13381054
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What if there's a reason people like us want the "escape". Maybe real life actually IS mostly boring as fuck and it seems that nothing good ever happens in your life because literally nothing good actually happens in your life. Maybe it's just cope thinking you're missing out on something great irl hanging out here because the reality is even worse than that, there simply wasn't anything great in your life in the first place.

>> No.13381058

This site is the best place to destroy your self esteem

>> No.13381078
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/biz/ has certainly made me disgusted with humanity (moreso than usual). The absurd lengths people will go to to shill their awful shitcoins and FUD any perceived competition, the sheer desperation of the zero-sum game at play here.

>> No.13381255

>The sad thing is, there was a time when I did want it. But that was many years ago. I've been hurt in way too many ways by too many different people.

Those words struck hard, I have shared similar circumstances numerously. Years back, it took a short time for me to realize why fraud and treachery was at the most nadir of Dante Alighieri's Inferno. I come to you not with a kind word, advice, or sympathy. I have come to tell you that I read every word you've written.

I understand the gauge from that perspective awfully well, but please do not burden yourself too much. There are the little whispers of hope you must heed, and in-order to hear it resoundingly we must motion towards it. Human beings are malleable existences after all, we did create airplanes in rebellion to the earth when it didn't give us the ability cannot fly.

>> No.13381275

Irrversibily so. It was already too late the moment you thought to ask this.

>> No.13381295

This site isn't an escape. Due to anonymity on this site you can only make people listen to your through your memes, ideas, and speech. Nobody is getting dopamine-inducing "Likes" on this website, only (You)s when somebody engages with your writing enough to respond to it

It's actually pretty intellectually engaging. Anime, however, is not.

>> No.13381297

where else would you cope for being a fat fuck loser

>> No.13381313

>tfw have to crash course raise parents
>as if they were my children
>just so I don't feel ashamed of their dysfunctional shit

like so many of my peers do

>> No.13381319

The only reason I am here is to try and make it so I don't have to spend time wageslaving and not be able to spend time with my dad. I'm in my early 20s and he is in his late 60s.

>> No.13381330
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And I have told no one this, not a single person. Just my internet frens. I love you all frens

>> No.13381346

Back to plebbit nigger and also kys

>> No.13381352

I appreciate it, fren.

My dad is not yet 50, but he and my mother are both unhealthy. I worry for them both and am in the same boat.

>> No.13381353
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>> No.13381356

Dub sevens of truth

>> No.13381365

Depends on the age that you found the site I think. If you came here in your 20s you're probably going to be fine. I've been here since I was 12. 11 years. My entire adolescense and important developmental years were spent here. I was raised by anons on 4chan more than my own parents. And I've never told anybody that I come here. Not a soul. So my entire teen and adult life has been putting on this fake identity for the people around me while in my head I'm thinking in esoteric 4chan speak. I'm a little more open with my friends, but I often find myself saying things that they just don't understand. It's alienating and I've never found a real human being that I can actually relate to because this site is so integral to my entire identity.

>> No.13381457

Depends on how you use it. I spend about 50% of my time here honest posting because it's nice to get stuff off your chest. The other 50% of the time I'm just absolutely fucking around for shits and giggles. Either way I come on here to reduce stress, because in the real world I have to be quite proper and put together, it can get exhausting. I suppose in a strange way I come here to experience humanity in all of its triumph and retardation.

>> No.13381519


>> No.13381533

this pretty much, wish i never found this site so early, its so bad having to hide your power level 24/7, id take the bluepill in a heartbeat.

The thing about this site is that you can have convos with people that understand esotericism and niche things all normies have no idea about, quite frankly, normies are boring as shit compared to high IQ convos, hilarious jokes/shitposts and trolls

>> No.13381594

why don't you just go to a 4chan meetup, then you will be able to shitpost in real life all day

>> No.13381618

None of this matters we are all going to die universe will turn to nothing even black holes will die, entropy is the goal of the universe , happiness is a lie.

>> No.13381634


>> No.13381651
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I have the same feelings. I thought about advertising for frens who browse 4chan and would understand me. But then I met some dudes who I know browse 4chan and realised, huh, actually I don't know what I would do while hanging out with those dudes. What would we do if we met up irl? We aren't good at conversation, need something in front of us to talk about. Play board games? Watch The Apprentice S01? Do DDR? S..should we all gather round a big projector and shitpost on 4chan as one?

>> No.13381668

I appreciate the time here 2bh, even lacking in the ways that it is. There's something about anonymity that is both powerful and invisible, even to the people that spend all their time here, and I don't think it will last forever. If Link moons in a noticeable capacity it will literally kill biz if not the whole website, and possibly the idea of anonymous platforms forever once the value of tapping the global conscience becomes more apparent to all. And if not Link it'll probably be something else before long. I'm just glad I was here at the time when no one knew quite what they were dealing with.

>> No.13381674

98% of the posts are from teens to 20 somethings. i just laugh at them and their "problems". browsing here reminds me constantly of how full of shit most people are and that young folks need to put into concentrarion camps/forced labor/gulag. then there's those 2% of mature posters with deep insight whose knowledge i appreciate. i also like to see when someone tells how he fucked up his life with x and y and how he now intends to end himself. best entertainment. but yes, 4chan/biz is just a better toilett.

>> No.13381685

edgy pseud

>> No.13381703
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4chan makes you stronger

>> No.13381832
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I love you too fren

>> No.13381900

It depends on how often you use and how you engage with it.

>> No.13381907

most of us are 1st and 2nd gen AI meant to subvert the "hivemind" as it were to our agenda.

>> No.13382988
File: 33 KB, 689x473, 5C0D0E35-6DCD-4C1A-AE08-D62787BBA9C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, despite all its faults, the time I’ve wasted here and the degeneracy that goes on here sometimes, this site has given me 3 things that I consider priceless and worth all the time I’ve spent here.

The foremost would be the redpill about normies and how the vast majority of people are asleep and just going through the motions like machines. I discovered this site just over 3 years ago in my early 20’s and all my life prior, I’d always been that weird kid who listened to old music, invested in stocks in high school and preferred a good book to a shitty club. Finding likeminded people here was almost like a rebirth.

The ideas that are spread here have changed my life and pushed me to heights I never thought possible. /fit/, /lit/, /biz/, /out/ and /trv/ have taught me about philosophy, fitness, crypto, the wonder of nature and travel. I even visited /pol/ at times during 2016 to shitpost about Trump, which was particularly cathartic after several friends cut ties with me due to my political beliefs.

However, perhaps the most significant thing I’ve received from this site relating to this board is Chainlink. I know a lot of people hate on it and call it a scam (usually ironically), but I’ve spent nearly a year and a half now with you anons digging and discovering connections that have made all our jaws drop. I don’t want to turn this into a shill, but I genuinely believe that within 3 years or so, I’m going to be wealthy beyond measure.

I owe so many anons on this site so much. I love you all, frens

>> No.13382999
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Reminder: You never leave 4chan.

>> No.13383059

The only reason escapism doesn't work yet is the lack of technology making it a possibility. E.g. think of inserting yourself into a world with some cute girl of your dreams and temporarily wiping out all memories from this shitty world. You would genuinely believe for her to be conscious and everything. It'd be perfect.

Don't blame escapism. Blame the lack of technology.

>> No.13383067


LINK memes will kill you xD


Stay clear from DERP COINS like LINK.

>> No.13383070

yayaya so redpilled
1st lesson ppl should learn is its a zero sum game. anyone recommending a coin is a shill

>> No.13383214

>The only reason escapism doesn't work yet is the lack of technology making it a possibility.
We we do have the tech to do it. It's called drugs.

>> No.13383226
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You just need to listen to the right people
