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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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13379981 No.13379981 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is this? Is Maker imploding? Who's going to want to open a CDP if it costs this much to close it? I feel like it's reaching a tipping point and people will not open new CDPs while closing existing ones before the fee hits something even more retarded. This really doesn't look like much of a stablecoin to me anymore

>> No.13380014
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I don’t get it

>> No.13380033

That's what happens when nobody uses it

>> No.13380040

The point is to make CDPs buyback DAI and increase the price of DAI back to exactly 1$. At which point the stability fee will likely be voted lower until equilibrium is found.

>> No.13380045

Stability fee has been raised like 3-4 times this year. It was definitely at like 3% a few months ago. Dai still has not returned to parity with the dollar. Positive feedback loop initiated.

>> No.13380048

It's clearly not working. This incentive mechanism is fucked.

>> No.13380054
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CDPs are not the product. DAI is the product. They are raising the rent on your ass to get you to buy DAI and close your CDP. DAI is currently 96 cents. It should be 1 dollar.

The stability fee (interest rate) will likely need to go above 25% because degenerate gamblers are still not closing their CDPs at the current rate.
>t. DAI holder and not a degenerate gambler

>> No.13380072

Degenerate gamblers are the ones emitting DAI into the crypto market to begin with. No one is going to want to use this CDP platform and DAI is going straight to zero.

>> No.13380096

If nobody wants to use Maker then why aren't people repaying their CDP debts? Because they don't mind paying interest out the ass. Maker will gradually raise the rate until the equilibrium is reached.

>> No.13380098

Atm DAI isn't really used for anything but paying stability fees but new uses are coming online rapidly (Augur DAI betting for example) that will help drive demand.

>> No.13380109

Look, I really don't understand the economics of Maker enough to be making any predictions. This just looks fucked though. What's the point of a collateralized debt position if you have to pay higher rates than a traditional loan?

>> No.13380122

Yeah, some other coool projects are implementing DAI like Althea Mesh, Flyingcarpet, etc. I do want to see this succeed. Just looks sketchy that's all.

>> No.13380150

i still don't get the stability fee. i thought the whole point of maker and dai was to lend money and people that staked got interest

>> No.13380165

Heres my understanding- stability fee is paid in MKR and burned, lowering supply of MKR. So your MKR goes up in value but you don't see any realized gains until you sell it

>> No.13380169

Maker lets you take out a loan from yourself. You can speculate with the loan and with the collateral at the same time. It's not a regular loan.
>i still don't get the stability fee. i thought the whole point of maker and dai was to lend money and people that staked got interest
the point of maker is to make sure that DAI is 1 dollar. The people who stake do not earn interest, they pay it. Maker can raise and lower the interest rate to make sure DAI is stable. Right now DAI is under 1 dollar so the rate should go up. In the future some of this interest will go to DAI holders who lock up their DAI in a savings account. This creates another stability mechanism for maker to influence the demand for DAI.

>> No.13380171

Maker doesn't understand liquidity or the traps therein

>> No.13380461

Some people think cucumbers taste better pickled.

>> No.13380520

>Who's going to want to open a CDP if it costs this much to close it
No one. That's the point. There is too many cdps being open so too much dai is being created. They have to essentially make it unappealing to create more dai until it balances out.

>> No.13380719

Reminder that about 2 million eth are bound up in CDPs. Maker DAO are on the record saying that if their experiment fails or if they get complacent, the entire eth ecosystem will be flung into turmoil.

Another reminder that less than 6 months ago the 'stability fee' (which is an interest rate) was about 3% when dai was about 97c. Maker then recently increased the rate to 7.5% in one hit to try to reach DAI dollar parity, causing DAI>$1. Now the rate is 14% and its below a dollar again.....

So clearly the dollar peg mechanism is being strained hard. Im super into MKR as a concept but i fear their experiment will be ill fated.

>> No.13380729

traps aren't gay

>> No.13380767

maker is a single centralized API sending prices info to the blockchain every minute. It's a centralized scam that would take like 5 minute to code. No idea why retards invest in this shit, it's gonna inevitably get hacked.

>> No.13381044

Extremely bearish for eth if true.

>> No.13381287

it is true, there's no way to send send price data to ethereum other than sending it every minute from a centralized server.

>> No.13381422

I thought they paid oracles for this?

>> No.13381444

If maker goes, eth dumps to double digits.

Looks like it's not a matter of when, not if. God damn these idiots and their retarded little experiment.

>> No.13382003

its all because btc made people nervous holding dai and many try to cash out not to miss the bulltrap/bullrun so they dont give a fuck about incentives just want out without much loss

>> No.13382013

oracles are servers running datafeed api

>> No.13382019


This is why i hold SDS. Cheaper rates.

>> No.13382044

no one cares about this shitcoin, ETH won't move

>> No.13382153

DAI is 98 cents. And the most important thing is to keep it pegged to $1. That means there's too much DAI on the market. So they're raising interest rates. Just like the fed does when inflation shows it's face.
Don't like it? STIFF.

>> No.13382163

How losing 2 millions locked eth and basicly decreasing suply makes eth crash you mongo

>> No.13382268
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The system wasn't launched to give people cheap credit to long ETH. It's working fine, if you want to change it, just buy 50,000 MKR and vote like the rest of us, pleb.