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13377265 No.13377265[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Fuckers are always recommending all sorts of unnecessary procedures to my broke ass. And you don't need to get a cleaning every 6 months if you take care of your oral hygiene. Fuck dentists.


>> No.13377270

Who is this thot and how do I get one

>> No.13377309

oil pulling works

>> No.13377336

>never do root canal
>a tooth start to hurt while abroad
>go to the dentist
>'must do a root canal'
>done. pain stops.
>years later.
>the tooth that had root canal causes the most problems
>suddenly, it fractures completely and falls off making me look like a hillbilly
Currentry attemtpint to remove all fillings from and regrow my teeth using unpasteruized, grassfed milk and vitamin k.
Fuck dentists

>> No.13377369

Whatever you say, shittooth.

>> No.13377394

Root canals are the worst thing you can do. They can never remove all of the dead tissue, it’s 100% impossible. Your body will be fighting infection for your whole life.

There is a documentary that came out about it, pretty sure it’s on Netflix.

Fuck dentist, I take care of my teeth, I go in every couple of years to make share my filling are good and for a cleaning.

>> No.13377395

Dentist IRL (UK) checking in. This is mostly a problem in the US where there is a large problem with overtreatment in medical fields generally. Most obvious areas are wisdom teeth removal and the "deep clean", both of which are very scammy. I can explain more if people want to know

>> No.13377403

Removing of wisdom teeth is not scammy. For people with smaller mouths/crowding it’s much needed. For others not so much.

>> No.13377412

You don't have to remove wisdom teeth? Won't that explode your jaw?

>> No.13377420

My three wisdom teeth were actually growing into my jawbone, each passing day that I didn't have the surgey I could feel my teeth moving more and more, I had them out, all four, three were impacted, it took me TWO weeks to heal. I was on like 5 vikodin a day and ate nothing but puree'd soup and vanilla pudding. I dropped 25 pounds in that two weeks alone, it was rough. Don't know much about the deep clean though, as I always brush and don't drink pop and eat candy and stuff. I also chew a lot of gum.

>> No.13377421

Why do retards with 0 medical understanding try and give advice on this stuff?

Yes root canals will not eliminate 100% of infected pulp tissue - mostly owing to accessory canals which can't be manually navigated, the inability of disinfectant solutions to remove all bacteria, and the fact that rarely even with a skilled clinician will the procedure be done to a perfect standard.

But still, if most of the infected pulp is removed, and then the canals and crown of the tooth properly sealed afterwards, root canals have great long term success rates. 80-90% depending on the study.

Definitely beats uh I dunno leaving an infected tooth untreated

>> No.13377429

>wisdom tooth will make your jaw explode
Amerifat education, everyone.

>> No.13377430

He’s a dentist don’t listen to him

I’ll bet money he still does root canals. People with root canals have a much higher cancer rate and also have more health issues than people without. Studies have proven this. Don’t listen to these dentist fucks.

>> No.13377438

Or how about doing it the right way, pulling the tooth and replacing it with an implant. It’s impossible to disinfect a root canal 100%.

>> No.13377448

There are instances where it is needed. But the practice of prophylactic removal of wisdom teeth in the US is a money making industry and nothing else. Most impacted wisdom teeth don't go on to cause any problems, and no they do not exert anywhere near enough force to cause crowding/orthodontic changes.

Ie if there isn't any active disease/pathology (untreatable decay or pulpitis, apical infection, cellulitis, osteomyelitis, severe pericoronitis, or they need to be removed for jaw surgery or radiotherapy) then there is no justification for removal, given that the surgery comes with its own risks

>> No.13377462

Root canal treatment and implant surgery have roughly similar long term success rates, there are studies comparing them. Look into the actual evidence rather than stringing random words together

>> No.13377472

Wisdom tooth removal is a scam 90% of the time. You only need to get them taken out if they come in the wrong way.

>> No.13377488

how to spot a tranny

>> No.13377492

Actually the majority of wisdom teeth that are malpositioned and impacted cause no problems. You only need to get them removed if there is actually some disease process occuring or its a requirement for other important treatment, as I listed above

>> No.13377496

Wisdom teeth is the biggest modern day medical scam in the world. 90%+ of people do not need it as your teeth natural re-align and adjust as they grow in. You really think your body would naturally evolve to fuck up your mouth before you become an adult? Holy shit like use your brain dummy. It's pushed as being precautionary even though the common side effects of the surgery (ex. permanent nerve damage) are way worse than any potential long term effects of leaving them in. If you removed your wisdom teeth you just paid for a dentists ferrari and risked your well being for no reason. Also, have a look at the statistics of people that suffer permanent nerve damage after wisdom teeth removal. Very common to lose sensitivity in mouth or have permanent jaw pain.

>> No.13377497

It’s not about success rate. You talking in doctor talk. It’s about an immune system issue. If you seal off an infection which is exactly what a root canal does, the body will attempt to fight this infection and waste energy that would be better spent actually fighting health issues.

Smart dentists know this, but won’t admit it because they get paid tons of money for root canals and it’s a very simple procedure for them.

Studies have shown 97% of cancer victims have had root canals, these studies could not be published because it would literally put a large portion of dentists out of business.

>> No.13377503
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Idk how to feel about this, when I saw my X-ray my wisdom teeth were coming in sideways and my dentist seems pretty honest with me

Once I got to the oral surgeon he even said I don't need to get one removed because it's fine but the 3 coming in sideways have got to go, and charged for each tooth so he lost $500 by not doing my one

this was 4 months ago

>> No.13377510

No shit idiot, root canal means your tooth is dead and expected lifetime of the shell is ~10 years.
I sincerely hope noone follows this idiots advise.

>> No.13377521

Went to some Russian roastie dentist office when I was 18, they wanted to pull all my wisdom teeth and I said fuck no. 9 years later I have had no problems and only the top teeth have even come in. My new dentist is way chiller and my dental plan offers free check up and cleaning twice a year.

>> No.13377528

>these studies could not be published
>i'm an insider
>my dad works at nintendo

>> No.13377532
File: 430 KB, 1215x683, 20190418_162559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is my wisdom teeth on top right impacted?
So far no cavity and no pain, I'm 25

>> No.13377540

In your case yes you needed them pulled. There are many dentists who will pull out your wisdom teeth for no reason though.

>> No.13377553

No it doesn't you fucking retard. We know the clinical and radiographic signs/symptoms of an immune response to an infected tooth, following a successful root canal treatment all of these clear up as your body is no longer actively fighting the infection. Even if there are small amounts of bacteria left in, they are sealed in an environment where they can't thrive and aren't exposed to the surrounding tissues to cause a response

You read some garbage by a crank scammer and are trying to pass it off as medical knowledge/advice

>> No.13377558

I think my Dentist is pretty honest, he sent me to an oral surgeon for the wisdom teeth and can do braces but said just go to an orthodontist when I asked about it

only thing he did once which was sketchy was recommended a crown and I said I can't afford that and he said we can try a filling but it's probably not going to last and its been like a year now with no issue

>> No.13377560

Do you really need to ask this? That looks fucked up and you should probably get it pulled.
Disclaimer: I am not a dentist.

>> No.13377563

they actually found out that plaque is a semi protective layer and only needs to be removed when it causes pressure to build up. see while it can erode teeth it has to obey chemistry and cant get far. a super thin layer is as far as it can get. then it protects from further chemically induced erosion

its like a oxide layer protecting chrome / titanium from the elements. i would list other metals but not all of them do a great job at it. i mention titanium because anodizing titanium is done with electricity just to make a oxide layer and you can see it because it changes color

>> No.13377564

pls explain. i am doing a deep cleaning every 6 months right now to remove tartar, etc. is it a scam??

>> No.13377569

>let me listen to the guy who makes money off root canals instead
Do some research. Lots of well known pathologists have went on record saying this exact thing

Go back to work. Lots of teeth to fix in the uk

>> No.13377579

yeah your upper left (right on the picture) wisdom tooth appears impacted but from the image it doesn't seem to be causing any root resorption or problems with the adjacent tooth, though not the clearest picture

lower wisdom teeth both horizontally impacted, from here it looks like you might have decay on the distal (back) side of both second molars but id need to see a good quality image

>> No.13377585

So you seal an infection inside of the body. How does that make sense?

>> No.13377590

Based dentist

>> No.13377597

if you knew how the UK NHS system works you'd know we make hardly any money off root canals at all and for the amount of time it takes they are usually a net loss

we just don't swallow up garbage from well known unsubstantiated frauds like mercola and weston price

>> No.13377602

Watch the root cause on Netflix. It goes into depth about the whole root canal scam.

The dentist posting here probably believes what he’s been told/taught by his elders. It’s bullshit thought.

>> No.13377634

but in my case the teeth were dying and causing me to have really bad sore throates. the bacteria being developed from the teeth dying was causing me to be ill a lot. I had them out and I was fixed. I'm thankful because it was rough.

>> No.13377643

you seal off any small amounts of bacteria (note: this is not a synonym with infection) that may not have been killed by the disinfectant solutions. these bacteria cannot thrive or multiply and so cannot continue to cause infection and an immune response. hence why all signs and symptoms of an immune response clear up after a successful root canal

>> No.13377650

Well in the USA it’s big business. Not only that, most insurances won’t cover it, so now you have third party’s who loan you money aka care credit at intrest. There is a huge market around root canals in the USA.

>> No.13377663

So you disconnect the tooth from the jawbone? Wow. I didn’t know that dentist.

If the tooth is still there is still connected to the jaw. There are cells in bones. Cells communicate.

>> No.13377685

You're awesome!

>> No.13377710

any remaining bacteria are inside the root canal, which is just an empty space that has been hollowed out during the canal preparation then sealed with an inert latex material. if it has been sealed properly (and this is where about 10-20% of them do fail) then the bacteria cannot thrive, multiple, or reach the periapical tissue (periodontal ligament, bone)

how lay idiots who have never even looked at the anatomy of a tooth think they can give medical advice is quite astounding

>> No.13377712

you dont need to do it every 6 months. I do it once a year

>> No.13377724

how is this better than removing the tooth and put in an implant that may last a lifetime instead of keeping the tooth in there crumbling one day?

>> No.13377725
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Thanks for answering.
Had my bottom 2 tooth removed few days ago, living in hell now.

>> No.13377737
File: 481 KB, 500x687, filipina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you guys go back to posting qt asians? thanks.

>> No.13377741

It’s not anon.

Dentist have you seen the documentary I’m speaking off? Please explain what was not factual in the documentary.

>> No.13377742

missed this question. a "deep clean" is just a buzzword really

the medical definition of that term would be root surface debridement, ie. for people who have active periodontitis and have lost supporting periodontal tissue and deep gum pockets (where the root surfaces of the teeth are now exposed), then you require a "deep" cleaning all the way into those pockets and of the exposed root surfaces which accumulate lots of tartar/debris/bacteria

in people without periodontitis, the term "deep cleaning" basically makes no sense. you just need a normal clean/scale and polish

>> No.13377757

I once saw the assistant put cleaning into the system (34 euro - $40) before the dentist even saw my teeth. Hate these smug scammers.

>> No.13377773

I've explained above. Implant treatment and root canal treatment have roughly similar long term success rates (80-90% for both), there are studies comparing them

Implants can fail and get infected just as root canals can (see peri implantitis)

>> No.13377775

I am all about long term and what is mostly the best.

root canal -> needs at leat 2 operations in life? first killing the infection, second one years later to fix a dead tooth.

implant -> just one

Am I missing something? Where is the benefit speaking for a root canal treatment? Price?

>> No.13377796

So how about the people who do get a root canal. There is an infection that goes unnoticed. How does that get accounted for in your bs numbers?

>> No.13377868

you've got some wrong information there. root canal treatment is just one procedure - remove the infected/necrotic pulp tissue, disinfect the inside of the tooth, seal it up to prevent reinfection.

"Fix a dead tooth" - this is not a thing. If its a back tooth then you'll need a crown after the root canal treatment to protect it. But that's it. Nothing is required years later unless the root canal has failed (10-20% chance, similar to implants).

by all means get an implant if you would prefer, we give the patient the option and its more money for us too. but there is no medical necessity to get an implant over a root canal treatment at all.

>> No.13377897

Since you are a retard with no medical/scientific understanding (which is fine, as long as you don't try and give advice), let me reiterate for you that the presence of some bacteria =/= infection

Has it occured to you that the bacterial species that cause tooth infections (streptococcus, actinomyces etc) are commensal to the oral cavity? Ie they are part of the normal microbial flora and are present on many oral surfaces all the time in perfect health?

care to explain how we aren't perpetually walking around with oral infections in every corner of the mouth, doctor?

>> No.13377898

So you are killing off all nerves inside the tooth and it is still healthy fine and ok?

I just had to think if someone I know had to do that stuff and there is one.
It's funny because it didn't really got good until the tooth got pulled out.

>> No.13377912

Think about this for a second

A root canal is KEEPING A DEAD ORGAN ON CONNECTED TO YOUR BODY. How does that make sense

>> No.13377922

Yes - teeth are functional (back teeth generally require crowns though), healthy (no infection) and fine. Don't listen to garbage quackery on the internet, this is antivax tier stuff

>> No.13377926

Dentists are just people who couldn't hack it in medical school. They're all just pushing whatever they need to get the Christmas Porsche. My dentist is Armenian, that should clue you in to how scammy they are.

>> No.13377964

to be honest, I apply critical thinking and questioning to all important things.

Currently I am not so sure about root canals, I have to read into that more, outside of a random 4chan thread.

>> No.13377999

thats the great thing about research/evidence - you dont need to trust an anon dentist

check pubmed and all the info is there for you

>> No.13378018

>Studies have shown 97% of cancer victims have had root canals, these studies could not be published because it would literally put a large portion of dentists out of business.

So what you're saying is nobody has seen these phantom studies, but you have somehow. I'm gonna need a source, or you're full of shit, bud.

>> No.13378031

>dub.dub trips
too bad too often (yes in science and health related topics), certain things are not made public or kept low due to interests.

>> No.13378045

thanks british dentist
im in tooth hell right now. its my own fault for not taking care of them properly. im going to need a lot of implants. if i make it, id really like to get them.

is there anything i should watch out for?

>> No.13378049


The first google that came up. But I’m sure it will be dismissed. Remember, the dental associations do not want this shit known.

>> No.13378066

>those sideburns
That's a guy on hormones. Girls do not have those regardless of race.

>> No.13378134

>The bacteria which were in the millions of tiny “tubules” in the dentin of the tooth (the portion between the enamel and the root canal) mutate into “anaerobic” bacteria. These are bacteria which do not require oxygen. Every root canal-filled tooth has them. No exceptions. They occur because of the structure of the root canal filling. It is impossible to eliminate them and they are 1,000 times more toxic than any other bacteria. In fact, the toxins they put out are in the form of a gas called “thio-ethers” which can easily migrate through the enamel of the tooth and down through the roots into the bloodstream. These toxins travel throughout the body, as do many of the bacteria themselves. These are responsible for most chronic degenerative conditions…not just cancer, but rheumatoid arthritis, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, lupus, ALS, diabetes….you name it.

>> No.13378147

I haven't been to the dentist in 5 years, my teeth are fine. Just brush at least once every other day, and floss regularly.

>> No.13378155

>Dr. Weston Price and Mayo’s Clinic of 1910 to 1920 described finding bacterial growth in root canals that could be transferred into animals and create the same diseases the donor human had in from 80 to 100% of the animals. Heart disease, in particular, could be transferred 100% of the time. His research has since been suppressed by the various Dental Associations in the United States.

>> No.13378164

They don’t teach this shit is dental school. I’m sure the dentist posting here thinks he knows what he’s doing but he’s a brainwashed fuck helping with the population control objective.

Have in with your root canals guys.

>> No.13378170

That's because it's fuckin retarded
Cancer feeds off glucose, glucose is produced by starchy foods you eat (carbs) and sweets etc.
Glucose is countered by insulin, your body fights it and eventually can't produce enough insulin, that's when the cancer comes.
Stop eating carbs unless you're active af and actually burn all the energy it gives you.
What do cancer patents and sugar eaters have in common? Fucked up teeth.

>> No.13378174

I haven't been to the dentist in years and last year one of my molars chipped and large chunk fell out of my mouth.

I've mostly cut out soda and candy from my diet and I brush every day. I'm actually too worried/poor/embarrassed to go see a dentist now. Hopefully can afford to see one that won't scam me in the near future.

>> No.13378176

Dyor anon. Everybody calls these guys crazy or quacks. I will never get a root canal after doing the research I did.

>> No.13378177

I'm no dentist or other medical professional but it seems odd to pull only 3 wisdom teeth and leave one. Or do you mean that the oral surgeon charged for the removal of the 3 impacted teeth (difficult) and didn't charge for the removal of the 4th wisdom tooth? For purposes of symmetry, I would have thought that all of your wisdom teeth would have been pulled

>> No.13378180

Girls can get side burns, dumb ass. That isn't even that bad.

>> No.13378196

Anaerobic bacteria are found all over the oral cavity, they are part of the normal oral microbial flora (prevotella, fusobacterium. facultative anaerobes like s. mutans and actinomyces, and loads more)

>> No.13378207

Oral cavity isn't the same as deep inside the root of a tooth.

>> No.13378212

Medical brainlet here. What does all this mean in more simpler terms?

>> No.13378213

I remember you dentist anon. You work at a government clinic in the UK

>> No.13378223

He’s just saying what he’s told.

He’s also acting like the tooth even after a root canal is still connected to the jawbone.

But hey, I didn’t go to brainwash dental school so idk what’s im talking about right me British dentist anon?

>> No.13378225

"Root canal bad"

>> No.13378232

I would personally opt for a removal and an implant.
>uk dentist
>government clinic
he sounds like he’s on the cutting edge of dental health

>> No.13378245

pathology is the exact same - commensals can cause opportunistic infections in certain conditions (they cause infection outside of the root canal too), but just the mere presence of some bacteria does not indicate an infection - otherwise we would have incessant oral infections every day of our lives

this is what the retard anti vaxxer ITT can't get his head around

>> No.13378257

>anti vaxxer
>have toxic metals injected with vaxine
>don't consider this a problem at all
It was publically admitted that it was what was happening

>> No.13378261

Kill yourself pharma shill

>> No.13378272

Don’t compare this to anti vaxers. That’s week anon dentist.

Think anti vaxers are idiots, but i believe this root canal shit 100%

>> No.13378275

>pathology is the exact same

>> No.13378280

the problem is more that you didn't go to any school

>> No.13378299

>the problem is you weren’t brainwashed
Ok anon. Keep doing those root canals.

>> No.13378317

>tfw will be future dentist
>feels good

>also will be getting a root canal next week

>> No.13378321

And what happens if you're allergic to latex?

>> No.13378337

You don't need to be a scientist to know those 4 citations at the end do not even remotely approach empirical evidence for what the article is claiming

Please either kill or sterilise yourself for the general betterment of mankind

>> No.13378376

People who need root canals don't have the option to think it over if the infection is severe.

>> No.13378385

He honest. Your scared your gonna die cause you got a root canal. Listen anon. Dig, you will find the truth. Fuck this article if you want, there is tons more info out there.

Dentists are glorified trades men. Their hygienists/assistants can do all the work if it came down to it, and most only went to tech school.

My mom was an dental assistant for many years for 2 very successful jew dentists on Long Island.

>> No.13378387

No one ever "Need" a root canal. If you're ok with it, just pull it out.

>> No.13378396

i went to the dentist, he said i need a root canal

my tooth fucking HURTSSSSS whnever i chew food with it

i have only been chewing food on one side of my mouth for the past year.

the root canal was going to be like $2,500

so i havent been back yet. and i dont think the tooth is actually infected since it doesnt hurt all the time only hurts when i chew food with it.

but in the xray it was a grey color. doctor said it was infection but i just think its inflamation or something.

how much longer can i just keep chewing food on one side of my mouth anons?

2,500 is half a fucking bitcoin FFS

>> No.13378417

2500 for 1-2 hour of work
>listen to us guys, root canals are safe
Common dentist fucks. We’re not stupid.

>> No.13378428

>i just think

What would possess you to think you are more correct than a professional?

>> No.13378446

That anon is a faggot and at the very least neeeds that tooth pulled

>> No.13378447

>Go to a random dentist
>talk to receptionist
>'my teeth hurts'
>'should I schedule a root canal?'
>'Why a root canal? You didn't even look into my jaw?'
>'uhm ...'
>go to 4 other dental clinics
>same shit

>> No.13378481

>if you can’t afford we have care credit for you anon. 15% apr

Fucking scammers. Fuck root canals, fuck dentist and fuck jannies

>> No.13378494

thats the thing i told the dentist i wanted to get it pulled. he looked at me and said

" Oh anon dont do that youre too young"

i said well yea your right must be weird to have a gap in my mouth?

what are the cons of just having it pulled?

and how long can i wait,

i still feel pain which indicated that the infection hasnt killed the nerve completely right?

>> No.13378497

why can't you pick 0% for 18 months?

>> No.13378505

idk what kind of jewish dentist you are going but mine is extremely open about everything. Only thing he recommended was orthodontic treatment for misaligned jaw. beside all the medical benefits, it turned from popeye looking guy to chad.

>> No.13378509

>getting a loan for dental work

That’s the issue anon.

>> No.13378510

This is why public dental care is SO much better. Japan has public dental care and MUCH lower rates of fillings and root canals. Funny how when it's no longer for profit they stop pushing so much extra work.

Also they do checkups every 12 months instead of 6 months. Hmmm...

>> No.13378519

You consider 0% an loan?

>> No.13378522

you can still have pain after the pulp has completely necrosed/died - this is cause of inflammation of the periodontal ligament and bone surrounding the end of the tooth in response to infection

>> No.13378538

what this anon said. imagine still getting medical treatment in a purely private system, the absolute state

>> No.13378539

well, fuck now it might be a 5,000 dollar precedure.

itts been a damn year already.

fuck me.

why didnt i brush my teeth as a kid, and as an adult

i blame my parents. they never told me these things.

>> No.13378546

You're right op. Just don't go. I havent been to the dentist since i moved out of my parents hourse. Thats almost 15 years ago.

Just brush them with proper toothpaste twice or more and you´ll be fine. You´ll never get holes. Wisdom teeth also just went through fine.

Regular checkup is a meme and dentists are only out to scam you. Friend of mine went the same route. GF persuaded him to get a ´checkup´ just to be sure. And the asshole dentists starts complaining about wisdom teet which allready went through. He trusted the asshole on his advice to have them removed (even though he had no complaints and fit perfectly). Shit infected and he needed antibiotics.


>> No.13378570

great day to be an os. since everybody hates root canal and all

>> No.13378588
File: 22 KB, 474x474, 1536205141707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>tfw will be a used car salesman with 250k of debt
>>feels good to have to scam people to survive

don't worry dude it'll all be over in 40 years

>> No.13378692

anyone got a source on this semen demon?

>> No.13378782

Root canals are unneccessary

Years ago, a cavity in my wisdom tooth enlarged to point where it caused me a lot of pain. Since it was dangerous to do dental procedures on teeth that are far back into the mouth (nerves can get messed up), I just endured the pain. Most of the pain came from food being stuck in the cavity and causing inflammation, so I meticulously cleaned that area after every meal. I let my wisdom tooth slowly break down. Now I'm pain free.

>> No.13378811

Tell us 1 secret that the public does not know about dentistry.

>> No.13378821

in between patients he shitposts on biz

>> No.13378874

ive dropped some truth bombs already at the start of this thread

>> No.13379676

bump for anons

>> No.13379691

That's a big risk. The nerve could've gotten infected.

>> No.13379792


>> No.13379809

>Studies have shown 97% of cancer victims have had root canals
97% of cancer victims probably also had a medical X-ray at some point. 97% of cancer victims probably use shampoo in their hair every other day. 97% of cancer victims eat food with artificial chemicals at least once a week. Hell, I'll bet you 97% of cancer victims have petted a dog before. Petting a dog therefore must be a leading cause of cancer.

>> No.13379822

That's a big man.

>> No.13379836

I agree to an extent. People who have root canals generally are in poor health and don’t take care of them selves. But your dental health directly relates to everything else.

I’m not getting a root canal, if I do get cancer I’m not getting chemo. It’s all scam shit to make you more sick, while at the same time depending on big pharma for continuous treatments.

>> No.13379846

My wisdom teeth were impacted and caused cysts in my gums to the point where pus would just shoot out whenever i pressed my fingers to my cheek. Once I decided to go to the orthodontist, he told me if I had waited any longer the infection could have killed me Why did my body fuck me up anon? I thought it evolved to not do that. I have immaculate dental hygiene to the point I am anal retentive about it.

>> No.13379855

That's great news on the cancer thing. The less of you people shitting up the gene pool the better.

>> No.13379907

>he doesn’t know all the chemicals in the food and how we live cause cancer
>he doesn’t know lack of sun and vitamin d cause cancer
Unless your living in a “third world” country where your growing/killing your own food your fucked anon. Sorry to tell you.

You ever worder why third world Romania, Costa Rica ect Have life expectancies close to that of the USA or Western Europe with a lot less modern medicine? Think about it for a second.

>> No.13379919

Based, keep eating your store bought food and going to western doctors.

>> No.13379920

Probably the smartest shit I read all day...been telling normies for years that dentists and ESPECIALLY orthodonitcs (braces) are total bullshit, same goes for "must have wisdom teeth removed" nice to see anon gets it

>> No.13380076

i had one abscessed tooth removed and another i let disintegrate. both were molars so not a big deal and nobody would know

>> No.13380404

My wisdom teeth are smelly like shit. I smell my floss after using and damn. Is it normal? Been long time

>> No.13380698

no idiot

>> No.13381069

ok dentbong, answer me this

how many of your peers in the UK do you think browse /biz/?

Also how is being a working dentist in the UK.
Moving there and working might be an option for me in a few years

>> No.13381345

I got supplemental insurance in order to get my wisdom teeth pulled. My benefit was roughly $1500 a year which was about how much I needed for the extraction. I go to the dentist and they try to sell me on some other bullshit for $1500. I later learn that they have to outsource to an oral surgeon once a month to do the extractions because the dentist on site isn't capable. Bottom line was my dentist knew he wouldn't get paid so he tried to convince me to get other work done making it so I'd have to wait another year to get my wisdom teeth pulled.

>> No.13381366

Imagine being so hot that you cant help but molest yourself in public.

>> No.13381400

Dentist here and I agree. Most dentists out there are there to just make a buck off you. I work in a community clinic and treat mostly poor people with government insurance, no incentive to sell anybody any expensive dental work.

>> No.13381916

>Well in the USA it’s big business.
US dentist here. It really isn't. After insurance write-offs and the fact that most root canals are challenging and time consuming, it's worth about just as much as any other procedure on a money/hour basis, probably worse than most other procedures. I don't even do root canals any more because they aren't worth the hassle, I just refer them to specialists who charge a bit more money than a general dentist but are also highly trained as they do a few years after dental school learning just about root canals.
Implants are nice but the gum tissue around an implant is not like the gum tissue around a natural tooth. You generally lose a lot of the bone around the neighboring teeth during the surgery(ies) putting the implant in place which can lead to food trapping areas between the teeth. Implants are great but they should be a last resort. Like other dentist anon said, we're finding out that implants aren't as bulletproof as previously thought as we're seeing more 25-30 year old implants out in the wild start to fail for various reasons as people age. Bottom line: once you pull a tooth, you can't get it back.
The irony with your claims that dentists want to push root canals is that restoring implants is BY FAR my (and most other dentists) most profitable procedure. The real scammers in this scenario are these "holistic dentist" that are pulling fixable teeth to place expensive dental implants.
We're talking about a few specs of mummified pulp tissue that can't foster bacterial growth 98% of the time. Worst case scenario the root canal fails and it gets retreated or you pull the tooth if no other options. You're acting like there aren't millions of people walking around with active dental abscesses right at this moment which is about a billion times worse than a sealed off spec of pulp tissue that the body handles.

>> No.13381934

Why do people always assume the absolute worst about dentists? Ever thought that maybe he saw a few other teeth that had more pressing issues he thought should be taken care of first? I would agree with you if it was like cosmetic bullshit or something but if it was something else he might have been just trying to help prevent a bigger problem from happening.

>> No.13382008


I've had four teeth pulled due to absess, two were molars. The absess would come in pairs, it would be the same tooth position on my left side and right side.

This is due to my mother neglecting dental care before I was 18 and cavities got so bad that they turned abscess

I'm 22, with four missing teeth. How fucked am I /biz/bros? At least when I smile you can't really see them missing...

>> No.13382025

Does any dentist recommend Xylitol or is it really the worst thing that can happen to a dentist since it actually works?

Xylitol in short:
a sugar replacement, nearaly as sweet as sugar
made out of tree bark or corncob
great for diabetics since it doesn't affect insulin
caries bacteria die when they eat it - it is slightly different from sugar and they can't absorb and use it when they eat it -> they starve to dead no matter how they eat of that sugar
and so tooth decay goes down greatly

>> No.13382096

>Once I decided to go to the orthodontist, he told me if I had waited any longer the infection could have killed me
strange how they always say that, and yet I've never heard of anybody actually dying

>> No.13382116

because we have hospitals where people can get treated for emergencies. back in the day people died from tooth infections all the time, still happens in the third world and occasionally in the first world

>> No.13382130

Still paying that debt, tooth fairy?

>> No.13382131
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