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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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13376856 No.13376856 [Reply] [Original]

Alright anons. What are we working on today. We gotta fit as fuck when LINK moons.

I did chest/arms today. Low maintenance day, some cable work, get a good stretch/mind muscle connection. Really had a good pump and starting to lower carbs to lean out a bit for summer.

>> No.13376879


>> No.13376887


I just do same 5x5 heavy bench, squat, dead, pullups routine for 9 years now no gay cables and rest of clowny shit.
And I'm ripped as fuck.

Lucky you holding link makes you chad anyway

>> No.13376951

Wrong board retard

>> No.13376952

Low maintenance day? What does that mean? Dont mix bulking and cutting, its one or the other. And remember the only way to put on strength/mass as a natty is huge caloric bulk, like 5000 calories a day. Im tired of the eternal dyel retards on /fit/ complaining about not making gains as they tout their "lean bulk" cringe

>> No.13376961

t. obese """""""""""powerlifter""""""""""

>> No.13376968

15 minute run, 3 sets 10 burpees with 45 second rest between, 4x100 meter sprint with 100m walk in between, 3 sets 15 pushups

>> No.13376978

bruh im not even complaining lmfao i know how to put on gains. ive cut my carbs, upped my fats/proteins and spread out my meals throughout the day to satisfy satiety. no need to spew your broscience bullshit around here senpai.

>> No.13377048

>i will start working out once my complete fucking shitcoin makes me rich

>> No.13377063

bruh get started now. it could be years. once you start working you get into it.

>> No.13377075

Doing DDP's diamond dozen as we speak

>> No.13377102

I used to do this shit. I was pretty strong but fat as fuck. I'd prefer to be a little less strong, but healthy.

>> No.13377110

I sold all my Link today, I don't have faith in it at all anymore.

But I too would spend my time getting fit if I made it big. Probably pay a dermatologist and chiropractor too, sort out my skin and posture.
Shame you can't buy an 8inch dick or I'd buy that surgery too.

>> No.13377122

Thanks anon, I’m gonna go to the gym now srs. Gonna do shoulders and biceps brah, followed by a nice sweaty sauna room sesh. We’re gonna make it brah.

>> No.13377127

Theo is a beta

>> No.13377172

Just woke up and gonna play video games.

>> No.13377183

What games you playing?
Will you buy mk11?

>> No.13377194

Did 5 minutes abs workout. Got to step up my game.

>> No.13377363

Pick up a fucking barbell and lift heavy ass weight. Buy chainlink until $999

>> No.13377962


>> No.13378997

>reducing carbs
Never gonna make it

>> No.13379025

I did shoulders and legs link bros