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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13375457 No.13375457 [Reply] [Original]

In /cng/ we discuss node, api's, hardware, cloud computing services, and anything else related to node operations

>running a node


>Ethereum as a service (EaaS)

>rough system requirements
2 cores (intel i5, i6, i7 from the 6th gen onwards is SGX comaptible)
4gb ram
Storage must be expandable to grow with geth node requirements

to be made

>web services

linkpool releases bridges https://medium.com/linkpool/welcoming-bridges-chainlink-adaptor-framework-14437feb4331
CLC may or may not be a scam
1k eoy

anon has a fix for accessing dashboard on aws >>13330808 >>13330892

previous thread >>13364761

>> No.13375690

>wasting time talking about running forever-unused node that delivers questionable outside data to the zero monthly user eth dapps ecosystem.


>> No.13375708

so instead of actually taking advantage of the bear market, you sat around circlejerking about a project that isn't even close to completion, has no large companies or data sources lined up, has no reliable staking model as individual nodes will most likely never get whitelisted for important/high volume contracts, and managed to waste yet another opportunity to make money?

the cope just never ends with you guys

>> No.13376045
File: 312 KB, 737x1280, ChainLinkNode.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have had my Chainlink node compile for 40 minutes so far. But setting it up isn't as tedious as I thought it would be, though I had to jump around tutorials since one I followed had out of date packages.

In any case, what APIs do you guys plan on subscribing to your node? The Node anon says that the race to become profitable from the API providers is going to be ruthless so you have to carve out a niche for yourself in the market. So far, I can only see myself using the Steam API, I need to look for a financial API as well. I'd do more vidya related API to make my oracle node gaming oriented, but just how profitable would that be?

>> No.13376070
File: 779 KB, 1920x3334, ChainlinkNode.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*readable version, my bad.

>> No.13376335

kek this

>> No.13376360

Fiews list is presently free (though they mentioned a charge in their discord channel recently), the team has provided a few, and all of clcs are per-call. between fiews and clc we're looking at 30+ apis, which is nice

im trying to reach out to others, but they dont even get back to me... ;(

>> No.13376372

Maybe check website APIs, as in buying and selling domains. This shit should not talk days for a domain to be transfered. Some way to involve smart contracts/oracles with domain ownership and management?

>> No.13376577


>> No.13376735

if i dont have the hardware( just a gaming pc).. is it worthwhile to run a node from that or should i just do it from aws/azure alltogether?
and if going with the latter is it enough to have 1 instance? what if their server goes bust?

>> No.13376813

>what if their server goes bust?
You lose your LINK, easy as that

>> No.13376858

i will insure them. thats for sure!

>> No.13376921

How much LINK can one reasonably hope to earn from running a node?