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File: 9 KB, 292x173, 787256320983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13374320 No.13374320 [Reply] [Original]

David Schwartz has moved around ~3 Million XRP to Coinbase in the past several days. Here is his one of his wallets as evidence:


Another Ripple employee has moved 7-8 Million XRP to BitThumb, GateHub, etc in the past several days. Here is his one of his wallets as evidence:


Some of these movements probably explain why XRP prices haven't moved while the rest of the market has gone up. But, these aren't even the big wallets. In January and February 2017 this Wallet alone dumped OVER 1 BILLION XRP on exchanges. Here is the wallet as evidence.


Be careful holding XRP, I suspect continued dumps suppressing price.

>> No.13374328

XRP Bank run

>> No.13374355

I had a feeling this was being manipulated after a sudden spike to 8500 sats a while back was quicky stopped on its tracks

>> No.13374359

you realize 10 million ripple is barely anything right

>> No.13374380
File: 529 KB, 586x773, merchant55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you filthy anti-semites, we'll get your shekels one way or another!

>> No.13374391

Lmao, fucking this. Daily volume is like 3 billion XRP, even if you say two thirds of that is fake your 10 million XRP are still only 1% of the total volume

>> No.13374396

>implying just because OP only found 2 people it means only 2 people are damping
Shills gonna shill.

>> No.13374413

See you at 589

>> No.13374429



>> No.13374431

my entire crypto portfolio is 714 XRP, am I gonna make it?

>> No.13374446

bull trap ass fuck

>> No.13374455

>two thirds of that is fake
99% is fake

>> No.13374476
File: 40 KB, 952x335, Bull-Trap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13374487

ripple is not a crypto, it should get delisted imo

>> No.13374494

You are right. Ripple is a company, not a crypto

>> No.13374513
File: 85 KB, 598x500, gaddafi-just-start-your-own-bank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a Jew banker scam to undermine the use case of actual crypto and maintain Jew banker control over currency.

>> No.13374540

scam.... XD '
XD Legit scam... "with surnames" on wallets XD

>> No.13374590
File: 337 KB, 548x503, alinsky-kikes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Juden raus.

>> No.13374678

real cash out under nick JoelKatz ??!

>> No.13374703
File: 1.93 MB, 1788x2540, xlm market dump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol op fud is weak
the adress you posted takes the coins to nowhere
this is how you trash a coin, learn op, and come back when you have something worth reading

>> No.13374859

>David Schwartz has moved around ~3 Million XRP to Coinbase in the past several days. Here is his one of his wallets as evidence:
David Schwartz purchased all of his XRP with his own money. It wasn't given to him by Ripple. He can do whatever the fuck he wants with it.

>Another Ripple employee has moved 7-8 Million XRP to BitThumb, GateHub, etc in the past several days. Here is his one of his wallets as evidence:
Who is this guy? Never heard of him.

> In January and February 2017 this Wallet alone dumped OVER 1 BILLION XRP on exchanges. Here is the wallet as evidence.
The first transaction for that wallet was in Dec 2017.

>> No.13374911


>The first transaction for that wallet was in Dec 2017

I put Jan and Feb 2017 instead of Jan and Feb 2018. Look at the wallet, it dumped ONE BILLION XRP in Jan/Feb 2018 when the price was $2-3. Why don't you look at the transactions instead of calling me out for mis-typing 2017 instead of 2018?



They take the coins to exchanges for dumping

>> No.13375002
File: 31 KB, 680x618, 1549218186846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They take the coins to exchanges for dumping

MFG You see, things are not what they seem.

>> No.13375042

proof of that?
it is a well known fact that ripple sells xrp and they publish quarterly reports, they are very transparent in that sense
but the adresses you posted takes it to nowhere, you probably just copy pasted random adresses and are claiming that it is ripple dumping, bad fud, weak fud, learn to fud

>> No.13375048

not any time soon but yes eventually, XRPayments now works on Appstore and Google Playstore this shit is about to fucking moon like crazy and people dumping aint gonna do shit

>> No.13375055

this >>13375042 replying to this >>13374911

>> No.13375298
File: 1.47 MB, 993x889, 1554525566270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.13376039


This is very useful info and it makes sense as to why XRP prices haven't moved despite the market upturn.

The scary thing is a 2018 dump of 1 Billion XRP which is why I don't allocate more than 5% to XRP